Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 102 - Holland (18+)

<<<<<<<<<<<<LEMON... feel free to skip the rest of this chapter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Theoric wanted to make sure Io was fine but knew it was best to let it go, for now. Besides, there was a far more pressing matter that needed to be attended to, the siren song wasn't only enchanting to men, it was also a form of aphrodisiac and the only thing keeping him from bursting was thanks to his built up immunity due to his growing life force that already had him constantly on edge.

You would think any amount of stimulation would send him over, but he has been carefully walking this edge ever since he was saved from disaster thanks to Gaea stopping him from plowing his wife into oblivion.

His self-control was now beyond godlike at this point since it was an ever-present problem he had to work on in order to prevent himself from pushing down every woman he sees in a l.u.s.t-filled induced rage that wouldn't end until they expired beneath him in a pool of s.e.m.e.n. It was one of the reasons he now wished to have more women, so there would always be someone available to sate his l.u.s.t should it grow too far out of hand.

He l.u.s.tfully looked at the strawberry blonde siren who met his gaze only to blush and looked down knowing what was to come next.

Walking over he lifted her head- "Tell me your name." he huskily commanded.

"Holland, my mother named me Holland after my Irish father managed to make it to shore despite the odds." Though she didn't sound Irish.

Holland is a beautiful, thin, and petite woman with very pale skin, hazel eyes, and long strawberry blonde hair.

Theoric grins- "Holland huh, an apt name to be sure, come with me so I can begin to explore this Holy land." he playfully said grabbing her hand and leading her to the captains quarters since it was now available, Theoric could already tell that man likely had a comfy bed waiting and he wasn't wrong.

If he wasn't already on edge he might spend more time talking to her and try to figure out what she's about and why it turned out this way, but now he was just ready to shoot first and ask questions later.

"Quickly disrobe before I tear it off you," he growled anxiously, trying to hold himself back.

Hollan gasped from his husky tone which brought shivers down her spine and wetness to her crotch. Sirens were made to be dominated by strong men despite all evidence to the contrary. They lure in victims and potential mates, waiting patiently for the strongest to survive the gauntlet and f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y take them, often very roughly as they drown in their l.u.s.t thanks to the Sirens song. That way they would ensure the strength of the next generation to be better than the last.

Soon her robes fell exposing her milky soft skin, along with her subtle b.r.e.a.s.ts, just big enough so he wasn't disappointed, along with delicious pink that begged to be eaten.

Theoric having already stripped stood there n.a.k.e.d before her fully erect just appreciating how beautiful she looked. He didn't wish to spoil the moment by immediately taking her, he wished to soak it all in and get to know his new woman.

Growing nervous she instinctively began to hide her privates causing Thoeirc to make his move.

"Don't ever hide yourself before me," he said pulling her arms away so he could once again see the bounty beneath.

Inching closer he began to c.a.r.e.s.s her, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin beneath his hand, the softness of her b.r.e.a.s.ts, the hardening of her, the wetness of her crotch.

She closed her eyes and softly m.o.a.n.e.d under the mercy of his hands.

Grinning he leaned down kissing those amazing full pouty lips that begged to be tasted.

Theoric chuckled when he released her bottom lip after s.u.c.k.i.n.g it out, seeing her l.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips as if asking for more which he was more than happy to grant as he went back down aiming for her tongue. This time using his tongue to wrestle with hers a bit before he tricked it into coming into his mouth where he began to suck it out like he originally did with the lips, making sure to taste everything he could.

At the same time, his hands never stopped roaming, searching for all her weaknesses.

He was discovering that she liked it rough as each hard pinch on her got a happy m.o.a.n out of her and each hard squeeze made her gush below.

Theoric having enough with floor play grabbed her a.s.s, giving it a tight squeeze as he lifted her, causing her to m.o.a.n out loud before wrapping her arms around him so she could continue to kiss him while he guided them to the bed.

Theoric was as hard as he's ever been as that last m.o.a.n seemed to let out the sirens ability as he started to lose focus of what he wanted and started to get straight to the action.

Dropping her on the bed, he wasted no time in lining up and thrusting in, forcing out another power induced m.o.a.n which further spurned him on.

Kissing less and less he started to focus completely on the task at hand.

He was soon thrusting in and out of her faster and harder than he ever intended for their first time while still occasionally squeezing her t.i.t.s so she would release more m.o.a.ns, more juice as her many began to pile up.

Luckily Sirens were made to be able to take it, otherwise, he might have already broken her, but even she was coming to her limit as Theoric continued his relentless assault.

Thankfully Sigyn arrived later after settling Io and Anna down who weren't ready for anything intimate and saved the poor siren as she distracted Theoric with her amazing t.i.t.s when they came bouncing into view.

Sigyn happily came over completely nude intending to get in on the action and try the new girl out- "Theeeooo, I'm ready to plaaayyyaaa." she said coming from up behind him only to gasp when she saw the state of the siren.

Theoric catching sight of her quickly pulled her over and began to have his way with her, starting with her t.i.t.s as he roughly started s.u.c.k.i.n.g on them, vigorously pulling them with his mouth as he tasted his love.

Sigyn yelped in surprise at how rough he was being, he was for the most part only ever gentle with her, it was rare for him to ever get rough- "AH, Ah, Ah, Theo! Ah, Theo! Ah, Ah, Ah."

On the side, the siren who was humped into a semi-unconscious state, regained clarity as she looked around recalling what happened, only to see Theoric roughly pounding Sigyn while s.u.c.k.i.n.g her t.i.t.s.

Holland then started to move only to feel the soreness in her crotch as she m.o.a.n.e.d a little due to the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e/pain it brought her while moving her hand down to gently rub it while she watched the two lovebirds, but her m.o.a.n had disastrous consequences for her as Theoric stopped what he was doing to stare hungrily at her.

Realizing her mistake too late she barely got a word in before he was back on top of her- "Wait... Ah, Wai, Ah, Wa, Ah, Ah, Ah." her m.o.a.ns once again igniting him to full peek performance.

And the night continued as so, with Sigyn helping when she could, using her healing powers to help the poor girl out, but having it backfire as it resensitized the Siren who was otherwise at her limit. Thus making her m.o.a.ns once again poor out as she begged Sigyn to stop helping who was blushing guiltily on the side, now too ashamed to even taste the new girl as she planned.

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