Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 111 - Cobra Gorgons

As the three of them made their way back to the exit, they found it blocked by a dozen Gorgons. A group of 12 burly Cobra snakeheads with their classic hoods flared out, and eyes gouged out with what looked like red bloodstains permanently tattooed coming out of their empty sockets. Each holding two curved swords crossed in front of them coming out around their head on either side just shy of touching their neighbors as they held them close to their c.h.e.s.ts in a formation of 2 rows with 6 in front and 6 in back.

A smaller normal snake-headed Gorgon adorned with gold arm circlets, blindfolded and carrying a staff with a tied up covering around the top, slithered out from behind,- "Evil's one's, your's time's is's up's, we's have's sacrificed's much's to's train's these's warrior's in's order's to's kill's you's."

Medusa who was nervously thinking about heading to the shore angrily focused on these disgusting things in front of her,- "You nasty little worms should all just die!" she said as she pulled out her bow and shot before any more talking could take place. Straight at the head of the one who spoke only for the closest cobra gorgon to swipe his sword and hit the arrow out of the air before it could hit.

The one with the gold arm circlets could guess what happened as it laughed- "You's see's evil's one's, they's are's more's then's capable's of's defeating's you's." he happily said as he slithered out of the way before commanding them to attack- "Kill's her's."

Anna asked- "What's going on?"

Medusa- "Those horrible things are attacking again, except this time it seems they're ready to kill me, they trained warriors to fight without eyes," she said shooting a few more arrows only to see the Cobra men easily slithering to the side, dodging each one as they used honed listening skills.

They quickly headed straight for Medusa having no trouble locating her thanks to their instinctive ability to smell out their prey with their forked tongues as they constantly flicked in and out of their mouths.

Anna squeezed Theoric hand after hearing more curses coming from Medusa as she missed her shots- "Theo, do something." she pleaded.

Theoric- "Don't worry, I don't believe these snake men can't be all that strong... Medusa, take Anna's hand."

Medusa however didn't heed his advice, unaware of what he was capable of as she slithered around trying to hit one while retreating as they quickly closed the gap.

Most of the Cobra left in pursuit of Medusa only leaving one behind to take care of the two pests.

The cobra man came up to them fast, swinging hard in order to slice right through and rejoin the others, only to be surprised moments later when he connected against with what felt like a steel wall as his sword clanged against Theoric who was able to brace himself well enough after hearing an attack coming but had no clue from where having never trained blind before.

Theoric cursed as he extended his power out to capture the one who attacked- "Shit, she left, if only I could have her close her eyes so we can open ours and I'd be able to finish this in a flash, but there's no way I can risk it now with her running around." he said forming a blade to finish the one he captured, who was left utterly confused at what was happening to him even as his head slid off.

Medusa meanwhile was slithering farther and farther away as she tried to avoid the cobra warriors, occasionally turning to shoot a few arrows in order to keep them at bay as they slowly began to close the distance.

Finally getting lucky she managed to hit one's tail causing it to angrily hissed at her which in turn had her letting out that signature laugh all gorgons came to fear and hate. This only angered them further as they increased their speed, the closest ones starting to take strikes at her backside, crushing rocks wherever they missed as Medusa did her best to zigzag away, trying to keep her tail from being chopped off.

A few strikes later and blood was spilled as a swing managed to find its mark, causing Medusa to cry out in pain as she hissed back angrily, but kept her speed as she headed to an area she was too familiar with.

She didn't show it thanks to her small mental break from being cursed and alone, but she was very afraid having never been in a real fight before, only ever relying on her curse to take care of any potential enemy. Some would come blindfolded every now and again, but they were never as well trained as these cobra men, it was all too easy to get them to open their eyes back up after shooting a couple of arrows.

Smelling the fresh blood in the air after finally landing a hit on the evil one, the cobra gorgons morale was at an all-time high as they continued the chase into the boiling lava pools ahead.

Medusa knew this place like the back of her hand and could likely navigate it blind far better than the cobra warriors who while well trained were still at an immense disadvantage when it came to knowing the terrain thanks to her monopoly on it these past few years due to the changes after every small shake/eruption.

She came to the place she often contemplated suicide and pushed the odds, deciding it was time for another go as she slithered on as fast as she could towards the edge of a large gap where lava boiled below.

Glancing back she couldn't help but grin, going full speed ahead off of a small rock ramp area that was smooth from her constant usage. The closest three cobra men who were still high in a blood frenzy from the recent wound they inflicted on her, charged on without a thought as they went over the edge right after.

Leaping over the gap Medusa landed on the other side with little problem as she turned to look at the three who followed. Two missed the narrow ramp and fell straight into the pool, but the one right behind her hit it as he awkwardly soared through the air in pursuit, just managing to grab the edge on the other side as he struggled to hold on as his dangling snake body looked for something to grasp onto so he could push himself up.

The other pursuers stopped at the edge having heard their fellow brother in arms fall to their deaths. They were not prepared for situations like this, never expecting the evil one to jump gaps, after all, Gorgons were not designed for such things.

Spotting them at the edge, Medusa took aim and fired with no luck as they easily ducked out of the way or outright smacked them out of the air making her frown as she watched them split off and silently find their way around in two groups.

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