Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 112 - The Holy Weapon

Anna- "What do we do now?"

Theoric- "Well I can hear where the sounds are coming from, lets just head in that direction for now I suppose, I also just thought of a great way to deal with this whole blind thing, so there's that." he said lifting them both a foot off the ground on an energy platform and placing another wall of energy in front so they won't run into anything on the way.

"Who's Are's You's?" asked the snake man with golden arm circles, blindfold, holding a covered staff.

Anna and Theoric both had a small scare hearing him speak with Theoric cursing again- "Damn, your still there? Did I ever tell you, Anna, how much I hate being blind or deaf for that matter, we need to find ways to deal with this crap in the future so we don't have to go through it again."

Anna agreed with that sentiment- "Mn."

The snake man would have also agreed except he could still smell them well enough, as well as the dead cobra man who went after them.- "It's makes's no's difference's, after's they's finish's off's the's evil's one's, I'll's have's them's kill's you's." he said still fully confident in his elite warriors.

(Yeah, I'm done doing the whole 'S thing at the end for the snake voices.)

But moments later he had a different idea as he played with the staff's covering- "On second thought I think I'll deal with you myself, this staff was made to prove our superiority over that abomination, but since she isn't here right now, I think I'll try it out on you. first" he hissed pulling the covering off the top in one swift motion revealing multiple eyes placed all over the top of the staff.

He then let out an arrogant laugh- "Haha, fear not for this is our crowning achievement, with this staff not only will you die instantly and turn to stone like the evil one does, but your body will break down and turn to dust, with or without your eyes being covered, haha." He laughed as he powered the staff up, the eyes glowing purple as he aimed it in the direction of Theoric and Anna who were quietly listening to his rant, and then shot out a purple light that bathed the two in its glow.

After a while, the snake man finished lowering the staff as he laughed to himself- "Haha, won't be hearing from them again, wish I could have seen it, but I can't risk getting caught by the evil one's gaze by mistake, hopefully, the Cobra's can take care of it for me."

Anna who was listening somewhat nervously, whispered- "What's happening?" She asked wondering why the snake man is now talking like they're dead.

Theoric whispered back- "I don't know, I think he did something, but it seems we're fine, and since he's blindfolded like us he thinks it just worked I guess... You know now that I think about it, it's strange they need to hide from Medusa's eyes."

Anna suddenly grew brighter hearing that as she thought about the implications- "Your right! That proves my mom didn't make all these, it's just as I thought, these guys were likely the basis in which she came up with her curse." she exclaimed feeling better about her mother not going around cursing everyone in sight.

"Yeah, just one innocent." mocked Theoric with a grin which got him a smack on the arm.

Anna frowned- "There must be a reason, I refuse to believe my mom would do something so, so, so..."

"Dumb?" Said Theoric trying to finish her thoughts which only got him another smack, he was suddenly feeling pretty good about having their personal shields still up, in case he made her any angrier today and she chooses to do something more than just hit him.

Anna angrily shot back- "Wrong, I was going to say wrong, tell me Theoric, are you still interested in sleeping with me?"

Theoric then went very quiet as Anna gave a- "Hmph!" in victory.

The snake man who heard all this was very confused about how they were still alive- "Not possible, how are you still breathing? Wait a minute, you must be behind some kind of cover, step out here and face me!" he yelled, hissing in frustration at his failure to kill a couple of pests with their greatest weapon.

"I guess these shields are useful for something other than protecting you from my anger," said Anna not forgetting that little detail much to Theoric's dismay, thinking she may punish him in other ways now, and he was still very much into her sweet, sweet body.

"Theo, we've wasted enough time here, Medusa could be in trouble."

"I know, just give me a second to end this guy and take whatever weapon he's so proud of, it doesn't' sound likely anything good that should be allowed out in the world."

Theoric then aimed his out raised arm, hand out, in the general direction of the snake man who was beginning another rant while clenching the staff close to his c.h.e.s.t- "You dare think you can take our new holy weapon, you are nothing but a..."

He was interrupted by a hail of swords as Theoric sent wave after wave of energy swords towards his direction, shredding his body as they tore through him and destroyed the surrounding area.

Knowing where the snake now was Theoric shifted the last wave into hands to bring the body and all its possessions back so he could find this weapon and make sure it was destroyed.

Theoric then rummaged through the body until his hands landed on the pieces of the staff, finding the upper half still intact with the eyes.

"Uh, this feels strange, here check it out," he said passing it to Anna.

Anna felt the squishy bulbs in her hand as she examined it wondering what that feeling could be,- "Yeah it is, what do you think it is?"

Theoric then chuckled a little- "Don't you remember what he said about its power?"

Anna then paled as dropped it and kicked it away- "Get it away, get it away, why on earth would you hand me something so nasty."

"Don't tell me you just threw it away? Now I need to find it again so I can destroy it," said Theoric rubbing his face, he should have known this would be the result, though he hoped a woman who was familiar with battle and death wouldn't react in such a girly manner.

"Why would you hand me something so disgusting, how was I suppose to react?" she asked,

"Well I didn't realize the bloody princes from a month ago would suddenly freak out over a couple of eyes."

Anna blushed a little in embarrassment before defending herself with a snort, glad that he couldn't see her face- "This is different, and it wasn't just a couple, and it felt so gross, I'll have you know I don't go around feeling eyeballs of those I fight nor do I feel any of their body parts for that matter."

Theoric relented- "Alright, alright, just give me a minute to find it, and then we'll race off to find Medusa, hopefully, she's holding up okay."

It wasn't long before he found it as he scr.a.p.ed the floor in front of them with his energy looking for anything that wasn't a rock. He then proceeded to crush it into nothingness before taking Anna's hand on the floating platform just a foot above the ground so they don't stumble anymore and began walking with a vertical energy shield 5 feet in front so they don't run face first into anything on the way, extending the platform as they walked while it slowly disappeared behind them.

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