Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 121 - Sigyn's Determination

Theoric at this moment was feeling extremely remorseful for killing the creature. Calling Sigyn over he simply stared at the creature, but he knew if he went back, he would still have done the same thing. He tried talking to the creature but it seemed like it was a mindless thing that just wanted him dead at the time.

Arriving with the others, Sigyn seeing Theoric upset, headed straight over to try and make him feel better, though she was confused by this. He no longer seemed like the same Theoric she once knew, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. He seemed to care more for life which made her happy as she was never a fan of his wanton killing past and his thirst for battle and power.

Living in Asgard she came to accept his more brutal side, but having always lived behind Asgardians walls, ever safe, she grew up less a warrior as most would and more a regular person who just wanted to live a happy normal life.

Sigyn- "Theo, What's wrong?" Sigyn asked feeling confused, first the whale and now this creature, his change was becoming more noticeable. The thing that confused her though was that after someone hurt her, Theoric would be more than happy to end its miserable little life without exception, so it was strange not seeing him happy about putting the perpetrator down. She was starting to wonder just how great this change was.

Without looking away he answered- "It spoke in the end, it sounded pitiful, it sounded sad, it sounded like it was betrayed, controlled to come and fight us."

Sigyn gasped holding her hand to her mouth- "Oh the poor thing, It's okay Theo, you didn't know, it attacked us without saying anything, it attacked me, it's not your fault." she said patting his back.

Theoric could only sigh before turning around to meet with the others.

Sigyn seeing how hard this change was becoming for Theoric wished to help him. She didn't like seeing him so sad and feeling wrong, she didn't want him to regret his new life choices. She wasn't sure if his new changes were good or not, but she would love him anyway and would do her best to help him.

She decided to head for the creature feeling this was her chance to finally provide aide for Theoric. She knew a warrior like him would never have considered healing an enemy he put down, but there might still be a chance to heal the creature and give Theoric a much-needed confidence boost on his new path.

Reaching out her hands, feeling the smooth icy cold green scales, hands glowing green to match as she activated her healing power. She saw how damaged it was on the way over, practically missing an entire chunk out of a 24 some foot-long leg thanks to Theoric's attack and self-mutilation in an attempt to stop it.

She could feel now how damaged it was on the inside, but a grin soon replaced her horror at what it must have gone through and why Theoric was so sad, she could feel the smallest amount of life.

Determined to see this through, she mentally prepared herself as she kneeled down, shining brighter and brighter as she powered up to her max like never before in her endeavor to keep this creature alive.


Meanwhile, Theoric was talking with the other ladies, not forgetting to thank Holland for her help with a nice kiss before realizing he now had to give Io and Anna the same treatment if he didn't wish to be glared at for a long period of time.

That left Nina who didn't really do anything, but Theoric couldn't just leave her hanging as he went over to give her a kiss which she accepted fully aware of why he did it.- "Why? I didn't do anything." she said after he finished.

Theoric could only wryly grin at her trying to come up with something- "You know moral support is also very important, I wouldn't want to die knowing I would be leaving such beauty all alone."

But it backfired as Nina paled, what would she do if she was left alone again, would she be doomed to fall prey to others all over again.

She glanced at Anna who still carried her bow, she wouldn't allow that to happen, she didn't want to stay on the side and be useless, and she didn't want to be a victim again.

Walking up to Anna she held out her hand- "I would like my bow back now."

Anna instinctively held the bow closer, not wishing to give it up,- "Are you sure? Remember it was Athena who made this." she said trying to talk Nina out of it.

Nina gritted her teeth- "Yes and she gave it to me, probably in some morbidly foolish bid to get me to forgive her." she spat.

Anna scowled- "How dare you, you would have never met Theoric or Sigyn if not for my mother, you should be thanking her."

Theoric and Io instantly facepalmed knowing things were only going to get worst from here.

Nina was now fuming with anger, barely able to contain it as she raised her voice to all-new levels yelling back- "Thank Her! Thank Her!, You Think I Should Thank Her?!"

Just when Theoric and Io were about to step in, Io noticed Sigyn. Tapping Theoric's shoulder she pointed it out,- "Theo, quickly look, what is Sigyn doing?" she asked.

Theoric turned around to find Sigyn now glowing a very bright green,- "I don't know."

Theoric called out as he made his way over,- "Sigyn, what are you doing?" he asked.

Distracted from the turn of events, Nina and Anna momentarily dropped their fight with a glare as they turned to follow.

Sigyn heard nothing as she concentrated on the task at hand, she was pouring everything into this, believing it to be the best way she could help Theoric at the moment.

Theoric arriving next to her called her name one last time- "Sigyn..." Trailing off as he noticed how focused she was, the beads of sweat now forming on her brow.- "Are you really trying to heal it?" he softly muttered.

Just as he was about to place his hand on the creature, he was stopped by Io.

Seeing his confused look, she shook her head- "Don't, let her do it."

Theoric not understanding, asked,- "Why? She may need my help."

Io- "Can't you see how important this is to her, you need to let her do this," she said looking at Sigyn. She could see the determination, she could see how badly Sigyn wanted to do this, how much effort she was putting into it. though Io didn't know exactly why she felt that way.

Theoric couldn't help but think maybe Io really didn't care about other forms of life other than people,- "You know this is a life we're talking about, right?"

Io rolled her eyes- "Yes, and if it looks like Sigyn can't do it, then you can step in, but don't take this away from her."

Theoric reluctantly backed off even though he still held some guilt towards the creature, made worst by the fact that he didn't even think about trying to heal it.

To Sigyn this was more than just healing a creature, this would be her first real big contribution to Theoric in one of his fights, especially after feeling like such a burden at the initial start. She only ever wishes to be helpful for him, never a burden.

She first stoked the fires of life, trying to stabilize the creature, mending the internal damage around the vitals. When that was done, next came that hard part as she moved down along Theoric's path of destruction, healing the parts that needed it most, choosing to let the leftover regeneration take care of the rest.

Not willing to give up, she thought up a solution, she called upon her plant power and began spreading it over the injured area so she could directly pour the magic out from the tip of the roots to the affected areas rather than trying to spread her power out from one location on the creature.

Now panting she pushed past her wall as she started the final round of healing, now directly upon the wounds from the roots of her plants. The efficiency skyrocketed as the wounds began to heal, the nasty leg gash slowly started to regenerate, but ultimately stayed open as she started running out of power finishing the internal damage.

She didn't stop though until she heard the great intake of breath as the creature returned from the very brink of death.

Happy to see its c.h.e.s.t moving up and down now, Sigyn stopped now drenched with sweat. Turning with a big smile on her face to Theoric- "Theo, I did it, now you don't have to be sad anymore." she said with the sweetest smile as she started to fall into the waiting arms of Theoric.

Theoric grinned widely as he cradled her in his arms,- "Silly girl, how could I ever be sad with you around." he said brushing her damp hair off her face.

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