Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 122 - Downtime

After handing off the sleeping tired form of Sigyn, Theoric climbed up on top of the creature in order to assess the situation.

Anna seeing the loving form of Theoric and Sigyn together was taking the time to go over her recent argument with Nina, realizing she got a little too triggered by her words. Nina had every right to have a grudge against her mother and she shouldn't have started a fight because of it.

Anna took the bow off and shoved it into Nina's hands without looking- "Here, this belongs to you," she said not intending to apologize for anything.

Nina grabbing it snorted- "It certainly is," not at all thankful for Anna giving something that was already her's back.

The friction still present, they did their best to ignore it as they went over to check on Sigyn's condition.

Io gently cradling Sigyn's head on her l.a.p,- "She's alright, she just needs to rest now, how are you two doing, got everything settled?" She asked not wising to see them fight. She knew it was the last thing Anna wanted, but she still had that arrogant pride of always being right. Nina, on the other hand, would take time, her situation was still quite fresh.

Nina just snorted again as she looked away with Anna doing similar.

Io grinned- "Good, let's try and get along."

Anna feeling uncomfortable thought of something to do,- "I forgot to tell Theoric about the scouts we saw," she said walking over to the creature and began to climb.

Nina ignoring her bent down to give Io a break- "Here let me look after Sigyn, I'll see that she's nice and comfy."

Io- "Sure," she said handing her off,- "I'll also head up and see if everything is okay."

On top of the creature, Theoric was just finishing up the leftover healing as he moved from the damaged eye to the damaged leg, healing everything back to normal, though it may take some time for the scales to come back around the leg. He wasn't about to expend any extra effort in trying to grow its scales back, if Sigyn wished to do that when she woke up then he would let her do it.

Wiping sweat from his brow he looked out at the horizon, towards Athens where he spotted a group of soldiers camped out watching.

Anna coming up from behind spoke- "Aw, I was just coming up here to tell you about that, there was a scouting party that came to check out the commotion and saw everything before leaving to go report, it seems they're here."

Io not too far behind, arrived,- "I can't make out much, but it seems like they rounded up a decent number considering that most of their troops should be on the western side fighting a war."

"It seems like they are just monitoring us for now, the scouts likely told them how scary the creature is," Theoric reasoned.

Anna- "Yeah and if they're smart, they'll continue to monitor and not send anyone over to agitate it and risk drawing its attention towards Athens."

Theoric- "Well they could want to draw its attention elsewhere."

Anna- "True, that is a possibility."

Io- "So what are we doing? Anything?"

Theoric- "What is there for us to do?"

Io- "I don't know, but it feels strange talking about all this stuff that could happen and we're not going to do anything, don't you guys have some sort of plan or something?" She asked knowing Anna usually always had some sort of idea of what to do.

Anna- "Well there really is nothing we can do at the moment, Sigyn is sleeping and who knows when this creature is going to wake up...( She then looks towards the sun putting her hand up.)... And not to mention the sun is about to go down, that's also probably when they'll make a move to get closer with scouts."

Theoric- "We'll camp on the other side of this beast tonight, they won't be able to do anything to it, so we'll just wait for Sigyn and the creature to wake up, that's the plan."

Just to make sure they couldn't harm the creature, he wrapped a barrier around the wounded leg and other vulnerable areas like the eyes, ears, and mouth, making sure it was breathable, before turning in for the night.


First thing in the morning, Theoric flew up and checked to see what the army was up to after hearing some of them stalking around last night near the creature.

The army was closer, but still at a respectable distance away after getting the reports last night from their scouts about how big the creature really was up close, and about all the destruction in the area that it caused, and about how some of them stupidly tried poking it only to be unable to hurt, scratch or harm it in any way, thanking the gods that they didn't accidentally wake it up.

Theoric rubbed his chin in thought as he watched them from his perch,- 'They didn't even bother looking for us, it seems those scouts aren't very good, this is definitely a ragtag bunch that was scrounged together just to buy time if the Spartans happened to grow clever and sneak a force around from this direction, the war must be quite intense for them, I wonder if the gods are doing anything or just watching.'

It was at this time Sigyn awoke- "Mmm, Theo?"

Nina waking up next to her immediately got up,- "You're up! Is there anything I can get you or do for you? Are you feeling okay? Let me know if you need anything."

Sigyn a bit overwhelmed by Nina was happy to see Theoric show up,- "Theo, how is it? Did I do good?"

Theoric smiled while stroking her head- "You did great as you always do, the creature is fine and should wake up any minute now, feel free to check him out and see for yourself."

Sigyn did just that as she wandered on over to the creature, gently placing her hands on it.

Taking her hand off she looked at Theoric with a grin- "It worked!" then she grew a little solemn- "I hope he doesn't go back to being brainwashed though."

Theoric- "I don't think he will, being so close to death seemed to bring a change in him, and now that you healed him from the very brink, I think he should be fine as long as he doesn't go back to the ones who did it."

Sigyn silently thought for a bit before putting her hand back on the creature,- "I think I'll check his head and finish the healing."

Seeing how serious Sigyn was about this, he left her to it, letting Nina take care of any needs she may have.

Stumbling across Holland on his way to find Anna and Io, he stopped to see how she was doing.

Theoric decided to not worry about anything and take a load off next to her, enjoying the sound of her voice,- "So how are you doing this fine morning? I've noticed you humming more often of late."

Holland stopped what she was doing, before continuing to pick the last petal,- "Humming soothes me, let's me relax, and it reminds me of my mother," she then looked at Theoric,- "You're not angry are you?" she asked with bated breath, knowing how he didn't like losing control due to her enchanting voice.

Theoric smiled- "No I'm not angry, and just for the record I love your voice, I promise in time you'll be able to sing for me without any fear of me losing control, I am getting used to it, but I think it's best if I ask for an enchanted item from Athena in the meantime while I work on my immunity."

Holland broke out into a smile hearing how he loved her voice,- "Mn, I'll be sure to sing for you as much as you want at that time."She said hugging his arm, resting her head against him.

Theoric- "I can't wait." he said leaning back against the tree, not wishing to get up and ruin the moment.

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