Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 123 - New Companion

Anna and Io interrupting them, came with irritating news- "I hate to disturb you, but you should know they have started to recruit from the local villages, I think they're gearing up for an attack," said Anna.

Theoric sighed- "Did those scouts tell them nothing? What makes them think that more people will change anything."

Io looked away when she answered- "Human nature." she said knowing she was going to regret it.

Theoric suddenly burst out laughing- "I'm sorry, do my ears deceive me? What was that my dear?"

Io- "I'm not saying it again, Humph!"

Theoric grinned- "Don't be like that, go on say it once more."

Io squinted her eyes at him- "You do know I'm human don't you?"

Theoric chuckled- "It's not like I hate them, at least not all of them, I just don't like how they act like they're better than animals but then end up no better if not worst... Anyways, so they're going to attack, just let them, they won't be able to do anything."

Anna- "I saw them gathering supplies, I think they're going to try building things like catapults and ballistae."

Theoric- "Well that could prove annoying, but still not a problem, thankfully they're unlikely to send the troops if they're making things like that, at least I hope so, would hate for there to be any accidents, right Io?" he asked, trying to poke fun at her save everyone philosophy and humanity in general.

Io glared at him,- "You sure are trying hard today, are you already over me?" she asked with an underlying threat that he would be cut off should he continue.

Theoric cleared his throat- "Ahem, no, no, I'm sorry, just trying to have a bit of fun, I sincerely apologize for my poor sense of humor."

Io gave another,- "Hmph!" before storming off, not wishing to stick around him if he was going to act like this.

Anna- "You really should work on your dry sense of humor." she said before following after Io.

"Eh, she acts like I'm the only one with a terrible sense of humor," Theoric then looks to Holland who was still happily clinging to his arm,- "At least you're still here."

Holland grinned,- "Don't worry, I don't think much of humanity either."

Theoric could only wryly grin back as he recalled she used to eat people,- "Your father was human though, do you ever think about that?"

Holland- "No."

Theoric muttered,- "A difference of culture I suppose."

Feeling the ground begin to shake, he looked over to see the creature awakening.

Gathering next to others, they watched as it sat up, tearing out the plants and roots Sigyn was using to treat it.

Giganto was extremely confused about how it was still alive as it sat there looking at itself while also having a bit of an internal self-awareness crisis as it could finally freely think for the first time.

Everyone quietly waited as they watched the creature sitting there, still as a mountain, just staring at its open hands, wondering what was going on.

Meanwhile, the gathered army was freaking out, barking orders left and right to speed up construction and get into formation upon witnessing the giant rise.

Theoric looking up at it, spoke,- "Creature! Hear Me! You have been given a second chance at life thanks to my lovely wife, so I think it's only fair you tell me who sent you."

Looking to the side, its eyes widened upon seeing the one who supposedly killed it.- "It's you, you're the one I was fighting." Giganto said in its rock crumbling sounding voice.

Theoric- "Yes as I was saying, my wife saved your pathetic life, now tell us who sent you."

Sigyn slapped him on the arm,- "Theo! Don't be mean... (looking at the creature.)... Hi, I'm Sigyn, I'm the one who healed you, what's your name?"

Looking over at the female, Giganto felt a strange connection with her and knew deep down that what she said was true,- "Thank you for saving me, I was named Giganto v2."

Sigyn- "V2? that's not a very good name, who gave it to you? Was he the one who forced you to fight?"

"Yes, he was the one who forced me to fight, my father, my creator, I don't remember much though, just bits and pieces, I was in a place underwater I think, and in there I was created as many others... I remember, pain, I remember feeling trapped, and then one day I was released and told to find him, the one next to you, and fight... It was all hazy until the end, that was when the fog lifted only for a brief moment before descending once again, but this time it was completely dark, I remember feeling very scared." said Giganto, not able to stop himself from telling her everything, it just felt right to listen to her, plus it was nice to finally be able to speak and think clearly.

Feeling sad for him, Sigyn went over and gave him a hug- "Oh you poor thing, tell you what, I'll give you a new name."

Giganto- "Okay."

Sigyn then put her finger to her chin trying to think of one,- "Hmmm, How about Manni or Liut, Tofi, Sven, Harek, Hadd, Grani... Yes, that's it, I'll call you Grani."

Theoric quickly interjected,- "I don't think..." but stopped when he saw the happy Sigyn looking back at him, which made the others giggle at both him and the name.

Grani- "From now on my name will be Grani, Thank you, Mistress."

Sigyn,- "Mistress?"

Grani,- "Yes, you saved my life and I am forever in your debt, you are now my Mistress who I will follow for the rest of my life."

Sigyn- "Ummm, you don't have to do that, your free now, don't you want to go and explore?"

Grani- "Does Mistress not want me?"

Sigyn shook her head- "No, it's not that, of course, you're welcomed to stay with us if you want, I couldn't be happier having a new friend."

It was then that Grani grinned for the first time in his life,- "I won't disappoint you, Mistress."

Io- "So, now we have a giant rock monster, how exactly are we suppose to travel around with something so big?"

Anna- "I'm sure, Grani, can hide easily enough, he seemed quite proficient at traveling underground."

Theoric was less than thrilled at the new addition to their party- "Great, now we have a granny to take care of."

Sigyn shot him a look- "His name is Grani, say it right."

Theoric shut his mouth and began pouting about how Sigyn snapped at him for some new pet.

Nina comforted him- "Don't worry Theo, she wasn't defending the creature, but defending the name she picked.

That was when a big rock smashed into the side of Grani, shattering upon impact. Grani on the other hand hardly felt a thing, not even noticing what happened until another flew past its face.

Soon more came flying over along with big wooden ballistae bolts, splintering against Grani's scales.

Grani growled as it blocked its face from a few while rising to its feet. The full 60' tall form casting a dark shadow over the army as it let out a terrifying roar.

Io- "Sigyn quick, tell it to not attack."

Sigyn gave a firm nod,- "Okay... Grani! Grani! Don't attack! I repeat, Don't attack!"

Grani hearing his Mistress's voice stood in place glaring over the small army below which were now panicking seeing the creatures full size.

Nina- "Now what do we do?"

Theoric grinned thinking of something,- "Sigyn, tell Grani to get down and open its mouth."

Anna shuddered,- "You're not thinking what I think you're thinking, are you?" she asked quickly figuring things out.

Theoric,- "It won't be that bad, I'll cover us in energy so we don't feel or smell anything."

Io- "I'm sorry, care to clue the rest of us in?"

Anna,- "He wants us to ride it underneath everything... In its mouth."

Each of the girls had different reactions when thinking about stepping inside something's mouth.

Holland having the worst reaction of them all, looking pale as she exclaimed,- "We can't do that! What if it eats us!" She said knowing full well how easily something could eat something else.

Theoric stroked her head,- "Relax, it won't be that bad, we'll be perfectly fine, in fact, its insides are its weakness, so if it should try anything funny, It'll be simple for me to cut us out."

They were all soon facing Grani's open mouth as Sigyn explained the plan to him.

Theoric wrapped them all in the barrier so they wouldn't have to directly be in the mouth while being in the mouth so to say, and then they took off underground as the army began to fire again, bypassing right under them as Grani took them towards Athens.

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