Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 124 - ...

Theoric- "Tell it to not get too close to the city and try and find a relatively hidden spot to drop us off and wait."

Sigyn- "Okay..." and then began to tell Grani what he should do.

Theoric,- "You know it would be easier if you just listened to me G r a n i," he said emphasizing the name.

Grani could only give a grumbling noise in response, showing its disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e at the thought, the last thing it would do is listen to the one who basically killed him. It was only thanks to his magnanimous Mistress that he was still able to continue living.

Sigyn giggled- "It's fine Grani, you just listen to me and I'll protect you from this baddie."

Grani responding with a softer sound in agreement, trying to move its tongue towards her which ended up knocking many of them off their feet.

Theoric however wasn't going to stand for that as he formed a spear and pressed its point down,- "Don't even think of touching Sigyn with your nasty a.s.s tongue if you wish to continue living."

Making Grani instantly ceased its actions.

Sigyn grinned- "Theo, he was just trying to show his appreciation, he didn't mean anything bad by it."

Grani tried to show his agreement by shaking his head up and down with more soft sounds, while Io tried to get things back on track,- "If you must, just think of him like a dog," she said.

Theoric clicked his tongue as he removed the spear and then headed to Sigyn, bringing her in for a close hug,- "Who you calling a baddie, huh?" he asked as he merged their shields into a bubble and grabbing her a.s.s roughly.

Sigyn yelped- "Ah, Theo, mmm, you know I was just joking."

Io cleared her throat,- "Time and place please, don't tell me you're really thinking of getting it on in here?"

Theoric rolled his eyes- "As if I would let this creature have such an honor."

Io squinted her eyes to see if he was lying because his appetite in the bedroom never ceased to amaze, she couldn't fathom how he was able to control it so well, even learning how to fight the enchanting sounds of the siren in his spare time.

Anna- "Good cause we're here." she said as the head breached the surface, mouth opening to let them out.

Theoric stepped out seeing the city within spitting distance,- "Well this isn't a bad spot, but I think it would be best if he waited underground."

Theoric then paused before sighing,- "Sigyn if you would."

Sigyn grinned as she went up to pet it goodbye,- "Grani, please patiently wait for us here, we'll be heading in real quick and be back before you know it."

Grani- "Yes Mistress, I won't move from this spot."

Sigyn then happily skipped to Theoric who could only sigh again when he noticed the creature not moving underneath,- "Sigyn, aren't you forgetting something."

Sigyn tilted her head in confusion,- "Hm?"

Theoric patiently repeated- "Underground, Sigyn, please if you would tell it to wait underground."

The other grinning from ear to ear knowing Sigyn could be a bit of an airhead at times.

Sigyn- "Oppsie's, okay... (Heading back to Grani.)... Um Grani, if you would be so kind as to also wait underground."

Grani- "As you command Mistress." he said sinking back below.

Sigyn gave a wave to the hole filling back up,- "Thank you!"

Theoric shook his head while muttering,- "Do we really have to deal with this from now on?"

Anna grinning- "I'm sure he'll have his uses down the line."

Io with a stoic face- "As long as the gods don't spot him and take an interest."

Nina frowning when gods came up,- "Speaking of, should I be covered or something? I don't want to walk in there and get captured again or worst bring you all trouble."

They all felt warmth in their hearts when she expressed her concern for them despite the real fear of getting captured again and turned back into a snake monster.

Theoric- "Don't we have a cloak or something around here that we can put over her?"

Sigyn rummaged around their belongings finding one and handing it over.

Io- "It'll take more than that to hide from a gods eye."

Theoric grinned- "My power can hide from ones with much better eyesight than any god down here, in fact, I've been using it to do just that on the ship during our private times, otherwise, he could easily peep in on us."

Back on Asgard, if you looked close enough, you could see Heimdall's eye's twitch.

Theoric then went about increasing the density of the shielding around Nina before throwing the cloak around her to hide her now orange form.

Nina tearing up sniffled a little realizing she was about to be able to meet her mom again after so long,- "Thank you, thank you all so much." she said trying to wipe her tears only for Thoeric to have to remove some of the shielding and wait until she was ready again.

Sigyn was the first to hug her soon followed by the rest as they all did feel really appreciative of the opportunities to meet and become friends.

Once ready, he fully shielded her again as they headed to the city, ready to reunite this wonderful pair of mother and daughter after so much hardship.

However, on their way to the gate entrance, they came across a problem as half a dozen guards spotting him from afar readied their weapons

Theoric had a funny feeling this was more than just wartime nerves- "This might be trouble."

Io- "You think? There is a war going on."

Anna agreed with Theoric- "This looks far too aggressive for that."

Theoric recalling the dock incident sighed as he came clean,- "It might because of the dock incident, I don't think I told you, but I happened to have killed a few soldiers who wanted to have their way with you."

Io faces scrunched up when she heard he killed some people but relaxed when she heard why and decided to let it slide,- "Think there's any chance we can talk our way out of this?" She asked.

Theoric- "I don't know, honestly I'm a little shocked someone told on me, I thought I gave them quite the scare."

Anna- "Well let's first try speaking to them and explain our side, and I'll throw in we're friends with Lady Thena and see if that gets us anywhere, I'd hate to become an enemy to my own mother's city, worst case we sneak our way in and have Lady Thena clear our names."

As they continued to approach they could see more and more guards showing up as the alarm went out.

Anna frowned- "This is starting to look more complicated than a few soldier's deaths."

Io also didn't like this- "Maybe we should stop and do the sneaking around, I don't wish to fight anyone."

Holland then spoke- "Um, if you want, I could sing our way through."

Theoric then turned around grinning and gave her a big kiss on the lips, chuckling- "Haha, how could I forget about that, why of course you can my dear, but first let's see what's going on."

Holland blushing nodded- "Mn, just tell me when."

Io kindly reminded them- "Don't forget we're close to the gods now, everything we do could draw their eyes."

Theoric stroked his chin- "Right, we have to do it quick and dirty, and it's probably best I also hide your appearance like Nina now that I think about it, your way to eye-catching to just be walking around," he said to Holland.

Sigyn feeling indigent- "Hmmm. what about me? You've never hidden my appearance before." she asked while blinking her eyes at Theoric.

Theoric- "Actually I have, I just do it subtly so no one notices, a few unnoticeable small orange shield marks here and there to distort your image does wonders, otherwise last time the guards would have been all over you rather than just Anna and Io, you honestly didn't think just hiding behind me would stop others from staring at your beauty did you?"

Sigyn blushed- "How come no one mentioned it?"

Anna and Io looked at each other,- "We didn't see a need to?"

Sigyn- "Then why didn't he block your looks?"

Theoric- "Well I figured Athena would look after Anna and Io who also has that magical item that helps hide her."

Arriving before the gate they stopped their advance as the area was swarmed by dozens of guards.

"Halt Criminals! Surrender now and face justice!" yelled one guard.

Anna confused tried to seek clarification- "Criminals? Do you mean all of us? On what charges and whos orders are we to be taken?"

"Silence Criminal Sc.u.m, You will pay for the deaths of our brothers," another guard yelled.

A captain guard answered trying to end things peacefully, knowing if half of what was said true, that this wouldn't be a bloodless fight should they resist- "On orders of the high council for the deaths of many dozens of guards and civilians on the western road to the docks, please surrender and answer for your crimes in the halls of justice."

Io shocked, exclaimed- "What!"

Anna not believing her ears tried to argue her case- "Wait a second, I think there's been some sort of misunderstanding, we were the ones who stopped the monster that was responsible."

"Enough lies, multiple witnesses were stating that your party suddenly went crazy and began to slaughter everyone in sight."

"I want revenge! My brother and his family were apart of that massacre, I'll see to it that your deaths bring him peace."

The Captian held his hand up- "Quiet!... Now are you going to surrender peacefully or are we going to have to do this hard way?"

Anna and Io at a loss for words went silent.

Theoric turned to Holland giving her the go-ahead- "Alright my sweet, let them hear what they don't deserve, I'll let you know when to stop." he said blocking his ears.

Holland smiled as she began to sing her enchanting song.

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