Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 125 - Sneaking

The most beautiful voice that any of them have ever heard had them all instantly enamored.

All the surrounding guardsmen sunk into a dull-eyed zombie-like state, dropping their weapons and shields as they slowly tried to reach her.

Theoric swept Holland off her feet, into a princess carry as he made his war through, kicking away any who got too close with their hands.

Holland only faltered a bit when she was first swept up, but knew not to stop while she enjoyed being in his arms like this once again, reminding her of the first time he took her away from the island.

With the others following close behind, they ducked into an alley where he put her down,- "Alright that was great, I'll let you know if you need to do it again, but I'd prefer you stay hidden like Nina, wouldn't want any gods to accidentally spot you and get any funny ideas. You're lucky they're concentrated on land and humanity and not constantly scanning the oceans."

Holland furrowed her brows- "True, my mother has told me about Poseidon and how he comes around from time to time, but the other gods don't seem to bother since he's claimed the seas, and as you say they would have to spend effort scanning the vast oceans without an ability like Poseidon."

Nina flinching every time Poseidon's name gets brought up.

Holland noticing apologizes,- "Sorry Nina, I'll try not to use his name, but trust me when I say you're not alone."

Nina numbly nods.

Io rubs her back- "Yes, there are many victims of the gods, hopefully, one day they get what's coming to them."

Theoric- "Those with power tend to lose their empathy for others, It's an easy thing to lose when you become so powerful you no longer have to care what those weaker than you, I myself am not immune to this, so you who I do care about need to correct me if you see me stray."

Sigyn- "Mn, you can count on us," she said with the others silently agreeing.

Theoric- "Alright good, enough of that melodramatic crap, let's start sneaking our way to the temple."

Anna gave him a weird look.

Theoric seeing this raised an eyebrow,- "What?"

Anna- "You do know how big you are, don't you?"

Io- "She's right, how are you going to do any sneaking?"

Theoric grumbled- "I have a way," he said less than enthusiastic.

A few minutes later the group exited the alley with a much smaller, fatter, unhappy-looking Theoric, hiding under a big cloak. Underneath you could see him sitting on an energy platform, holding his knees to his c.h.e.s.t as he hovered along with the girls. Still, hating using his powers to fly himself, it still felt very strange and awkward for him, a feeling he didn't believe would ever go away.

Holland feeling extremely uncomfortable around so many people held Theoric's hand for comfort, along with Nina who was having extreme difficulty on the stairs as they drew closer to the scene of the crime.

Pausing from time to time to allow her to adjust before moving on.

Theoric whispering words of encouragement,- "Remember, your mother is there, you can do this, repeat the words for your mother if you have to."

And Nina did while squeezing his hand,- "For my mother, for my mother, for my mother." as she continued to place one foot in front of the other, ascending the steps.

Once there, they easily snuck into the back rooms and found the unguarded secret entrance that leads to the main private one up above. Getting rid of his disguise in the tunnel, Theoric walked proudly once more.

Finding the head priestess waiting for them on the other side flanked by 4 other priestesses,- "Welcome back, I see you found your way well enough despite the extra trouble." she said welcoming them with an old wrinkly smile.

Anna not happy about being framed started to ask a little louder than she intended- "What was that! Why are we being framed?"

The old Head Priestess frowned- "I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience, but I have to ask, what did you do to get on the bad side of Flavius? He's a dangerous enemy to have, his claws are sunk into just about everything."

Anna stunned asked if she heard right,- "Did you say Flavius? Why on earth would he be targeting us? We only briefly met and it was rather friendly."

Head Priestess- "You heard correctly my dear, he was the one who rallied the high council against you, pinning the deaths on your heads."

Io- "but why?" She asked also confused.

The old Priestess sighed,- "If I know Flavius, and I do, there is obviously some sort of gain to be had, of what I know not."

Anna- "Can you or lady Thena do anything?"

The old Priestess sadly shook her head,- "I'm afraid not my dear, there are certain rules that must be followed or things could go down a dangerous path."

Theoric feeling Nina's nervous hand squeeze, spoke- "We can speak of such things later, we've come for Bianca, is she around?"

The old Priestess face grew solemn,- "I was afraid of that, if you would follow me, I'll show you the way."

Nina's palms began to sweat as an unknown fear gripped her heart.

Theoric feeling this asked for clarification,- "Is there something wrong?"

Ignored they continued in silence as the dread began to build.

They were led to Thena's private throne room where she sat waiting.

The old priestess bowed to her with her 4 priestess guards before turning back to the party,- "Lady Thena will take it from here, you all have my condolences." she said exiting.

Nina's grip was like a vice now as the fear grew ever stronger.

Theoric frowned looking at the woman on the throne, still hiding behind her robes and golden mask,- "Enough games, explain what is going on, did something happen to Bianca?" He asked.

Thena with a heavy heart began to speak- "Poseidon..."

That's when Nina fearing the worst screamed- "Nooo!" before passing out, no longer able to handle it.

Theoric reacted quickly catching her before she fell as the other girls rushed to her side with tears in their eyes.

Theoric angrily looked back up towards Thena, shouting- "Explain!"

Thena sighed- "Poor, poor, child, I never wished any of this to happen and wish with all my heart that I could stop it, but I'm far too weak and incapable."

Pausing to adjust as she continued,- "It's as you feared, Poseidon who once took a liking to her daughter found the mother just as beautiful, she was discovered when she came back clean of all the filth she always had on, and thus caught Poseidon's eye, but Bianca knowing what was about to happen didn't hesitate to end her own life before he could do anything to her."

Sigyn and the girls gasped,- "Oh no." Tears trickling down their eyes.

Thena stood up,- "If you follow me, I can show you where she's buried."

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