Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 126 - Mourning

Following Thena, they were lead underground to the burial chambers where those who were considered worthy were buried.

Theoric carrying Nina in his arms contemplated many things, the Olympians were never a priority, they were not even seen in the future for whatever reason. However, now that he was here, hearing, seeing, experiencing their many crimes, he had to find a way to stop them.

He couldn't wait like he had been planning to with Odin, but he also knew he wasn't nearly strong enough to be able to fight the likes of Zeus who was likely on par with Odin in terms of power or close enough that Odin treats him as an equal.

Not to mention the many other gods he would have to face that also had powers that others could only dream of, similarly strong and dangerous. The very reason Asgard relinquished control of Midgard, unwilling to fight such a powerful force for one measly planet.

He paused his thoughts as they arrived at a private area reserved for the holiest of worshippers, where they saw the marble casket with a beautifully carved depiction of Bianca on the lid.

Sigyn broke down into tears as she approached the casket running her hand along with the image.

Thena took leave knowing she could say nothing to ease their burden.

Theoric then used his healing powers to rouse Nina awake so she could say goodbye, wiping tears from his eyes as the mood got to him.

Nina slowly opened her eyes, confused at first, until it hit her as she saw all their tearing eyed faces.

Theoric- "She lies here if you wish to say anything to her, I know nothing I can say will make this better, but I promise to make him pay for this, make all of them pay for this and everything they've done." he said with conviction.

Nina heard none of it though as she numbly approached her mother's tomb, tears streaming down her face as she nervously reached out to feel the carving before falling on top wailing.

Letting her have her moment Theoric went just past her to where Sigyn was, not faring much better. She also couldn't wrap her mind around how it seemed like just a few days ago they were with Bianca who was fighting so hard to see her daughter again but now never would.

Anna felt absolutely terrible and held Io's hand tightly for comfort, a little too tightly as Io's tears stemmed from two sources but let it be.

Anna approached Nina from behind with watering eyes- "I'm sorry Nina, I'm so, so, very sorry... Please if there is anything I can do, I'll do it."

Without turning Nina gritted her teeth, anger swelling as she thought about who was responsible, not only Posieden but that bitch Athena, why did she allow this to happen, why didn't she do anything to prevent it, and why did she CURSE ME FOR IT?!

Feeding off her rage, Nina suddenly snapped as a feeling she knew all too well burst forth,- "This Is All Your Fault, You And That Bitch Of A Mother, How About You Die For Me!" she shouted turning her head towards Anna and Io, her cursed snake eyes clearly visible, instantly turning them to stone upon eye contact.

Theoric hearing her angry shout turned to see Anna and Io, eyes widening in shock at what happened,- "Nina!" he shouted before realizing what he must do as her head started to turn. He instantly reached out and wrapped her up in a barrier, blindfolding her eyes.

He then rushed over to Anna and Io,- "No, no, no, Nina, what have you done?"

Nina still angry, shouted- "Avenged my mother!"

Sigyn and Holland close behind gasped in shock as Sigyn now broke down seeing her first true friends standing there in stone.

Sigyn wailed- "How could you!? They were our friends."

Nina snarled- "What friends? She is Athena's daughter!"

Theoric softly stroked their faces before trying to heal them, only to find it impossibly hard, They were changed so completely there was virtually nothing left. He didn't know the first thing about how to fight such a powerful death curse or if there was even a way.

Theoric backed off looking to Sigyn before sadly shaking his head which started another wave of tears.

Nina listening to the sobs slowly sobered up to the situation, but still angrily regretted nothing, only feeling a little sorry that it made Sigyn and Theoric sad.


Meanwhile on Mount Olympus :

The gods were gathered at the observatory, a circular domed area, held up by stone columns allowing one to easily walk in and out of, between each pillar.

In the center was a great circular bowl, containing a special kind of water from Posiden, charged by Zeus, allowing the gods to peer through it and see whatever they wished that was going on in the world.

Many would often use it as television, spying on the mortals below for entertainment, when the big 12 weren't using it as a meeting, but now the 12 gathered to watch the ensuing conflict between Ares and Athena's capital cities.

Each sitting on a personal throne surrounding the great bowl, as they each looked down into it from their seats.

Ares yelling- "My Spartans will crush your pathetic Athenians as easily as an ant, they're warrior bred from birth, they live and breath battle, your Athenians don't stand a chance."

Athena scoffed- "Your mind-numbed barbarians won't even realize how they died when the great thinkers of my city walk them right to their deaths."

Such arguments continued for a time as the conflict continued, but then Athena's attention snapped elsewhere when she felt her daughter in danger.

Stepping down from her throne she willed part of the bowl to show her what she wished as she set her sights on where her daughter was.

Each god able to view what they wished, separate and hidden from others, no one else in the room knew what she was doing.

Upon seeing her daughter's statue a flash of rage flashed across her face which only Zeus noticed as they all watched her suddenly descend in a flash of light.

Ares thinking it was foul play complained- "You see that father, she knows she can't win so she went down to personally smite them, AND I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!" he yelled before he also descended.

Zeus thinking about what set Athena off, sat back stroking his beard as he let everything play out.

Poseidon- "Are you just going to let them go and fight each other?"

Zeus chuckled- "It should be entertaining at the very least, besides I think we both know it would have been hard to stop the two once war broke out, isn't that why we're all here, to see how it goes, I say let them play, it'll provide us some much-needed entertainment, I'll step in if needed."

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