Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 15 - Arrived

While Technologically advanced, the stronger races still preferred to fight face to face rather than with technology, due to their superior armors and physiology, it was better to fight up close and personal most of the time to make sure you killed them.

In most space sectors sh.i.p.s were not allowed to fire upon planets due to their destructive means.

Many agreed that it wasn't a good idea to go around destroying planets when it could be helped and was heavily frowned upon if discovered.

Asgard was a big believer in this with their ancestral history of fighting as warriors in battle lent well to this mentality as they often faced their foes on the field of battle.

Coming within range of the planet they scanned it for anything unknown before seeking out landing areas to disembark and form their war parties.

As soon as they landed, Vott was immediately ordered to move out with his men and scout ahead taking any bunker they come across.

Vott came back with a solemn look as he addressed his men- "Those bastards are already riding our asses, it doesn't look like we'll be getting any rest, remember your training, listen well for orders, let's move out!"

The men looking like harden veterans that were used to this and learned a long time ago to trust in Vott and execute orders as quickly as possible so they had a higher chance of living.

Vott at first had trouble with the ones sent to him, but through hard gritted battles was able to shape the ones he had now into men worth fighting for.

Through his strength and leadership, he rallied the men through hard times as they went through the baptism of war and came out hardened shells of their former selves.

Theoric saw all this as he traveled with them, hardly any of them spoke, instead, concentrating more on any order given, always on guard and ready to fight.

It was a sobering experience to travel with men such as these, he didn't know if it was good or not seeing as how most of their personalities were destroyed and were heavily reliant on Vott and his orders.

Discovering this while trying to talk to a few only to get monotone responses and little conversation.

Vott seeing his struggles came up to talk to him- "Don't bother the men, quite a few of them were civilians thrown in and broke under the pressures of war, little of them is left other than to do what's necessary to survive.

The few soldiers left in the squad were high spirited individuals who spoke loud and proud which ended up with them being sent here, so they also broke under the constant pressures of battle where the orders coming in are in fact orders intended to kill you.

And that's where I come in, an unbreakable bullheaded fellow who they all can rely on to keep them alive, this is what keeps me sane, knowing that they need me to be."

Vott then stepped closer so others wouldn't hear as he whispered- "I didn't want to tell the men, but with this war finally happening after so long, it's guaranteed that Herlu will take this opportunity to assassinate me and end it once and for all, so keep your eyes peeled for anyone who doesn't belong when we're in the thick of battle."

Theoric gave him a calm nod in response.

Vott grinned- "Maybe it's not such a bad thing having you here, after all, that is of course if your not the assassin." he nervously laughed now that he thought about it.

Theoric grinning back- "As long as I'm around you have nothing to worry about."

Vott growing somber muttered- "I can't let these men down."

Theoric secretly agreeing with him inside as they marched on.

One of the lead men came back to report- "Sir looks like Rock Troll scouts ahead, what are your orders."

Vott- "Anyway we can take them out before they escape?"

"Unlikely, the ground is flat and open for a while onwards, we will be seen shortly if we don't double back to the rock crops we just left."

Theoric- "I can help with that, while it may be noisy and draw them over I can probably smash open a spot to hide while we're still behind this slightly elevated area of ground, should they come to check we can catch them off guard and if the scouts don't they can't exactly report that we're here without having seen us."

"You mean you can smash open enough space for all these men," A skeptical Vott asked as he pointed out everyone.

Theoric taking another look around scratched the back of his head embarrassingly laughing- "Haha, maybe not everyone, forget I said anything."

Wanting to show off a bit backfired as he thought about trying to punch the ground to make a big enough crater for the group of 41 men.

Taking into consideration the actual amount of disturbance he would cause should he attempt it.

Vott ignoring him barked his orders- "We march on!"

He couldn't risk having the army show up on his a.s.s and ask him why he isn't following orders to scout ahead and take any bunker spotted.

It would give Herlu all the excuse he would need to execute him for defying orders.

Theoric shook his head sadly as he knew the thoughts of Vott. The continued march would lead to them being exposed and a hard fight with the enemy fully prepared.

Once over the last small hump in the ground, they came to a flattened area with nowhere to take cover.

It extended for about a mile, wasn't long before they were spotted by the enemy scouts who rushed back from wince they came.

Theoric seeing this area wondered if even this was planned by Herlu to make their lives more difficult.

He certainly joined a tough group, hopefully the extra pressure will help push him to new heights, he thought to himself completely unafraid of the coming difficulties, he needed to be able to get through situations like this or he'll never survive what's to come.

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