Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 16 - First Contact

Under the beating of the sun, the men marched across the flat open ground heading to the rock forest ahead.

On guard as they approached, knowing that at any moment there was likely to be an ambush.

Theoric was following just behind Vott who felt extreme pressure entering the area, ax out he prepared himself for what's to come.

In contrast, Theoric drew his sword from his back and carried it along in a relaxed manner in his right hand with a grin on his face thinking about the battle to come.

None of the men noticed this or they would have thought he's a complete lunatic as they all sweat in fear hoping they would survive this.

It grew tenser the longer they went on without incident, knowing they were spotted it was only a matter of time.

Vott held up his hand stopping the men so he could listen, the silence was deafening. He held them in place for the faintest sound, figuring it was about time for something to happen.

Following instincts honed by years of battle helped save him numerous times and today was no exception, feeling the vibrations first on the ground in advance of the noise to follow.

The low bellowed grunts the Rock Trolls used when trying to keep quiet reverberated out, while not as loud as you might expect if they had been marching they would have never heard it.

Vott took action shouting out to his men to group up and protect their backs, the men splitting into groups of 4 each blocking an opening between rock formations, defending all flanks.

Quiet again Vott listened to the closing enemy changing his orders as he ordered a couple of groups to split off and leave, he then had the remaining men retreat loudly to draw the enemy's attention as they doubled back to a solid rock wall they found towards the southeast.

The enemy hearing them on the run let out their war cry's feeling like there was already blood in the water as wild instincts took over to chase them down and finish them.

Once Vott and the men reached the wall they turned their back towards it weapons drawn ready to meet the enemy.

Vott taking into consideration the new guys strength said- "Theoric I want you to bring down that section towards the north once they arrive, know that you'll be trapped there on your own until we take care of the rest though, I'm sorry but we need this done can't have any escaping and bringing more reinforcements."

Seeing Theoric grin in response made him feel less concerned as he watched him find a crevice to hide in waiting for them to appear.

The Rock Trolls burst into the opening, some jumping down from the tops of rock formations that they were running along having lived in this part for years accustomed to the terrain, but seeing the Asgards tightly packed with their backs against a wall knew an air assault would be useless not to mention suicidal.

The Rock Trolls numbers kept pouring in, adding up to about a 100, three Rock Trolls for every one Asgardian.

Vott and his men braced themselves as the tide of trolls crashed into them, taking the brunt of the first hit with their shields as they stayed tightly packed countering when able, drawing first blood.

The trolls howled as the battle heated up, frustrated with how stable the Asgardians were under their assault.

The Rock Trolls were often under-trained with little gear and a single weapon, while the Asgards were fully armored and highly trained.

This group, in particular, had more experience in fighting overwhelming odds than any other group on Asgard.

With the battle in full commencement now, Theoric came out of his hiding spot and smashed the sides of rock walls and pillars bringing them down to block the northern escape, catching a few stragglers in the collapsing rocks.

Trolls noticing turned to find a single enemy and furiously attacked thinking it would be a simple victory to rip him apart while he's alone.

Theoric gripped his sword in two hands and charged forward catching them unprepared for his vicious assault as he sliced clean through trolls with each swing of his sword.

He cursed himself when he realized he was getting too far into it and forgot why he even came, it wasn't sword skills he needed to train it was his new abilities, and Vott provided him with the perfect opportunity to use his new skill without getting caught.

Sheathing his sword, he retreated dodging a few strikes while gathering energy, an orange glow soon enveloped him as the confused trolls continued to attack regardless, seeing him now unarmed.

With his back now hitting the rock wall he created, the trolls laughing at his misfortune thinking it was coming to an end as they approached to finish him off not noticing the energy spikes forming above them.

Theoric grinned as they approached him and began to swing, 'Clank' 'Clank'

Their weapons were stopped not by armor but by the orange aura skin-like exterior he had surrounding him.

Frustrated they howled at him as they continued to swing harder and faster realizing the problem but not accepting the results.

Theoric growing a little tired from holding the spikes back while he tested their hits against his skin like shield decided to end it as he waved his hand down sending the spikes skewering the enemy below.

Most of the pressure was still on Vott and his men, even while holding up well their losses started to stack as the battle went on, but with the trolls numbers thining there was still hope as the men he sent out earlier arrived behind the enemy flanking them.

The trolls now being attacked on three sides were soon overwhelmed.

Theoric with his sword back out started cutting them down like weeds again as the battle came to close.

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