Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 18 - Recovery

A week later the most critically wounded man was now stable and the least were now on their feet again much to the delight of the men at having a capable healer, morale was high as they approached the end of the rock forest.

Progress was slow going, they should have reached the end of the rock forest a few days ago, but it was extended a week for rest and recovery.

Vott not wanting to lose any more men gave plenty of time for Theoric to heal them back up at the risk of being reprimanded by command for not making progress.

Theoric sat in a cave, listening to the crackling of the nearby fire set just outside as he rested from his last healing round. He got much better at concentrating the power which helped speed up the healing process when focused on one, but the drain was no less on his stamina.

Vott came in and sat beside him staring intently at the fire- "We can't delay any longer, scouts have found an outpost just outside the rock forest which we'll have to attack and report as soon as possible, any longer and we'll have problems."

Theoric with eyes closed said- "By tomorrow I should be able to heal the last few to at least allow them to hobble around and look for cover while we work."

Vott- "That's good, you rest up and be prepared if you run out of stamina with the healing you'll have to hang back and guard them."

Vott seeing him not reply squinted his eyes at him- "You are planning to give your best at healing them tomorrow right?"

Theoric opening one eye to look at Vott before closing it again and said- "That depends, do you want a capable fighter that can prevent more deaths, injuries or do you want me to stay here and babysit."

Vott grew quiet as he thought about it, he certainly didn't want any more deaths, but he hated the idea of completely abandoning the wounded alone, although there were only 3 men left who couldn't fight at the moment.

"Alright, do as you said, let them at least be able to hobble around should they hear enemies approaching and have to change position for whatever reason." Looking over to Theoric, he saw his words fall on deaf ears as Theoric was now asleep.

Sighing to himself he did one last check on the night watch and proceded to join him in dreamland.


Theoric was up early in the morning as the sun just peaked, the warmth of its light was refreshing after a freezing night.

He strolled on over to the last of the wounded and began healing them, holding just enough back so he would have energy to spare for the fight to come.

The men coming out of their semi-coma state were greatly appreciative of his kind efforts as they were keenly aware of what he's been doing for them.

Thanking him as they sat up for the first time in a week, managing to move around some to get used to the pain that they might have to deal with later should it be necessary.

Vott wandered on over after giving out orders with a grin on his face at seeing his men doing better.

"Good, good, hope you're not too worn out its time to go, as for you men we'll set you up in the cave, it's out of the way of most paths, but keep your guard up in case the ones who retreat choose this path."

Some parts of the ground are so rocky that it would be considered a miracle not to twist an ankle.

The outpost was situated on top of a particularly high hill for a great vantage point, it looked like it was carved out of what used to be the top of the hill.

Vott showed up to take command after seeing to the wounded,- "Alright men, as far as our scouts have been able to tell a small number of trolls are inside, my guess is that we killed the group that occupied it and all that's left is a skeletal group,

by now they likely sent for reinforcements, so we need to storm up there and take it as fast as possible and set up some traps and defensive positions before any arrive."

"Alright split into your groups, I need one volunteer to keep watch for any incoming reinforcements."

"I'll do it, Captain!"

"Goodman, now the rest, charge!"

Theoric felt this was done a bit sloppy even though they were rushing against time for possible reinforcements.

He hopes they weren't being reckless now because they found out he could heal. That would bring his fears to fruition at being designated the healer of a group.

Vott didn't like seeing this, but he was smart enough to know if he said anything now he may send him up even faster leaving them behind to fight them alone.

Theoric already had such thought in mind though as he pushed harder leaving them trailing behind in his dust.

The trolls took notice of them at the halfway point and started scrambling as they howled out warnings to each other.

Theoric had a quarter of the way to go when the floor gave way to a sheer cliff drop already glowing orange as he prepared to test his energy power again in combat.

He stretched out his right hand out extending an orange energy hand out to grab onto the opposite side's edge to keep himself from falling.

Vott and the men's heart dropped when they witnessed him start to fall, the former cursing Theoric for being so stupid, but after seeing an orange glow they watched as he was pulling himself back up with an energy hand.

Surprised seeing him do something new that they were still unaware he could do till now.

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