Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 19 - Outpost

The gap made from the trap was big enough that it wouldn't be easy for the other's to follow.

Theoric was now alone, just the way he liked it, the hairs on his arms standing up as excitement flowed through him.

The howls of the enemy growing louder as he approached the carved out archway entrance, dodging rocks being thrown from overhead by the ones on the wall.

Sword still sheathed as he powered up his energy, throwing his hand to the sky upon entering, forming a spike to impale a troll dropping from above.

Seeing he had time he dropped the body off to the side and began focusing his energy forming 5 more spikes, proceeding to shoot them out killing all the trolls who were still on the wall readying more rocks to throw.

Trolls on the ground howled with weapons in hand as they entered combat range, he waited patiently for them as he kept his aura armor active allowing them to beat on his skin shield while he slowly walked to the center so he would have plenty of room.

When cracks started to form, he burst the shield out pushing them away while drawing his sword in one quick motion.

He had to be careful, already low on energy, he could feel the fatigue starting to set in as he gave up the idea of continuing with energy constructed attacks.

He couldn't help but grin as he waited for them to get up, 10 of the 16 left, 5 killed on the wall and one from impaling.

Seeing them snarling and growling started to irritate him, they were supposed to be semi-intelligent yet so far the only one he's ever heard speak was Ulik.

Kicking with his left leg he sent the left troll flying as he kept hold of the ax, using his sword to keep the right one's weapon locked up he swung the ax over sticking it into the exposed side dropping him just in time as he turned to block a couple more strikes from the others who came rushing at his back.

Taking his sword in both hands, he swung out cleaving right through a raised sword meant to block cutting down the troll behind, blood gushing out all over him.

The trolls seeing him now covered in blood with a grin on his face, only had one thought going through their heads, 'Demon'.

With their morale gone a couple tried to flee against the angry cries of their comrades who still had enough stones in them to face him.

6 remained 2 at his back and 4 at his front, one in the front threw an ax as hard as he could which he ducked under to have it hit one of the trolls behind him.

Before his compatriots could complain about it, Theoric ran up and sliced the now defenseless troll in half from right to left.

One of the trolls, not caught unaware took the opportunity to swing at Theorics exposed back, but Theoric's swing from earlier didn't stop as he kept the momentum going all the way around into the troll who rushed up.

Burying the sword deep into its exposed side killing the troll, but the sword was now stuck as he pulled the sword back only to have the body follow.

The other trolls gaining courage from his new predicament moved together knowing it was now or never.

Theoric dropped the sword knowing he didn't have time to pull it out and picked up an ax in his right-hand using it to block the one on the right while he used what little energy he had left to block the two on the left with his left arm creating a makeshift shield out of energy.

The shield formed cracks which he used as shrapnel when he burst it out towards them showering them with cuts as they fell back in pain.

He formed a small spike of energy on his fist which he swung under the guard of the one on the right gutting him.

At this point Theoric was very tired from using up all his energy as he took a knee to rest, the remaining two were back on their feet howling in anger.

Seeing him bent over breathing heavily gave them the confidence they needed to charge over ready to fight him to the death, determined to take him down with them if they had to.

Theoric seeing their blind rage rose to his feet, throwing the ax immediately taking out one as he caught the charge of the second using a judo styled throw, slamming him to the ground with his momentum knocking him out cold.

Kicking the weapon in the troll's hand away he sat down on top of him to catch his breath, he needed far more practice to be able to handle the energy power in battle without problems.

Luckily the drain on his stamina from energy constructs was much less than healing, otherwise, he might have not made it out unscathed.

Vott and the men finally made it inside with Vott angrily storming over shouting- "What the hell were you thinking, I don't care how strong you are, you have to follow orders, you could have gotten yourself killed being that reckless."

Theoric yawned- "How was I suppose to know they rigged something like that, it was quite impressive if you ask me, no one would expect a pitfall like that on a hillside."

Vott unhappy with his lack of care ordered- "Don't do it again Theoric."

Theoric being a well-trained soldier realized his mistake as he got up and took a military stance- "I'm sorry sir, I just didn't like the idea of being made a healer sir!"

Vott lightened up seeing him respond positively- "I understand, just don't be reckless, listen to orders and all will be fine."

Theoric saluted- "Sir, yes sir."

Vott now feeling uncomfortable told him to stand down- "You can stop that now, so looking around I see you took down quite a few by yourself, don't worry we caught those two that escaped earlier."

Theoric scratching his face with his pointer sheepishly said- "Well I can kill them, but I can't keep them here to die... yet."

Vott nodded- "Yeah about that, we all saw you fall, mind explaining what happened." not exactly understanding what he saw.

Theoric smirked- "Ah, did I forget to mention that I have another power." he began to explain about his new power.

Vott just sighed- "Bastards like you seem to always get the good stuff... wait a minute couldn't you have made a bridge for us with that power of yours... you crazy selfish bastard." he cursed.

Theoric just embarrassingly chuckled while rubbing the back of his head.

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