Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 20 - Decisions

The men went around securing what they could and doing preparations for any possible reinforcements incoming, setting traps and such while clearing the bodies from view.

Theoric went to retrieve his sword that was still stuck in the body of the troll while reflecting on his fight, he was still too weak at using his new powers.

The strain was hindering him in fights if he fought with only the sword with physical strength alone, he could have wiped them out so much faster.

Suddenly he heard yelling "Watch out, we still have a live one over here, what are your orders Captain?"

Theoric looked over to see the men wrestling with the troll knocked out that just woke up.

Vott- "Just kill him, no point in taking a prisoner from these types, they are at the bottom tier of trolls, I don't think they can even speak if they want to, consider them mindless cannon fodder."

"Understood." the man replied as they pulled their weapons out to finish him.

Vott looking at the troll closer, looked back to Theoric- "Isn't that the troll you were sitting on?"

Theoric looked away from him mumbling- "I didn't know there were different types and that these couldn't talk."

Vott- "Ai, pay attention, these types are the scourage of this world, the bottom tier pushed out to the fringes,

there are more intelligent ones who live in cities and such, they will be better armed and better trained, though still lacking when compared to other species, it'll still be difficult when they come in high numbers."

Theoric- "So what now, we've been beaten up, wounded and lost a few, if we aren't going to receive any help from the main force, I don't see us doing much more except dying."

Vott- "We'll stay here and hold for as long as we can and report when the main force arrives."

A man just came running over, "Sir, report, their reinforcements have arrived and is heading this way, unable to tell actual size due to obstructions from the terrain, but I'd say well over 500."

Theoric and Vott headed to the walls to watch the incoming army, the numbers grew as more came into view, close to a thousand now.

Theoric- "They sent a battalion, I suggest we set whatever traps we can and leave." usually Asgardians don't use such tactics, but this group has learned to adjust given their harsh situation, adapting strategies others would frown upon so they could survive.

Vott hesitated though because he knew Herlu was looking for an excuse to end him.

Theoric noticing this smacked him on the back- "Vott, we need to leave, this will lead to nothing but death, not to mention I'm still tired from the last battle."

Vott snapping out of it looked at him with black lines on his head- "Who's fault was that no one told you to go run off on your own... (turning to face the men who waited below) ... Set whatever traps or mines or whatever you have left and then retreat to our wounded." he ordered.

After having retreated they waited at the edge of the rock forest to watch for their traps to go off.

They didn't have to wait long as the trolls didn't hesitate to enter and start setting them off, blowing the whole hill sky high and a decent chunk out of the enemy's forces.

Theoric spent his time finishing the healing of the last few injured as they spent another day in the rock forest.

The Rock Trolls never advanced further after the explosion, they just set up camp on the other side waiting.

Vott was in a difficult spot and becoming somewhat paranoid about what he thought he should do to avoid Herlu's wrath.

Theoric watching him spiral into paranoia didn't know what to do, his orders were to follow Vott's orders, but if things started turning bad he wasn't afraid to go against him.

The only problem is what would the men do, the likely scenario is they stick up for Vott, the Captain they trust, rather than a new guy they hardly know.

Vott seeing his men healed gave the order Theoric has been dreading, suicide squad or not, there had to be limits to the crazy shit they were ordered to do.

"Men now that we are all refreshed and healed up, we will be striking the enemy, after what that blast did to them, they shouldn't have too many."

Theoric knew very well even if the blast managed to take out half the enemy they still wouldn't stand a chance against them.

Theoric- "Vott can I talk to you in private." Leading Vott away.

Vott- "Alright speak."

Theoric calmly said- "I think you've gone a little paranoid about what Herlu might do, you need to stop and think about things, there is no way we can take out that army, best case scenario is we'll be facing 11 men to every 1 of ours."

Vott frowned- "Who are you, do you know what we've been through, do you know what we're capable of, we have been to the bottoms of Hel itself and come back, do not dare judge us by what you think you know, my men are by far the toughest in the army and that's why Herlu wants to kill us because we are a threat."

Theoric was well aware he didn't know Vott that well, but this seemed to be taking a drastic turn for the worst, based on what he saw in their last battle, they would obviously die against such a large force.

Theoric quickly thought of another way to placate him- "Don't you think it's strange that we've been out here alone with no communications from the main force."

Vott went silent, deeply thinking on what he said- "You know your right, usually we're out in front of the main force, acting as the tip to their sword, but now we've been ordered out here alone, it doesn't make sense,"

Arriving back at the camp Vott gave his new orders- "Men it's come to my attention that we haven't had communications with the main army for a while now, we'll rest here for one more day before we head back at dawn and seek answers."

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