Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 21 - Armies

While everyone went to sleep Theoric stayed up a little longer to talk to his wife, using the ring to telepathically communicate.- 'Sigyn, Sigyn my love are you there?'

Sigyn who was sleeping in her pink pj's woke up groggily, rubbing her eyes- "Theo? Are you back, where are you?" she asked excitedly as she started to perk up looking around.

Theoric already realizing what might be happening pinched the bridge of his nose feeling embarrassed for her as he asked- 'Sigyn, don't tell me you forgot that we have rings to communicate, I'm still on Gundersheim fighting.'

Sigyn with a sheepish smile still talking out loud- "Hehe... Maybe."

Theoric said in full seriousness- 'Well make sure you don't forget about the rings, you can use them to verify if the person your with is me or not.'

"You don't need to worry my love, I would never betray you, if that stupid man comes around again I'll kick him in the balls," she said raising her fist in the air with righteous fury.

Theoric for some reason started to feel a bit of pain in his own when she said that- 'That's good... Anyways wanted to check in and see how your doing and let you know everything's fine.'

Sigyn started sniffling- "You better stay safe and come back to me, I really miss you."

Theoric consoled her- 'Don't worry everything will be fine, I'll talk to you again later, good night my sweet.'

Sigyn- "Good night my love."


At first light, they headed back to the sh.i.p.s at a quicker pace than when they left, drawing closer they heard the tale-tell signs of battle.

Clearing the hill they saw a battlefield of Asgardians fighting an army of Rock trolls in fully suited armor making the fight tougher than expected for the Asgardian army who thought they wouldn't have so much gear.

Theoric- "This doesn't seem right, I feel like something is off." he said while thinking of Loki, could that crazy bastard be helping them even now.

Vott- "Not sure what you mean, this is normal for a war."

Theoric shook his head- "No, they shouldn't be this geared and prepared, already fighting us soon after we land."

Vott pooh-poohs him- "Your thinking too much, Asgard has many enemies that would lend aide to anyone we fight, but they do it secretly as not to get caught and draw our ire."

Vott then scowled- "But your right about one thing, something is off with the way we were sent away and never contacted, I'm guessing Herlu is going to try and use desertion as an excuse against us."

Theoric grinned- "Don't worry about it, how about we find an area to jump in and help out."

Vott contemplated what to do as he watched the battle, looking for the best place to send his men, he wanted somewhere that would give them a boost of reputation to fight against any accusations that may come.

The battle looked relatively even with some areas having a slight edge to the trolls while others had a slight edge to the Asgards.

The standout though was Thor, he barreled into the enemy, cutting a clear path wherever he went, making Theoric feel he still wasn't anywhere close to his strength despite now being above Loki.

During Thor's bull-headed attacks, some less experienced Asgardians tried to follow him but only ended up being surrounded and killed. Leaving a lingering feeling of regret to those who saw but could do nothing to help their foolish brethren who thought they could bask in the glory of Thor.

While Thor was helping tremendously, some tougher opponents eventually showed up in the troll army to face off against him, giving him a run for his money and slowing down the damage he could inflict to their army.

From their vantage point, Vott noticed a group of Rock Trolls, about their size, off to the side trying to sneak around a rocky outcrop and flank a group of Asgardians.

Vott pointing them out- "You see that men, let us go help them out."

Battles at the edges of wars were always the most hectic, the open unknown exposure, ripe for someone to take advantage of at any moment.

The Rock Trolls just about to jump out and take the Asgardians from the back were surprised to find their own back being attacked as they turned to see Vott and his men.

Vott led the charge followed by Theoric as the men charged down the hill letting out warcry's to distract the enemy from attacking the men they were aiming for.

The downside was the Rock Trolls were now prepared for their attack as they turned to face them.

Vott smashed right through the first troll who underestimated the downward momentum coming at him as he swung late and was sent flying from the impact into the rock wall behind where he crumbled.

This scene repeated a few more times across the field, giving them a slight advantage at the start as they followed up with another quick kill against the surprised trolls who were now fighting an uphill battle.

Theoric meanwhile was practicing more difficult energy constructs as he began forming small swords before shooting them into nearby trolls, he needs to get stronger and master his new abilities, the last thing he wants to see is Thor killing Ulik before him.

With this thought driving him he raised his hands up as he formed over 20 small swords then waved them over taking out the remaining trolls and then some as the rain of swords pelted the rock wall behind them destroying it, leaving a pile of crumbled rock debris.

The armies fighting just behind it looked over to see what happened as the wall came down revealing the small group of Asgards standing over the bodies of trolls.

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