Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 26 - Gaark and Ekak

Theoric in the center of the line shouted out what he thought were encouragements,- "Don't worry men, it's only 50, we've been through worse, we will survive."

The men cringing at his attempt prepared themselves for the clash, shields up, bodies lowered to strengthen their center of gravity so they don't go flying from the initial hit as they braced for impact.

Theoric like before without a shield readied his sword to pierce the first one who came at him without a sense of danger.

He made sure to keep an eye on the two big ones in the back.

Right before they collided Theoric had an epiphany as he gathered his energy at a noticeably faster rate and shaped a row of stakes coming out of the ground with his orange-colored energy.

The first group of trolls already to close to stop impaled themselves on the stakes. The following groups surprised still managed to avoid it in time as they went around and continued on.

The other Asgardians morale increased seeing the spectacle as a good number of trolls fell to the stakes.

With their charging momentum ruined the trolls arrived much less excited as they took the first swings at the group of Asgardians.

With Gaark and Ekak behind them though they still brimmed with confidence hearing the roars of their leaders urging them on to victory.

Theoric trying to concentrate on gathering energy again while defending against the closest trolls, the stakes dissipating having done their purpose with no more supply of energy being fed. He aimed his hand out and started to shoot energy spikes at unsuspecting trolls, who grew unnerved seeing someone use magical abilities.

The weaker willed trolls were rattled, thinking it was possibly part of the curse, a few even fled which infuriated the twins who threw rocks at them, managing to kill a couple.

Gaark and Ekak yelled while throwing rocks- "Get back here you cowards."

Then all of a sudden the very ground started to violently shake, the fleeing trolls who survived the rock throws now found themselves against a huge rock monster that erupted out of the ground blocking their path of retreat.

All around the battle the ground erupted with more rock monsters who popped out with a loud roar as they began to attack the closest troll.

The Asgardians were confused about what to do seeing the new development, Theoric noticing they weren't being attacked shouted out orders- "Asgardians! do not attack, I repeat do not attack the rock monsters, stay calm and wait, you are allowed to defend yourself if you must."

The rock monsters with surprise on their side and fear running amok in the troll ranks had an easy time of killing them with the Asgardian support.

Gaark and Ekak were a different story though, they were not elites for no reason. Adapting to the situation, together they brought their hammers down on the rock creatures with great effectiveness, smashing them apart with each swing.

Theoric watching the situation develope, ran over to help out after telling the others to stick together and finish off the rest of the trolls.

Gaark and Ekak saw him coming and laughed,- "Look Ekak here comes a rat."

"Look Gaark here comes our mark," they laughed.

Raising their hammers to smash Theoric who stopped to shoot a couple of spikes at them which they smashed instead, defending themselves.

Theoric seeing how easy they were shattered made it a point to remember to try and work on the strength at a later date.

Wielding his sword he went up close dodging a hammer blow from the left while sending a strike at the exposed side only to have to jump back and avoid a hammer blow from the right from the other one.

Theoric continued to dodge without rest as they came at him together, swinging their hammers in a flurry.

The rock monsters not wanting to be saved after intending to be the saviors stepped back in and attacked the trolls exposed backs.

Gaark seeing this turned to face them,- "I'll take care of these pests, you kill him."

Ekak seeing his brother defend their backside teased him back- "Without you in my way, I'll easily take him down." he laughed while swinging his hammer at Theoric.

Theoric being attacked by the two could do nothing but retreat, unable to even think as the hammers came in quickly without stopping, but now with one of them gone he grinned seeing the difference instantly.

Ekak ticked off at seeing him grin started to wildly attack him. Theoric used his energy to form a shield with his left hand blocked the next hammer strike while he pierced his sword into his exposed guts.

Ekak let an outcry of misery as he stumbled back clutching his stomach, trying to keep the guts from spilling out as he took painful breaths.

Gaark hearing his brother turned to see him falling back from a stab, his eyes going red with anger he charged over to help defend his brother, but he never made it as the rock monsters didn't let the chance slip by with his back turned and laid into him with attacks, shooting rock spikes when he left their melee range.

Ekak seeing his brother fall faced down with his back covered in rock spikes trying to get to him lowered his head in defeat as Theoric walked up and chopped off his head.

Still on guard he faced the rock monsters with a skin shield on in case he got sneaked attacked by the rock spikes he saw earlier.

One of the rock monsters made his wave over with a hand up,- "Hello there friend, we mean no harm to you or your people, we are Kronans, though I doubt you heard of us seeing as we're almost extinct and keep to ourselves."

Theoric tilted his head,- "Kronan?"

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