Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 27 - Kronans

"Yes we are Kronans, I am Zardok leader of those that are left." the orange-colored rock man said.

They were tall standing at an average of 8ft towering close to 2ft above Theoric.

Theoric lowered his weapon, but leaving his skin shield on just to be safe asked- "Who are you people? I mean, I thought only the Rock Trolls lived on this planet."

Zardok looked sad, that is if you could tell from their stony exterior,- "We use to share the world with the Rock Trolls, but when their numbers grew too large, their self proclaimed king Veldemaris took the chance to wage war and enslave our species, seeing us as a threat that had to be eliminated.

One day a bold brave Kronan by the name of Korg rebelled all alone after having enough but was captured and sent to Sakaar to fight in the arena as punishment.

His brother Margus hearing of this was angered, he rallied the others in his brother's name to rise up and fight.

Needless to say, this didn't go over so well, crushed under their superior numbers, with only a few of us escaping to the mountains."

Theoric still confused and concerned about the troll's capabilities asked- "But from the powers I just saw, I don't see how you could have lost, you should be able to easily rule this world with such gifts."

Zardok understanding explained- "We did not always have these gifts, while we hid in the mountains trying to hide from troll patrols, we were visited by a Goddess, Gaea, who bestowed upon us our current gifts and like you, we at first thought to use them to take revenge, but with our numbers so low it became more important to try and preserve our species, than risk extinction in war."

Theoric hearing Gaea's name and feeling it too be true, relaxed as he went to check on his men.

Zardok following along continued- "In fact, Gaea is the reason we choose to help you, we at first were going to kill you along with the trolls, but then we felt Gaea's presence in you, another chosen...

oh, you don't have to worry about your friends, they just ate a berry we cultivated to weaken any who came into the valley that eats it, the effects will be gone by morning, you see we became protectors of the last form of indigenous life on this planet, we created a few places like this deep in the heart of mountains where we can guard them safely."

Theoric nicely listened nodding along as they reached his men which he looked over, healing any wounds they might have, much to the amazement of the Kronans who never saw anything like it before.

Zardok- "What is that you are doing?"

Theoric- "I'm healing them, its a gift I received from Gaea, like yours."

Zardok showing a rocky grin- "Yes I see, so she did, bless you, this is wonderful, come follow me to our dwellings, you can rest and wait for your other men to recover, we already sent them over."

Theoric hearing about the men didn't forget to try his healing on them again, knowing he should be able to heal them from it, intending to practice the rest of the day to improve his healing.

They walked over to an enclosed area at the edge of the sanctuary, a few cave-like entrances could be seen facing the center area where they had a statue erected of what they perceived to be Gaea, a rock woman with a firey head making her resemble a volcano.

Theoric simply asked- "Gaea?"

Receiving nods from the surrounding Kronans,- "Isn't she beautiful."

Theoric rolled his eyes, it seemed they didn't realize she formed into whatever they found to be a perfect woman, the surprising part was they all had the same perfect woman.

Spotting the tied up men and the 4 guards who were worse for wear sporting new bruises and tied up as well. Seeing Theoric they perked up in hope that he'll save them.

Zardok catching the eye of the tied up guards exclaimed- "Ah sorry about that, they didn't wish to come quietly so we knocked them out and brought them along."

Theoric spent time healing and releasing them before putting all his focus on the drugged men trying to figure out how to best use his healing to fix it in case he has to heal similar things in the future such as poisoning.

The men who didn't have a problem walked around interacting with the few locals and eating the provided meals they brought back especially for them knowing they didn't eat rocks.

Kronans had it rough though, only 44 living here after losing some in the rescue, supposedly they had a few other sanctuaries, but that was far to low a number. Theoric offered to help migrate them to another world, but they had the strong belief that they belonged here on their home planet, to help keep safe what was left.

Serk came to watch Theoric as he worked on healing the men.- "So how goes it?"

Theoric looked up giving him a grin before putting all his focus back on what he was doing, he was close to achieving some enlightenment.

Theoric during his practicing though felt the energy as it entered the subject, he felt that if he wanted he could speed up the natural functions of the body, so he just had to speed up the functions that were already fighting the foreign substance to speed along the healing process.

Deep down though he still felt this was basic healing, he could heal with magic, magic being the keyword, he knows he should be able to do far more with it than just speeding up the body's natural functions.

If he could figure that out then maybe he could help speed up his own changing body to its completed form.

Letting out a sigh as he finished healing the first guy, he found a rock to lean against as he rested- "Vott and the rest will have to wait till morning to wake up, I'm done for today."

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