Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 30 - Old Mission

Zardok led them out of the sanctuary sending them off- "Here's the exit closest to the Rock Trolls capital just head straight that way, good luck with your mission, wish we could help more but we need to stay and guard what's left of the native wildlife."

Theoric- "It's fine, you do what you have to and we'll do what we have to, see you later."

Vott grumbled- "You've helped enough." still blaming the Kronans for the berry problem.

Theoric said as they were leaving- "You know since we're going to be working together now, I should probably tell you that Loki is the main cause of... well everything now that I think about it."

Vott- "What do you mean?"

Theoric- "He has been working with the new Troll king Ulik to try and kill me which was just the start of all of this, I even suspect him of being the one to tempt you into eating those berries or did you really lose all reason and decided to snack on unknown fruit?"

Vott didn't react much to the news- "Just more Asgard garbage coming our way I suppose, I'm not even surprised anymore, come on let us go find a ship so I can at least get my men away from this death trap."


Sometime later they were hiding behind some rocks listening to a passing patrol of trolls.

"Why we here?"

"Assgins be coming here."

"I see no Assgins."

"Order to come here kill Assgins."

"Where Assgins?"

"Shut up, orders are orders." hearing a smacking sound as they wandered off.

Vott frowned- "Well I certainly believe Loki is helping them now, how else could they keep finding us if we weren't being magically located, is there nothing we can do about it?"

Theoric also starting to get annoyed not being able to think of a solution- "We don't have any magic users here to counter him, this is troubling, I'd hate to go through the rest of my life with him spying on me and sending assassins wherever I go, but there are no solutions for it at the moment."

Vott- Well since this isn't going to be easy no matter what we do I say we finish the mission we were given to destroy the supply lines, I know we decided to leave but it won't sit right with me if I don't follow the last order I was given,

then when all is said in done I can say I followed all orders and only left because the mission was completed and I didn't see any more reason to stay."

Theoric understanding agreed with a grin- "On your orders Captain."

Vott grinning back turned to address the men- "Ok men listen up, we will follow the plan to destroy the supplies before we take off, this will not be easy as our every move is being watched and they know we are coming, we will be walking into a trap, but I'll be damned if I don't complete this last mission and have them hold it over our heads, Are You With Me!"

A happy cheer went out, "We're with you Cap." "We'll follow you to the end." "What's death when you're among family."

Theoric laughed- "You certainly brought them to life like never before, but I would be shocked if we weren't heard."

Vott feeling the motivation didn't let that faze him- "Doesn't matter, we'll kill them all." He said jumping out from cover, attacking the few patrols they saw coming back after their outburst.

The last thing Vott wanted now that their every move was being monitored was to sneak through and have the ones they pass to attack them from behind. It was now going to be a grind of grit and effort to get through everything and come out on top.

Since they were still on the outer edges they only came across small patrol parties which were supposed to retreat upon spotting the Asgardians and report to the larger forces in the area, but troll intelligence took over when they saw the size of the enemy forces which wasn't any bigger than their patrol forces, opting to attack and keep the spoils for themselves seeing no need to report and give up anything.

With Theorics help they tore through the outer ring without loss, making their way to the supply depot that they were ordered to take care of.


Ulik who was constantly pestered by his advisors to not go out and fight alone now that he was king, sat in the throne room listening to reports while waiting for his target to be found in order to get what was promised form the magic man.

Ulik interrupting the latest report of the ongoing war asked- "Has target been found?"

Seeing them go quiet in fear after his last tirade at not hearing what he wants, grew angry readying to shout if it wasn't for a soft soothing voice entering his ears.

"Ulik my king, if I may present you Grundor the Greater, once a ruler of the Rock Trolls in times long passed, back again to help you in your current predicament," Ulla, the queen of the previous king who betrayed him for greater power, said entering while swaying her h.i.p.s back forth to appear more feminine.

Sporting large earrings with her black hair tied to stand up straight to distract from her ape-like build, covered with coarse, orange-brown fur. Sporting a pink-red dress with bracelets to and bands to match on her arms.

Ulik sneered at the yellow masked man in purple robes swaggering in- "I am the king now and I will kill all who challenge me." he said slamming his fist down on the armrests cracking them as he postured himself in his seat

Ulla fervently denied- "No my king you misunderstand, he is only here to help you, he hides his face so all would forget him."

Ulik looked from Ulla to the masked man- "Well does the masked man speak?"

Grundor then started to laugh maniacally, loud and deep, echoing through the chamber, giving an eerie feeling to all except Ulik who feared nothing.- "I certainly can my king... (Ulik hearing himself be called king from the new guy, visibly relaxed as he leaned back in his chair listening to what he had to say.)... I have come to help you with your recent problem with the one you refer to as a magic man."

Ulik once again on guard snarled out as he slammed the armrest again, this time breaking it, asked- "How do you know about the magic man?"

He never told anyone about his dealings with the magic man.

Grundor then waves his hand in the air creating magic fire said- "I know a thing or two about magic, you see, even though I'm no longer a ruler, I still wish to protect my people."

Ulik mostly weirded out by a troll using magic asked- "How you learn magic?"

Grundor ignoring the question continued- "Now the magic man or should I say Loki, is known as a trickster, you can't trust him, so for the intruders just send some of your elites to take care of it and then while they are doing that I will help you with your goals of finding the previous king as well as the deal you had with Loki in time."

Ulik sat down thinking about what he heard, but not one for thinking he didn't take long- "Alright, you can be my new magic man, I'll send Grak, Glagg to help Garrg take care of the annoying pests."

Grundor- "By the way keep interacting with Loki as usual, we can still use his tracking ability."

Ulik not understanding asked- "Why can't you do it? You're not trying to trick me are you?"

Grundor snorted in denial- "Do you want me to help with other things or do you want me to spend my time tracking rats."

Ulik feeling at ease from his explanation gave the orders to get things moving.

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