Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 31 - Escort

Theoric, Vott and the men were breathing heavily as they ran through the rock wall corridors, pushing the limits of their Asgardian bodies while making way to the supply area, trying to keep ahead of the information being provided to the trolls.

Moving fast they barreled through some trolls caught unaware finishing them off quickly, but good times didn't last long as word got out and the walls started to close in.

Theoric was doing his best to slow down the enemies in pursuit by shooting energy made hammers to bring down the walls they passed to block the way making it difficult for others to follow.

Coming to an opening Theoric made sure to close the nearest ones behind them as they ran across the field only to come to a stop when they came face to face with a massive troll force beyond their current capabilities.

Vott with his ax in hand panting was at a loss what to do, Theoric seeing another corridor of rock walls on the other side of them pushed to charge on through- "We can't stop." he said hearing the howls coming from behind them.

Vott breathlessly asked- "What would you have us do?"

Theoric- "Charge straight ahead to the next set of corridors, I'll take care of everything all you need to do is stay tightly packed and move fast."

Vott putting his ax back choose to trust him- "Alright you heard him, keep it tight and don't stop!"

Giving their own battle roar for motivation they ran as fast as possible towards the next set of corridors only slowing briefly when nerves took over as they grew close to the army of stampeding trolls.

Theoric yelling out- "Don't Stop!" as he prepared his energy in cone form just over the men to protect them as they pierced through.

Seeing the cone forming over them brought new motivation to the men as they picked up speed, thanking Theoric in their hearts.

The initial crash with the trolls rocked the cone making the men nervous, but choosing to believe in their powerful ally they gritted their teeth and pushed on.

Making it to the other side Theoric changed the cone shape and placed it to block the entrance they took as they headed further in.

A little while later Vott brought them to a stop when most the howls sounded distant,- "We can't keep going nonstop, so let us rest here and prepare for what's to come while we have a chance, it seems we caught a bit of a break between enemy forces, it's a good thing they aren't the most coordinated bunch."

The men instantly plopping down dead tired from the nonstop fighting and running they just did, Theoric no exception having done the most work making sure no one died.

Vott still breathing heavily- "So Theoric, what do you reckon our chances are." he asked not feeling very optimistic.

Theoric couldn't help but chuckle a little- "About the same as any other day captain."

Vott grinned- "Is that right?"

Vott looking over to Serk who has been talking more of late asked- "How are you holding up Serk?"

Serk just gave a thumbs up without answering, unable to speak as he tried to catch his breath.

Vott hearing the howls getting closer- "Well men be prepared to move at a moment's notice, don't go falling asleep on me." he said receiving hand waving and grunts in response.

They've been lucky so far with their small scale clashes and corridor running thanks in part to Vott's great leadership abilities, but there was so much more to go, how long could they avoid the big scale clashes?

The howls now knocking on their door, Vott roused the men- "On your feet, Move Your Ass!" he started yelling when some of them moved a little to slow.

Theoric seeing the poor shape everyone was in went up and held Vott back- "Wait, this isn't good, I think I can make it so we remain undiscovered for a time."

Not waiting for a response he started to manipulate his energy, creating hands to move the rocks around them creating a seamless cover no troll would ever expect them to be behind.

The men feeling overwhelmed with happiness wanted to shout out their thanks if it wasn't for the howls now only a few feet away with the ground trembling under so many trolls marching through the narrow passages looking for them.

They held their breath when they heard them just outside the protective cover, not to mention the unwashed stench that stung the nose, much more apparent now that they weren't fighting for their lives, a planet with little water didn't leave much for washing not that the trolls would even wash if they could.

It was a long time before they finally all passed, leaving the men breathing easier after much-needed rest.

When Vott was sure they were gone he smacked the back of Theoric excitedly- "Hahaha nice job, wish you told us you could do that."

Theoric shrugged- "To be honest it was a gamble, I'm just glad it paid off, now if you don't mind, I'm going to get some shut-eye and hope I become strong enough for what's to come."

Vott hearing that thought it was a good idea- "Yes you all should get some sleep, we'll count on the cover and I doubt a troll discovering us would stay quiet."

The men more than happy to oblige went right to sleep.


Meanwhile at the troll captail in the throne room.

Grundor arriving before Ulik- "I found Geirrodur, my king, he cleverly hid in the secret tunnels below this very castle, the last place I chose to look."

Ulik peeved at finding his foe was just below him asked- "Do you know the way? Never mind, I know, I'll use my new drill." he said hopping out of his seat making his way to the customized personal transport that could dig through solid rock.

Ulik's Ultra-Drill gifted to him from the previous king who hoped Ulik would be his champion. Built by unknowns like all the equipment the trolls recently received.

It was the main reason Ulik was desperate to find the previous king when he was hinted at by Ulla that Geirrodur had a secret way to get all this stuff.

Climbing in he started it up and immediately started digging down looking for the tunnels, Grundor following behind on foot in no hurry.

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