Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 36 - Rescued

Muthos arrived at another humble cave dwelling where the two guards who defended him were residing after being banished.

Muthos called out- "Tyborr, U-slyn, it's me Muthos."

U-slyn not happy to hear him, spoke in a less than enthusiastic tone- "What do you want?"

Tyborr, even more peeved to hear from him after so long, blaming him for what happened, growled out- "You should leave."

Muthos feeling bitter about it didn't let it get to him- "I know things didn't go well, but I need your help, the innocent trolls in the capital need your help."

He could hear the two scoffing at his words to each other before they spoke to him again- "Go away."

Muthos having enough sneered while he moved his staff along the ground- "Pathetic, are you two just going to rot here while your people need you, I shouldn't have expected much from washouts like you."

Tyborr angrily shouted back- "You dare!" rushing out of the cave with a saber in hand, Tyborr behind him trying to stop him from doing something rash.

Muthos backed up activating the symbol he scribbled on the ground as they passed over it freezing them in place.

Tyborr shouting- "Let us go, I'll be sure to carve you up real good."

Muthos chuckled to himself- "It seems I can do a thing or two after all this time with Askella."

Muthos growing concerned at seeing his tenacity, hoping his spell would hold- "Please calm down this is important."

U-slyn still trusting Muthos tried to pacify his friend- "Tyborr you need to calm down, it's not his fault, if it's anybody's fault it would be mine, you were only following my lead."

Tyborr letting his anger go after hearing his friend blame himself sighed- "That's not true, I don't blame you."

U-slyn- "Then you shouldn't blame Muthos."

Tyborr sighing again- "Your right, I'm sorry Muthos, but... (growing angry again.) it is your fault, the least you could have done was visit us after." he angrily said.

Muthos feeling bad answered- "Your right, I should have visited, but I implore you to put past grievances behind us and help save our people."

U-slyn being the more level headed one asked him to explain, allowing Muthos to fill them in on the details.

U-slyn grinned- "Well I think...(Looking at Tyborr for confirmation who gave him a nod.)... that you have yourselves a couple of royal guards ready to fight once again, also it should be fun to see the Asgardians do the hard work for us."

Tyborr acting calm before exploding- "Great, now if you could just LET US GO!"

They went inside and put on their old royal blue armor that left their arms, legs, and faces uncovered which allowed them to show their full beards that they grew out since being banished.

Muthos commenting on their looks- "You two still look way to similar, are you sure your not brothers."

Tyborr smirked- "Get that all the time, now show us the way to these old war tunnels, it has been a while since we killed somebody."


Theoric, Vott and the men that were left headed back towards the corridors, killing the few distracted trolls at their backs making a breakaway, knowing that their best bet was going back the same direction giving them the best shot at having the least amount of trolls.

All of them were on their last legs though as the fatigue on their overworked bodies started to reach dangerous levels.

Vott yelling to Theoric after he buried his ax in a nearby troll leaving it behind as the weight was becoming a burden to their escape, picking up a lighter one-handed ax from the dead troll- "Can you still get us on top of the corridors?"

Theoric looking gloomy answered while sidestepping a strike and continuing his run letting the Asgardian behind him cut the overextended troll down- "No, I no longer have the energy for that, the only choice is to enter and hope for the best."

As they quickly fought their way back cutting down the few scattered trolls popping out and around them, leaving the main troll army giving chase behind them gave them the chance they needed.

The downside was if enough trolls surrounded them inside they would be stuck and it would soon turn into their rocky tombs.

Luckily he didn't smash all the openings after they left, only the ones closest to them upon exiting so there was still a way back.

Cutting their way back through towards one of the entrances the trolls were coming out of.

Theoric gritting his teeth as 4 trolls popped out swinging his sword as hard as he could trying to finish it quickly before the main army closed the small gap they made between them.

He only managed to get one cut in half while the other two close ones dodged out of the way, but the other Asgardians followed up finishing them before they could make any counter move.

The last ran back inside the corridor after witnessing how outnumbered he was with no other nearby trolls in the immediate vicinity to help him.

Vott chose to enter last not wanting to lose any more men as he ushered the rest inside- "Go, go, go, Theoric you take lead I'll take the rear." he said giving Theoric a determined look that left no room for argument.

Theoric gave a simple nod as he led the men in using his hearing to choose the best path with the least amount of trolls as he listened for where the most sounds were coming from at each fork, difficult with how many were echoing all over but possible with his stronger body.

He managed to keep them away from clashes for a few minutes before they arrived at a small opening leading to many branching paths were some trolls started to pour out of and engage them.

"Trolls on this side." "Same here." "I got trolls over here as well."

Finding themselves stuck as they battled for their lives until suddenly the ground opened up beneath them right in the middle with a couple of Asgardians falling in.

Hearing them shout out in warning as they heard clashes, crushing their morale as it started looking like they were going to fall here.

Vott yelling out in between swings- "Men it was an honor to fight one last time among you and Theoric, I'm glad I met you before I died."

Theoric turning gloomy thinking he screwed up everything, was he really going to fall here? Almost regretting his decision to choose this squad, but enjoying the comradery that he's never felt before made him think otherwise.

Then a call came from the hole- "Captain! it's safe, come on down."

Theoric and Vott perked up hearing them, maybe they would live yet.

Vott asked for a repeat just to be sure- "Say again?"

"Captain! it's safe, jump down."

Jumping down the first thing he saw was 2 blue armored trolls flanking an older troll.

Vott furiously shouted- "You tricky bastards, I'll kill you!" only stopping when he heard two shouts behind him.

"Wait, Captain! Don't attack, they said there hear to help us."

Vott turning to find his men were indeed safe, narrowed his eyes at the trolls asking- "And you believe them?"

"Well, they only defended when we attacked telling us to "please stop" and that they were here to help us, so we did, after all, what do we have to lose, doesn't make sense for them to try and trick us when they could easily kill us now."

The trolls keeping quiet letting them make the choice knowing they did everything possible already to show them goodwill.

Vott didn't take much time to think as he heard the clashes up above yelling out- "Theoric send the men and come on down."

Vott made sure the ones who jumped down didn't go and attack their benefactors as he waited for Theoric who came last with a long armor gash as he fell.

Muthos wasted no time in tapping his staff on the ground causing the hole to close preventing any trolls from following.

Theoric who slowly got to his feet panting- "The red armored elite showed up and got a hit in as I made my way to the hole... (noticing the trolls down here asked)... What's going on here?"

Vott looking at the trolls who have yet to say much said- "Good question."

Muthos who heard them got things moving- "Questions later, we should move now if what you said is true about an elite, he could be trying to break through, while it should be impossible I wouldn't trust these old tunnels to hold out."

Theoric thinking about Loki spying on them mentioned it- "You should know there is a mage spying on us."

Muthos- "Don't worry about that, these tunnels were built at a time when they were fighting magic user's, so it is well equipped to hide us from them, please follow me, we'll think of something when we reach our destination to hide your group upon exiting."

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