Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 37 - Problems

Muthos- "Alright welcome to my humble home, in here you will be safe from the scrying of the mage, my wife will cook up something for you to wear, please rest well, we will explain all in due time." he said exiting to search for his wife while leaving the two guards behind to watch over them.

Vott whispering to Theoric- "What do you think?"

Theoric barely able to keep his eyes open after all the energy spent didn't think much about it wearily spoke- "Nothing to lose, I say don't worry about it, I need to sleep." closing his eyes as he laid down on the hard surface drifting off.

Vott ignored him, assigning a couple of the more resilient men to keep watch while the others got some much-needed rest.


Muthos in the far back bedroom was consulting his wife on what to do next- "Askella they're here in case you didn't know, so what now? Oh, they also said something about a mage keeping tabs on them."

Askella stopped what she was doing as she looked at random locations around the house checking the protections she setup.- "Yes they're right a mage is trying to locate them as we speak, he shouldn't be able to find them here though without knowing what to look for, the tunnels are a great distraction and there are miles of them, but I'll have to make somethings for them for when they leave."

Muthos- "I have the royal duo watching them just in case, but I think we should all sleep and wait till tomorrow to go through everything."

Askella distracted by her tinkering with the object in her hand answered- "Huh, what did you say?"

Muthos got in bed- "I said tomorrow woman, Tomorrow!"

Askella- "Oh yeah, sure, whatever, now quiet down, can't you see I'm busy."


Counting them he realized they only had 19 left, feeling somewhat responsible as well as foolish for even attempting to join and help out before he had a handle on his new powers. He turned his focus to his body which he thought was the problem for not being up to par and causing him problems with his powers.

He chose to blame his body rather than his rash c.o.c.kiness after gaining a little power due to impatience.

Having enough he felt it was time to try and use healing power to speed up the process that was going on inside.

Closing his eyes he concentrated on the healing energy, focusing it upon himself as he poured it inside trying to speed up what he could, still making sure to be somewhat careful despite his impatience.

Things seemed to be going well until the flood of knowledge that was dammed up was unleashed. He screamed out in agony as he clutched his head, waking everyone up as they came over to see what was going on.

Finding Theoric rolling around with his hands on his head, Vott telling everyone- "Give him some room, don't crowd him."

"What do we do Captain, this looks bad."

"Do you think the trolls did this?"

When the question was asked they turned to their would-be helpers with swords drawn.

Muthos who arrived held up his hands- "Now hold on just a minute, we saved you and this is how you thanks us? Why would we do this?"

Vott who was becoming indignant said- "If not you, who? I can feel the magic that was used and you sir are a magician." not believing for a second that Theoric would inflict self-harm.

Muthos feeling the magic as well felt something was off as he yelled for his wife- "Askella! Come here and explain what is going on."

Askella stumbling out after not getting enough sleep from staying up too late with her tinkering yelled back- "What!"

Muthos- "Something's wrong with the Asgardian and they think it was us."

Askella coming to her senses felt the magical residue in the air- "Did you do some magic?"

Muthos shook his head- "I did not. Did you?" he asked just to be sure.

"Lies, your the only mage here, if not you then who?" one of the Asgardians yelled clenching his weapon, ready to strike.

Askella ignoring the Asgardian said- "I did no such magic, this is strange though, my wards would go off if it was harmful magic, but they are intact so I don't think it has anything to do with what happened."

Askella made her way over to Theoric coming to a wall of swords blocking the way, pointing at her.

Askella looked to Vott asked- "Would you please?"

Vott unable to think of anything else sighed- "Let her through, we can't do anything, might as well see what she can do."

Swords were taken back but not lowered as they allowed Askella to walk to Theoric side so she could check on him with her hands hovering over him, glowing as she probed his condition.

Askella dropping her hands felt a headache come on from lack of sleep and soon to be pissed Asgardians in her home which would be extremely troublesome to deal with should they turn hostile.

Vott seeing her retreat back narrowed his eyes asking- "Well?"

Askella staying quiet looked far too suspicious as she backed off, but Vott didn't stop her as he knew that such a battle in their home base would be extremely dangerous after hearing her talk about wards and such.

Askella only said- "I'm sorry."

Vott angrily shouting- "Sorry About What?!"

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