Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 38 - 80%

Time seemed to stop as the Asgardians were on the verge of attacking the trolls who were also ready to activate the protective wards.

Gaea appeared as she looked down at poor Theoric who was once again near death.- "Foolish boy, I thought you would be smart enough to not do this, luckily I was watching in case you did, good things take time, you should have waited and not rushed."

Sitting on her knees next to him as she placed one hand over his head and the other on his c.h.e.s.t- "You've done it this time, I'm afraid I will have to purge the rest of the memories, don't worry you'll keep the ones you have, but you can't handle anymore and it was to tall an order to expect your brain to be able to store everything available."

Taking her time as she allowed her magic to flow through him wiping away all of the new memories he received and that were flooding in.

Frowning as she realized she would have to do even more,- "It seems I'll have to purge some of the soul as well for you to live and cause no further problems."

Theoric consciously aware of everything that was going on didn't like the sound of that as he visibly shook in denial. He needed that power, without it he would go back to his weak pathetic self that could only wait for death.

Gaea giggled- "Oh relax, I will make sure to only carve away the bits that you don't need, like the rest of the stored memories that have yet to make it out and the fishy parts that I think you would have gained, that wouldn't have looked good on you."

She closed her eyes, concentrating with extreme focus, messing with a soul was never an easy thing to do, one wrong step and he wouldn't be anything anymore.

"And there we go, all better?" she asked as Theoric opened his eyes looking at her form as a little water appeared in his eyes from missing Sigyn and all the foolish things he's been doing lately that could take him away from her.

Gaea feeling his anguish and frustration took his head placing it in her l.a.p as she said- "There, there, everything will be fine, nothing is ever easy Theoric, don't do things beyond your capabilities, don't let this power make you arrogant."

She looked fondly upon him, he already proved to a great man with the way he treated her the first time they met and now he was showing his s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e side, his vulnerable side. At this rate with him checking more boxes in what she looks for in a man, he just may win her yet.

Theoric collecting himself spoke in a low voice- "I'm sorry you had to save me again."

Gaea smiled down at him- "It's okay, we live, we learn, just don't repeat your mistakes and grow stronger from here, I'll tell you some good news, now your body is set right and you are able to wield your powers as smooth as they should have been to begin with, but of course, you can still train and grow them further, don't forget that."

Gaea- "That's not all, your body's strength is now on par with that one you call Thor if you need something to measure it to, you can now give him a run for his money."

Theoric while happy couldn't stop himself from asking- "Does that mean my body will no longer grow stronger?"

Gaea giggled- "After I just said don't become arrogant."

Theoric felt his face get hot as he looked away in embarrassment, though his head was still resting on her l.a.p.

Gaea giggling again- "Hahaha, It's ok to ask I'm just teasing you, I did help your change along so my blessings could work as intended, I'd say it's about 80% complete now, so yes you can expect a bit more in the future, but don't count on it, deal with what you have now." she finished in a serious tone.

Theoric grinning- "I learned my lesson, don't worry, I still have to make you my wife in the future."

Gaea snorted- "With the way you're going about it, I doubt you'll get close enough to that level."

Theoric felt an arrow pierce his heart as he grabbed his c.h.e.s.t in playful pain- "Ouch."

Gaea smirked as she got up dropping his head- "Good luck Theoric, I only came here to fix something I knew would need to be fixed, basically I'm saying I knew you would screw up, though I guess I should have made sure my blessings could be used which is the main reason I decided to help you this time, don't count on anymore from here, now go and grow stronger, I don't know if you can ever reach my level, but I hope you can grow enough to save the Acanti."

Theoric wincing from the hurtful words but didn't take it to heart as her point got across, giving her his goodbyes- "I won't keep you waiting too long my dear."

Which received him another smile from Gaea before she faded away letting time resume its normal flow.

Theoric looking around at all the angry people ready to fight as they yelled at each other.

Vott- "How dare you say that!"

Askella shaking her head- "I'm sorry, but it's the tru..." she stopped as her eyes widened at seeing Theoric stand up.

Vott confused by her sudden lack of words followed her eyes to Theoric,- "Hahaha, I knew you would be fine." he said going up to him and giving him a big hug.

Theoric- "Of course I'll be fine, what's all this about?" seeing the happy Asgardians at seeing him better.

Askella pushed her way through in disbelief- "How are you better, I checked you myself, you were dying just seconds ago."

Theoric grinned- "It's just not my time."

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