Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 39 - Codgel

Theoric listened to them plan as he looked around at the men feeling bad about trying to take on the responsibility of their safety before he was ready.

He was going to make sure he didn't make the same mistakes, looking down at his hand opening and closing it as he felt the new power flow through him smoother and stronger than before.

Vott skeptically asked- "So you're just going to lead us to the troll capital and point us in the direction of the king, are ya?"

Muthos reassured- "Yes it's in everyone's best interest that he dies, only then can this war come to an end."

Askella seeing them unsure added- "Yes that and there is an evil mage working alongside him now planning something evil that could not just harm the trolls in the capital but you Asgardians as well once he completes whatever it is."

Vott looked over to Theoric- "What do you think?"

Theoric with a stoic face answered- "Magic shouldn't be underestimated, I know our people feel it foolish and weak, this is wrong, magic is something to be feared and respected, we should stop any hostile magical act from being completed whenever possible."

Vott contemplated a little more before agreeing, they finalized the plans and packed to leave, it was going to be a long road yet till they were finally done and off this miserable planet.

Askella brought out some different baubles, giving one each to every Asgardian,- "This is for when we are not in the tunnels, it'll help block you from the Mage's sight that is spying on you."

Giving thanks they set off with Vott and Theoric lagging behind a bit to talk in private.

Vott- "Now tell me what you really think."

Theoric- "I say we stick with the original plan to find a ship while I go with them to finish off the king."

Vott trying not to raise his voice as he grew angry- "I don't know how strong this king is, but if he's any stronger then those elites, you'll need all the help you can get."

Theoric denied it not wishing to put the men in any more danger- "I fought him before, I can take him, plus I recently got an upgrade so you don't have to worry about me." he said not wishing to hide anything.

Theoric grinned- "The powerful kind." he said mysteriously.

Vott- "Are you sure?"

Theoric completely serious, stated- "This is something I have to do alone."

Vott none too happy with his friend, thinking he was taking way to many risks on himself and was more than a little power drunk from his new gifts considering his past behavior, though he was named the butcher so that may have been his real personality for all he knew.


Ulik was making his way further down as he drilled into the depths under the rock capital searching for the hidden tunnels.

Once he breached an opening into the tunnels he hopped out of his vehicle and made his way further in towards a light that was shining at the end of the darkness.

Without fear he walked into the bright room searching for his targets, he was going to make sure Geirrodur wouldn't escape a second time.

Seeing two guards he rushed them hoping to kill them quietly without alerting the rest, but they managed to get a howl out. Grabbing both their heads before they could put up any kind of resistance he crushed them in his hands to silence them, grunting in annoyance at his failure to keep them quiet as he tossed them aside.

Geirrodur still wearing his purple-colored royal garbs, cape and a golden crown, was pacing back and forth in front of a giant machine shaped box that was drawing energy from the fires shooting out of the pits underneath it.

"Orikal, how much longer?"

Orikal- " 'Beep' approximately 10 minutes." said the alien Ai machine that was capable of creating anything.

Geirrodur found the alien machine some time ago and discovered its uses, he's been using it to create all sorts of nifty things as well as weapons and armor for his men, eventually asking for more complicated things like transport sh.i.p.s. Seeing it never failing to create what he asked, he finally came up with the idea of having it create a powerful weapon he would have never thought possible but decided to ask and see anyways.

Geirrodur grinned- "Good it's about damn time, I asked you to do this even before I was overthrown but you took to damn long, if I had it back then I wouldn't have had to run for my life."

Geirrodur called the handful of loyal guards he had left that survived with him- "Stay alert, while I don't expect them to find the tunnels, it has been a long time and accidents can happen, kill anyone who approaches, nothing must go wrong."

The 5 soldiers saluted as they spread out guarding the tunnels entrances, a short while later they heard a couple of howls before things turned quiet again.

Geirrodur yelled- "Report!" Only three guards came back at his call.

Geirrodur frowned- "It seems we have an intruder go kill whoever it is, there isn't much time left, soon we'll have what we need to take back the throne."


Ulik hearing Geirrodur shout had a wide grin appearing on his face having found that weasel.

Stalking forward he headed to the large opening that hid a larger room behind, coming across the remaining guards he clenched his fist and shoulder tackled one catching him off guard, sending him flying into the wall.

The other two howled out to alert their king that they engaged the enemy while swinging their sabers at Ulik who used his knuckle pounders to smack them away.

Geirrodur who heard the howls and the following sounds of battle took a peek seeing the giant silhouette of a troll that could only be Ulik.

Geirrodur angrily shouted hoping to distract him for his guards to get a lucky hit- "Ulik you stupid bastard, I'll be coming to kill you shortly just wait for me."

Ulik's demeanor changed after being called stupid, he hated when someone called him stupid, especially after his recent dealing with Loki and not being able to get his hands on him so he could crush the weak little magic man.

To Geirrodur's disappointment, it seemed to have the opposite effect as Ulik angrily charged the remaining guards quickly crushing them without fear of injury.

Luckily he heard the sweetest sound in all his life, 'Ding' "The weapon is now finished."

Geirrodur gleefully laughed- "Hahaha, Ulik here comes your doom for your betrayal, then I'll head up and kill that bitch wife of mine for hers."

Ulik snorted as he sized up Geirrodur and his new weapon- "You think hammer will save you?"

Geirrodur grinning at Ulik who now stood before him- "Oh I think so." he said as he threw the hammer at Ulik who scoffed at his foolishness while raising his hand to catch it.

Geirrodur who's seen Thor hammer many times was laughing on the inside waiting for Ulik to be sent flying.

Ulik, on the other hand, caught the hammer with relative ease as he slid back from the initial throw, surprised evident on his face at being push back from the much weaker Geirrodur.

Geirrodur eyes went wide at seeing the hammer caught so easily as he shouted- "Impossible, how can you catch it, that's impossible!"

He didn't realize that when Uru is enchanted, it becomes much more durable. Mjolnir was enchanted by Odin to never be wielded by anyone other than Thor which had the added benefit of adding immense weight to it, not to mention Uru metal was symbiotic with its user, benefiting from the strength of the one who wielded it.

Geirrodur was not especially strong like Ulik or Thor and he didn't have any magic with which to enchant it, so the new weapon didn't receive anything from him to enable it to grow stronger like Mjolnir.

Ulik confused at his outburst and why he slid asked- "You know me stronger, why you say impossible?"

Clapping could be heard as Grundor appeared looking at the weapon in Ulik's hand- "It's marvelous, simply marvelous, I can't believe this machine was able to make something of this caliber, if word got out there would be no end to the enemies coming after it."

Geirrodur looked at the masked man wondering who he was,- "What are you talking about, while I admit this machine is marvelous, but the hammer is a failure."

Grundor who walked next to Ulik who was patiently waiting to hear more about the weapon,- "This is not a failure, far from it, you just don't know how Uru metal works which is why you failed to unleash its full potential, but in the hands of someone like Ulik, it will be on par with Mjolnir and with my help, it can be greater!" boasted Grundor who earned more trust from Ulik with his words.

Ulik laughed- "Hahaha now who's the stupid one Geirrodur?"

Geirrodur sneered- "Please as if you knew any of that, you buffoon."

Ulik snapping, eyes going red, yelled out- "Enough!" throwing the hammer as hard as he could at Geirrodur who didn't have enough time to react as it quickly flew at him and then to his shock through him as a big gaping hole appeared in the middle of his body.

Ulik feeling something strange mentally pulled at the new sensation which to his delight he could see the hammer respond and turn back, flying to his waiting hand.

Grundor gave his congratulations- "Good job my king, the weapon responds well to you."

Ulik grinned- "I'll name it Codgel, after my father."

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