Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 40 - Ruins

Grundor was shocked by the machine's capabilities he didn't even know about it at all. His goal was even deeper down, in a place long forgotten.

Though he wasn't about to let such a great discovery go, he would be sure to use it in his plans at a later date.

Grundor walked up to the machine while Ulik was playing with his new hammer, looking for a way to transport it back to the surface, not wanting to just leave something so valuable lying around for anyone to take.

'beep' Orikal big red robot eye looked down at Grundor- "Hello user, what can I help you with today?"

Grundor taken back by the talking box asked- "You can talk?"

Orikal- "Affirmative."

Grundor rubbing his chin under his mask as he studied asked- "Tell me what you are."

Orikal- "I am an AI designed to help the users create whatever they d.e.s.i.r.e."

Grundor not getting the answer he asked chose to word it differently- "No, tell me who made you, where did you come from?"

Orikal repeated- "I am an AI designed to help the users create whatever they d.e.s.i.r.e."

Grundor asked- "Are you incapable of discussion?"

Orikal- "I am an AI designed to help the users create whatever they d.e.s.i.r.e."

Grundor- "That's a shame, I'm sure your creators were amazing beings, they don't even think your worth getting back, just leaving you here to rot... Tell me do you have an easy way for us to transport you?"

Orikal- "My red-eye also serves as a button that when pressed shuts me off and shrinks me down to travel size."

Grundor- "Good at least you can answer that." he said pressing the button as it powered down and the whole big box shape shrunk down to an easy to hold tiny box.

Ulik took the box with a grin- "You've done good new magic man, I will reward you."

Grundor playing his part well bowed- "Thank you my king, but serving you is enough."

Ulik laughed- "Hahaha, I like you, don't forget to power my hammer up."

Grundor- "I wouldn't dare, I'll be back to start the process as soon as I'm done here, now you should hurry along, a king shouldn't be away from the throne for too long."

He waited for Ulik to leave before he started his magic, it was nice for the previous king to hide here, allowing him access without having to sneak around or the need to search for the hidden entrance.

Now that the goal was so close, he could just use magic to burrow the rest of the way.

Down below in the bowls of the earth, in the deep abyss, he found it, the ruins of a civilization long wiped out by Odin in his younger days. In ancient records read they were an ancestral species on this planet that wielded great power.

Grundor believed it was this power that Odin feared so he slaughtered them all but one, the one that awakened his power fueled with the hatred of his slain kin he proved to be impossible to kill for Odin who had to trap and seal him away for all eternity.

Grundor found the prison in the middle of the ruins still as pristine as when it was first created. The super-smooth round sphere that held the last survivor inside, maintained by the greatest of magics.

"Don't worry my friend, soon I'll free you and then we'll seek revenge against the one who put you here."

The sphere started to vibrate as if the words he spoke somehow got through.


Ulik arrived back at the throne room to a disaster.

"My king the Asgardians are pushing our armies back and heading here."

"My king a group of Asgardians have infiltrated our capital and stole a ship."

"My king a group of traitors is leading an Asgardian here."

"My king the traitors have been identified as Muthos, Tyborr, and U-Slyn."

Ulik had an ugly expression as he asked the condition of his elites and where they were.

"My king there is no one stopping them now."

The advisor shook in fear as they heard fighting coming from the hall, it also didn't help to be under the murderous glare of Ulik who was enraged to find the troll empire slowly falling apart from his short absence.

Ulik growled out in fury- "Tell Me Who Killed Olik?!"


Before Ulik arrived back at the throne.

Theoric and the gang arrived at the capitol under cover of darkness which helped some in sneaking in undetected with troll guards being lazy and snoozing on the job or lack thereof in other areas.

Askella helped the most with her magic in keeping them hidden and away from roaming patrols.

The sneaking didn't last long though, with 19 Asgardians along with 4 trolls, their group was a bit too big for a covert operation.

Alarm howls soon went out after being spotted by a civilian who was up late, alerting the nearby guards.

Theoric took this chance to tell them to head to their version of hangers,- "Head to the shipyards, that way we can get a ship to go directly to the throne room without hassle, I don't think they'll expect that."

Askella gave him a questioning stare wondering if he was up to anything while Muthos thought it was a good idea,- "Yes that sounds like a good idea, this way." he said not wishing to fight innocent trolls.

Vott also gave Theoric a helpless sigh as he thought about his friend going to fight alone. Gripping his ax tightly promising he would at least take a few trolls down along the way.

Muthos seeing some patrols ahead that they couldn't get around, took a mental moment to prepare for being called a traitor while he fought against his kind in hopes of saving them.

Muthos hastily spoke- "I know our species are enemies and that we will have to fight trolls that get in our way, but please be merciful when you can." he pleaded to the Asgardians.

"Assgins ahead, and Traitors, Kill The Traitors!"

"Kill the Traitors!" they chanted.

Theoric saw how much it affected them, all but Askella who seemed indifferent to the whole situation.

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