Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 4 - Merged

Time seemed to have stopped as Theoric was released from the pain of life, unfettered and unchained he soared away into the unknown ready for it all to be over.

A pure light descended from the darkness calling him back, but he didn't wish to return, he always hated living, it was always so painful, even when he was happily enjoying himself, in the back of his head all he could think about is what's the point, none of it matters in the end.

The light feeling his misgiving's seemed to panic as it erratically flashed trying to find a reason for him to come back.

The Acanti's soul couldn't survive in his body and needed to merge with his soul, but if he didn't want to come back it would be trapped in the body it already started healing.


Gaea watched as the purest soul shot out from the beyond and made its way into her territory, all gods who could see beyond themselves noticed it.

A soul so pure and free of any sin, the whitest brightest light they have ever seen before, not to mention the size of the soul was enormous as well.

Many Gods wanted to act to take it for their own, but Gaea having never experienced such a sight through her many years took action when it came to Asgard within her territory.

She used her vast powers to repel the other gods from entering, while they did care, they didn't care enough to go to war for it, especially against one as powerful as Gaea.

Gaea followed the soul when she noticed it was on a mission, her eyes widened in horror when she saw it jump into a dead body trying to merge with it.

She couldn't understand what its purpose was, why would it do such a crazy thing. Teleporting over she looked sadly upon the soul as it struggled to fix what was already so broken.

Gaea- "I'm sorry little one, but you should leave it, that body is already gone."

The soul didn't listen as it tried to search through the body's memories for something to win him back.

Theoric saw the light flash brightly as it sent a memory to him one that made his very soul shed tears, it was about his future wife Sigyn and how much he loved her.

The light seeing it had some effect used its vast knowledge to search for this woman and then transferred everything it knew about her to him.

Theoric was no longer crying, he was boiling in rage watching Loki that lying evil bastard ruining his lovely fiance and learning that he was the reason for his death so Loki could use his image as an illusion to trap her into a living hell as Loki's wife, using and abusing her, forcing her to suffer for him.

Theoric's soul practically exceeded the speed of light himself zooming into the awaiting light, he needed to return to save her.

Gaea was happily surprised to see a change as the original soul came back and was met with the pure soul, but to her dismay, she saw the pure soul trying to fuse into the other, her apprehension rising as she watched the pure white trying to mix with that disgusting grey color soul, not that grey souls were bad things, but it would ruin its nice pure white.

She didn't understand what it was trying to accomplish, but she felt its desperation and choose to help it, anything that pure couldn't have any malicious attentions, the likely scenario is it would give everything it could to the grey soul while killing itself.

Understanding this she invoked her power to put the body back together with a few minor changes and her blessing bestowed upon it so it would be strong enough for the soul to accomplish its goal.

"Theoric huh, I don't know what it is that drew the soul to you, but I hope your worthy of it."


Theoric woke up with the sun brightly shining on his face in the crater alone, sitting up he checked out his body, he was surprised to find himself completely unharmed and wearing a white shirt and greenish-brown long pants.

Getting up to his feet he fell back down to his knees when the memories started to flood his mind, some of them of things he shouldn't even know about.

An explanation soon filtered in explaining his situation and what happened. The Prophet Singer of the Acanti, the last of his kind used the time stone to travel to the past to seek a champion for his kind in the hopes of saving them.

From the relaxing peaceful feeling to the fear, panic, and abuse its kind suffered through the eons, all the way to the final moments of horror at seeing the most caring, kind, peaceful species wiped out.

The influence on Theoric was not small as he felt it all, he clenched his fist in anger as he punched ground creating another small crater in the crater he was in.

He was shocked to see his strength, knowing it most likely had something to do with the Acanti he silently thanked it and promised himself to save them in the future.

First, he had to save his wife, easily climbing out of the giant crater he stormed his way back hoping he wasn't too late, swearing that if Loki touched one hair on her he would slaughter him even if Odin himself stepped up to defend him.

Thinking of Odin he spat at the ground as if trying to get a disgusting taste out of his mouth, that bastard of a king didn't do anything worth mentioning to Loki for his treachery.

The memories started coming in at a slower pace after the initial introduction and the memory he was baited with so that his head wouldn't explode from overload, he knew that there was still a lot of interesting things yet to learn from the Acanti even if a bit of it was lost during the merge.

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