Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 5 - Payback

Loki waited for news of Theoric's death before taking his form and heading towards his home where Sigyn waited.

He remembered when he first saw her how his ice hold heart seemed to warm and beat faster. She was so lovely, her shoulder-length dark blue hair and crimson red eyes which gave an exotic feeling and let us not forget about her greatest assets of all, her c.h.e.s.t, they were amazingly sized where any man looking just wanted to bury their face into it.

( <- [That's who I based Sigyn on.]

But to his dismay, he found out she was already taken by Theoric a Crimson Hawk, also known as Theoric the butcher.

Loki was well aware of his reputation and prowess, while he was weaker, it was well known of how brutal he was to those who challenged him.

That was learned in the arena when Drulham the resident bully who picked on all those weaker made Theoric his next target. Theoric was no match for him, but what he lacked for in ability he made up for in viciousness.

During the fight Drulham was winning at first till he put him in a chokehold, Theoric threw all decorum and honor out the window when he took a bite out of his arm, Drulham released him in a howl of pain not prepared for the follow-up kick to the groin dropping Drulham to his knees.

Theoric then tackled him progressing to beating him relentlessly until he was pulled off.

No one ever challenged him again after that, afraid they might be unlucky enough to have a repeat.

Loki frowned thinking about this and how best to get what he wanted, he came up with the idea of sending him on a mission to die where he arranged the Rock Trolls to kill him.

With word making its way back that the job was done he stood in front of the home where Sigyn resided reaching out to knock.

"Who is it?"

Loki coughed making sure his voice was coming out correctly before speaking- "It's me Sigyn, I'm back."

Sigyn opened the door slowly as she squinted her eyes at him, making him sweat as he wondered if his disguised was seen through.

"What's with calling me so formally like that?"

Loki still sweating thought he recalled her being a bit ditsy, why was she so preceptive now, "Haha, it's nothing... Honey, it just slipped out." he said trying to laugh it off.

Sigyn smiled as she brushed off the uneasy feeling she had- "Oh ok, it's good to see you again dear, I'm glad your back." she moved in to hug him.

Loki sighed in relief as he leaned in attending to do more than just hug, but froze halfway to her awaiting arms when a loud angry yell resounded throughout the area.


Sigyn who heard it stopped as well wondering what was going on.

A dust storm seemed to be heading towards them from the distance.

Sigyn- "What is that?"

Loki looking at the approaching dust storm received a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, but he was assured that Ulik himself took care of him, other than Odin, only Thor could match that monster's strength.

"Impossible," he whispered to himself, not believing that it could be Theoric, even if he somehow managed to survive there was no way for him to figure out it was Loki who set him up.

Sigyn tilted her head cutely as she looked at Loki who was in disguise asking- "What's impossible?"

Loki hearing her question looked back to her with a smile- "It's nothing dear, shall we continue what we were going to do?" he asked brushing off his uneasy feeling, believing that as the son of Odin even if he was caught he would be safe from any repercussion.

Loki edged closer to her and was leaning in for the kiss when suddenly the back of his head was gripped hard by the hair and pulled back.

Sigyn put her hand to her mouth in shock when she saw two Theoric's in front of her, doing a double-take between the two asking- "Theoric?"

Theoric panting half from anger half from exhaustion as he ran all the way back to stop anything from happening, clenched his left fist as he raised it.

Loki seeing the jig was up dropped his illusion as he put his hands up in surrender- "Now Theoric take a minute to think about this, I am Odi..."

Theoric started to punch his face with his left hand over and over again as he maintained the grip on his head with his right.

Loki unready for his assault took a few to many hits, gathering his wits he concentrated his magic out pushing Theoric back yelling- "Enough!"

Theoric was in battle mode though and was prepared for it so he wasn't pushed far as he came right back and gut-punched a surprised Loki, who thought Theoric was supposed to be weaker as his punches started to remind him of Thor's beatings though still lacking when compared.

Loki spat out saliva as he keeled over from the hit gasping for air that wouldn't come.

Theoric seeing him on his knees almost felt satisfied if it wasn't for seeing Sigyn standing not to far away that was almost touched by his filthy hands.

He ran up and delivered a knee strike straight to Loki's head dropping him to the ground in a semi-conscious state.

Theoric still unsatisfied walked into the house where he kept the weapons, coming back out with a sword in hand.

Sigyn seeing Loki appear felt guilty at having almost been fooled, she felt something was off, but ignored it, so she silently watched Theoric beat him despite being a kind girl who didn't wish to see such things.

Loki coming to saw him coming with a sword in hand as his eyes widened in fear, pushing his feet against the ground he pathetically tried to create some distance putting his hand out yelling- "Wait, wait, you don't want to do this."

Theoric snorted at him as he came over to kick him in the side to stop his useless movements, bring the sword up to his neck.

Loki in full panic mode knowing he was capable of it started to pull whatever he could out of his a.s.s to convince him otherwise- "Theoric please, think of Sigyn." but quickly shut his mouth as he saw Theoric face turn ugly gritting his teeth in anger.

Theoric lifted his foot bringing it back down to stomp on him hard sending a large spider web of cracks out from under him.

Theoric waited for him to somewhat recover from it before he started to talk with his foot still on top- "Loki, son of Odin, you have come to my home, to steal my woman, what say you?"

Loki still groaning in pain spat out- "I am Loki son of Odin! You should be gifting me her and praying you don't suffer for your insolence."

Theoric increased the pressure on his foot making Loki let out a yelp of pain- "Ahhh, you bastard, you will pay for this, you can't kill me and I'll be back with the other royal guards to have you executed then we'll see what happens to your precious woman."

Loki holding his broken nose as blood poured out wailed- "Do you not care about what will happen?"

"Don't worry I'll make sure you can't do anything to her." Theoric snarled as he brought the blade to rest at Loki's groin who eyes widened to the biggest yet.

"No! Please! I'll do anything you want, I won't bother you or yours again, please let me go." Loki desperately pleaded in fear.

Sigyn seeing something unforgivable about to occur decided to speak out- "Honey."

Theoric paused to look over at her.

Sigyn walked up and embraced him whispering- "That's enough dear, don't do something that can't be forgiven."

Theoric sighed as he thought of what to do now, looking at the pathetic form of Loki who was a bloody beaten mess.

Theoric coming to a conclusion- "Loki, hear me and listen well, I will let you go, but should you ever attempt to even come near my woman again I will castrate you, should anyone interfere with me from performing this punishment, I will instead seek your death, it doesn't matter if Odin himself or Thor comes to your rescue, I will sacrifice my very life to see you die with me."

Loki could only silently nod no longer willing to say anything in the hopes of not setting him off again.

Theoric lifted his foot off of him- "Get out of here and don't come back, oh and don't think I don't know about you setting up that ambush, so don't even think about coming back here with guards to arrest me."

Clenching his fist in irritation at not being strong enough to fully take revenge, he didn't wish to sacrifice his own life to take it now, still worrying about what else could happen to Sigyn if he wasn't there to protect her.

He would have to wait till his strength grew enough to where he didn't have to fear Odin or Thor and then he will make Loki pay for everything. Endless torture awaited Loki at the time of his rise to power.

Loki quickly scampered away with his ego fully deflated from the experience. He couldn't understand how he survived and came back stronger, all Loki wanted to do now was forget this day ever happened, fully regretting messing with the butcher.

Luckily this all occurred in a private section of the city reserved for high ranking members, where the homes were granted more privacy from neighbors, the few who did notice the disturbance knew to keep to themselves, in these parts there weren't many worth offending.

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