Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 50 - Fruition

Theoric wondered what Ulik was trying to say, but didn't catch it due to the war that was still going on around them. The ones closest though paused and watched the fight they could only dream of participating in.

Ulik's defeat sent the trolls in a panic as their last support fell, unable to see a way to win anymore with most of their best dead, the trolls fled.

Theoric picked up the hammer Ulik was using, feeling it's weight and power in his hands. It seemed like the real deal to him, but he's never held the real one so he would let Thor decide.

Thor had his interest peaked again seeing the hammer survive his lightning blast as Mjolnir would. Arriving in front of Theoric who was holding the hammer he asked to see it.- "Theoric that was a good bout, I see your strength has improved and would love to go a few rounds with thee in the arena."

Thor looking at the hammer in his hand- "Could I trouble you to let me see that, it is strikingly similar to my own."

Theoric didn't see a reason not to, handing it over, he was also interested in seeing if it was the real deal.

Thor took hold of it, testing it out.- "Well this is an odd sensation, it does feel similar, but sadly it comes up short, it is but a knock off, after all, it was obvious though seeing as how a troll was wielding it and even you could pick it up, the real deal... (lifting his hammer while dropping Uliks.)... can only be wielded by the worthy," he said with a grin.

Thor looking back at Theoric and decided one more test was necessary though, handing over his hammer for Theoric to test.- "Here, try and hold it," he said with a grin full of confidence.

Theoric also wishing to see how close he was to Odin's strength gave it a shot, wrapping his hands around the handle. Upon Thor's release, it instantly dropped with no hope of being moved by Theoric or anyone else, that didn't stop Theoric from trying though as he gave a few good tugs to no avail.

Thor laughed happily with his mind completely at ease as he took back his hammer- "Sorry my friend, but it seems you are not worthy." patting him on the back.

Theoric sighed- "It seems so." his double meaning lost on Thor as he thought about how far still he has to go in order to contend with beings as strong as Odin, who could enchant a hammer so no one could pick it up except those he wishes or those stronger than him.

He wondered how hard it was to do since Odin has only ever used it on Mjolnir. Thinking of the fun it would be if he could easily apply it to anything and everything he wished, it would be funny seeing someone try to pick up a napkin that proved impossible to move.

Feeling an ominous presence both Thor and Theoric went on guard.

Thor- "You feel it too?"

Theoric- "Yes."

The air rippled above them before Grundor appeared with Ulla holding his arm at the side.

Thor furrowed his brows- "What manner of beast are you?" he asked seeing the many differences between the trolls and him despite being similar to one another.

Grundor kept a stoic face as he stared daggers at Thor, the son of Odin.- "Stick around Odinson, I'll be back for you," he said lifting his hand, pulling Ulik's hammer away and disappearing before anyone knew what was happening.

Thor stupidly threw his hammer at the spot he just was, accomplishing nothing as he called it back to his hand.

Theoric- "Well that can't be good."


Grundor laughed as he appeared in the ruins once again- "Finally after years of planning all is coming to fruition."

Grundor happily telling Ulla about it all as he walked to the prison sphere.

"You have no idea how long it took after Odin killed my people, I managed to survive because I was playing deep in a cave at the time he came and did not hear the summons of my people that he tricked them into performing."

"I made my way back when the planet started to shake from his genocide, making it back just in time to see him battling the last of us, a great warrior emerged that even Odin couldn't kill, but that didn't stop him from trapping him here in this sphere."

"I spent the rest of my life learning and studying magic so I could one day free the great warrior, but it took far longer then I could ever imagine and grew in despair when I realized I would need Odin's blood to undo the spell, luckily he soon had children."

"I spent my free time guiding the troll cousins in hopes that they would grow just as strong only to be left disappointed until a family finally gave birth to a couple of promising trolls, Ulik and his brother Olik."

"At first I thought Olik was the one, his size and bestiality made him far too similar to my own kind, but Ulik had the strength I needed, seeing that Ulik loved his family especially his little brother Horth who he was very protective of."

"I came up with a plan, to take Horth, but I needed to make sure nothing would be traced back to me, having to keep my identity secret for fear of Odin finding out and tracking me down, so I struck a deal with Mephisto, knowing no one would think someone was behind him, to take Horth and leverage his life against Ulik to start the war against Asgard."

"Told Ulik he would get Horth back in exchange for the death of Thor in the war, the person I needed blood from so I could use as a catalyst in opening the sealed prison and release the mighty warrior inside."

Ulla nodded along- "That's amazing my lord."

Grundor now in front of the sphere,- "Yes, but there were hiccups, Ulik not wishing to betray the king and send his people to war, tried to weasel out of it by making deals with magicians like Loki who promised to help him in exchange for whatever he wanted."

Grundor placing his hand on the sphere one last time activating the symbols as it shocked him, giving it one last look.

"Ulik was a fool until the very end, there was no way he was going to get out of this alive, but now he can rest in peace along with his brother's who are already waiting for him, he can rest knowing that I will bring his people out from the dark and bring ruin upon our enemies in Asgard!"

Raising both hands he gripped the hammer above his head chanting the magic's he learned, using the hammer as a conduit.

With the hammer now shinning brightly he aimed it at the spot he splashed the blood and unleashed the incantation to destroy the seals.

The seal shined brightly one last time as it blasted upwards through the ceilings and floors above, out into space as a warning of its destruction before going out, Grundor happily shouted- "Success! Brother, please free yourself and join me in crushing Asgard! IN KILLING ODIN!"

Ulla cowered behind Grundor as the sphere violently shook before blasting apart revealing a giant n.a.k.e.d version of Grundor.

Grundor grinning- "Welcome brother, Welcome great warrior Mangog."

Mangog is extremely tall, standing at 12ft and has a massive muscular build. Mangog has only three digits (including an opposable thumb) on each hand, three toes on each foot, a prehensile tail, and 2 big brow horns over each eye on his reddish-orange head.

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