Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 51 - T v M v T

Grundor looked at the magnificence that was Mangog who was angry and confused. Angry for obvious reasons, confused to see another of his kind that he thought was wiped out.

Grundor knowing his thoughts spoke- "I know you have questions, but for now I brought you a welcoming gift for you to do with as you like." Grabbing Ulla and throwing her in front of him.

Ulla screamed in fear- "Grundor! What are you doing?"

Grundor ignores her cries for help as Mangog grabbed her and brutality tore her apart as he feasted off her flesh, surprising Grundor who didn't consider that he might be starving for substance.

Once finished he stared at Grundor confused on what to do next, having his mind long ago broken from imprisonment, preventing him from putting his thoughts and questions to words.

The only thing he ever thought about while conscious in that dark cramped prison for the past several centuries was his hate and the need for revenge against Odin who wiped out his people, but upon his long-awaited release, he finds one of his people in front of him which eased his anger as he thought of potentially more.

Tears coming to his eyes as he gave Grundor a hug who was weirded out by the situation.

Grundor thinking- 'Is this the great warrior who stood toe to toe with Odin all those years ago?'

Grundor clears his throat as he gently pushed him off trying to clear the misunderstanding that might be occurring- "Mangog, I think you're getting ahead of yourself, it's taken me a long, long time to free you, I am the only one besides you to have survived."

Mangog stiffened as he began to understand the words.

Grundor- "I freed you, so we, the last two of our kind can kill Odin and give peace to our people."

Mangog didn't react immediately as he took a while to process everything that was going on, his rollercoaster of emotions leaving him mostly confused until he saw the two Asgardians arriving from above, triggering his hate-filled heart.


Theoric seeing the warning light shoot in the distance begrudgingly asked for help,- "Thor, it seems Ulik was a pawn which means whatever that is can only be worst, we need to go stop it now, for Asgard."

Thor felt his fighting spirit rise just thinking about fighting a worthy opponent, a warrior stronger then Ulik who could possibly rival him, arrogantly believing his strength to be far superior to Ulik's and Theoric's, denied him- "Nay Theoric, just I will be enough."

Theoric- "Thor just wait a minute..." Only to have Thor finish swinging his hammer and flying away.

Theoric cursed him as he followed along knowing the fool was likely to take a beating without him and possibly ruin future events should his attitude change. Not to mention he had no knowledge of this war, he was likely the very reason this thing happened when it did.

There was no telling who or what could pop up, he started to regret the interfering he's done already, inadvertently having to sacrifice precious future memories that could have been very useful.

He now only had the memories of the events surrounding the 6 stones, but he could still tell that these events were not supposed to happen.

He managed to catch up to Thor who was slowly descending down while watching the two creatures he knew nothing about.

Mangog let out a fierce roar which made Thor grin- "Good, the big one is mine you can have the smaller one."

Mangog lept up smashing into Thor and holding him out in front as they crashed into the rock face at an angle and out onto the surface the sun blinding Mangog as Thor hit him off.

Theoric looked down into the depths from whence they came towards Grundor who stared back with a frown.

Grundor was actually not a fighter, he was only willing to trade blows in magic with Askella due to his pride in magic, that pride was killed when he lost against her.

He turned into a coward the day Odin reigned down hell, always fearful of being found out and hunted down. He's grown so used to hiding that he can't even bring himself to fight unless desperate for a goal right before his eyes. With no goal in front of him and the warrior now free, he went back to his cowardly ways, teleporting away to a safe distance, thinking about the deal he made when he was at his most desperate now that he didn't have to worry about anything else with the great warrior around.

Theoric snorted at his escape, but also thankful as he ran to go help Thor, hoping the enemy's size was misleading of his strength like Olik.

Thor laughed happily as he went for his opponent who roared menacingly in return while charging over, destroying the ground with each heavy step.

Thor swinging his hammer to meet the fist of his foe, the impact coming out even as neither moved, but Mangog kept pushing angrily as Thor's feet slid across the ground in protest.

Thor couldn't help but say while holding his hammer with both hands against Mangog's one fist- "You are a strong fellow." right before Mangog came in with his other fist sending Thor flying back into a nearby mountain, putting a good size dent into it.

Theoric entered into the fray when Thor was making his way back to an awaiting Mangog, he decided his best bet was to secretly help Thor by creating energy attacks against the creature, that would be well hidden by its enormous size, so Thor would be none the wiser.

If done right this may even boost his confidence at being able to handle such a powerful foe.

Thor flew back hard right into Mangog who caught him as he slid back, then attempted to use both his fist to slam dunk him down into the ground but was interrupted by Theoirc's secret attack, taking an energy hammer in the back of the head.

Theoric used an energy hammer so Thor would think he was the one who did it if any mark is made.

Thor changing tactics during the time Theoric won for him, lifted his hammer calling lighting down on him and his foe.

Thor quickly came back clad in lightning yelling- "I will defeat thee." Throwing his lightning hammer with all his might right into the abdomen of the creature which flew back under the weight of the weapon as it received a shock from the lightning.

Theoric seeing the creature was about to hit a rock wall knew if he didn't reinforce it, the creature would just tear through it and slow down with little damage, but if reinforced he would hit it hard receiving the maximum damage he could.

Gathering his energy he placed a shield in front of the rock wall reinforcing it as much as possible so it wouldn't break as Mangog Smacked into it.

Mangog hitting the shield with the hammer still pushing him on felt the full brunt of the attack as he grunted in pain. Looking down he tried to grab the hammer, but just missed as Thor called it back.

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