Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 52 - T v M v T (2)

Mangog roaring with his massive fangs visible as he glared at his adversary Thor who caught his hammer with a grin.

Theoric shaking his head at the fool who was still blissfully unaware of his predicament, he could feel the creature's strength from his hiding spot, it didn't just look strong, it was far stronger then Ulik and has yet to fully utilize it for some reason.

What he didn't know was that Mangog while angry and vengeful, most of his hate was for Odin who worked alone in secret to wipe his people out, for fear of ruining the good-guy reputation that he was building.

Mangog also wasn't at his best, coming right out of his long imprisonment into a fight, not to mention seeing Grundor brought down the endless rage he once felt, bringing in some hope that more of them were out there and that he wasn't the only one left.

Grundor watching from the shadows could see this as he thought back to all those years ago when he saw Mangog face off against Odin.- 'I may have screwed up showing myself to him.' he sadly thought back to the tears that Mangog shed upon seeing him.

Mangog charged Thor who happily laughed as he ran to meet him, the two clashing with a 'Boom.'

Thor managed to hold his own as he wrestled against Mangog's grip who had his hands around Thor as if trying to squash him. Thor moved forward avoiding the hands that clapped together as he stepped in hitting the exposed stomach with his hammer, but Mangog barely registered it because of the limited force generated due to the enclosed space, all of which went above Thor's head as he was surprised to see Mangog unharmed from his hit.

Mangog brushing the hit off, grabbed him in a bear hug squeezing Thor tightly where for the first time Thor felt genuine pain as his bones creaked under the pressure, feeling thankful in the back of his mind that he couldn't get any air in or out otherwise he would have been heard screaming.

Theoric seeing Mangog looking at Thor with hungry eyes with some drool escaping from his jaws had a bad feeling as he quickly gathered enough energy to form a dozen hammers knowing this would likely expose him to the monster as he shot them at it's back.

Mangog thinking about taking a bite out of Thor was suddenly hit by a dozen hammers one after another in the back of his head.

Feeling the loosened grip Thor was able to breathe again as oxygen reentered his brain allowing him to think. He dropped the hammer on to Mangog's foot which made him howl out in pain dropping Thor who picked his hammer back up proceeding to an uppercut jump right into the creature's jaw with a bit of lightning thrown in as he sent Mangog flipping back.

Mangog who wanted to search for the one who keeps hitting him from behind couldn't help but keep his focus on Thor who was continuing his pursuit. Sitting up Mangog dodge rolled out of the way avoiding Thor slamming down with his hammer, while rolling he swung his tail out smacking him across the face, knocking his helmet off and leaving a mark that made the Odinson angrier feeling the sting on his face.

Thor for the first time in his life wasn't getting his way easily and it was infuriating him,- "Foul creature I will smite thee! How dare you think you can contend with me, Thor Odinson, God of Thunder." he said with a haughty attitude.

Mangog's eyes narrowed when he heard the word Odin, triggered by the word he now looked at Thor with new eyes, the younger Odin's image now overlapping with Thor's who without his helmet look remarkably similar.

Mangog facing Thor while standing at his full impressive height of 12 feet looked down at Thor full of loathing.- "ODIN!" he roared while charging,- "ODIN! I WILL KILL YOU ODIN!"

Thor taken aback by being called Odin wasn't prepared for his fury as he barely lifted the hammer up in time to stave off the first hit which sent him reeling back.

Mangog followed up with a flurry of attacks that Thor couldn't hope to contain as the giant fists easily engulfed him. Unable to hold his hammer any longer under the raining blows, he dropped it right before Mangog sent in one last hard punch sending him zooming away, crashing through boulders and rock formations.

Theoric stunned by the display was even more astonished when he saw Mangog grab the dropped hammer and start dragging it towards Thor's direction. He knew they were in trouble now, this creature was clearly near Odin's level, able to move the hammer like that.

Theoric was then shocked seeing Mangog lift the hammer up and point it towards Thor, but soon got a hold of himself when he thought about Thor trying to call it back. He concentrated on making swords now, no longer caring about hiding anything, knowing that there was a good chance they'll die if they don't fight together at their best.

Theoric shot the energy swords at Mangog wrist, who was fighting against the hammer's attempt to answer the call of Thor.

Mangog startled by the stinging swords that hit his arm and wrist, let go of the hammer watching it fly away to Thor.

Mangog sharply turned looking for the perpetrator who keeps attacking him from behind.

Theoric ducked behind the rocks he was hiding while sweating, there was no way he could fight that monster alone without a strong weapon, watching the energy swords he sent not even scratch him.

Grundor who was watching from the shadows smirked as he sent a blast of magic to destroy the rock Theoric was hiding behind, exposing him.

Mangog seeing him now was about to attack when Thor showed up flying in the air. The pretty prince of old no longer visible under the ragged appearance, battered and beaten with a busted lip.

Thor charged up his lightning as he attacked, no longer willing to talk with his mood soured while waking up to the fact this creature was a deadly foe, one that could kill him if he isn't careful.

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