Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 68 - New Home

Theoric could see the villagers gathering around to check what happened, he slipped away just in time as he snuck his way back Sigyn to see how she was doing alone with no house to speak of yet.

He checked to make sure the sack was still secure and that the gift inside it was still alive. He found Sigyn later who was landscaping and clearing the area for where she decided to place the house with a happy tune just as the sun started setting.

Theoric smiled- "I see you're enjoying yourself, and here I was worried you would get lonely in a new unfamiliar land."

Sigyn spun around happily- "Yes, I'm surprised too, it's just I feel so comfortable being in the woods now, strange how I never felt this way before."

Theoric- "That's probably because of your recent change, tell me have you discovered anything else in your time alone?"

Sigyn put a finger to her chin, putting on her thinking pose- "Nope, it was a very happy accident discovery I could heal like you now." she giggled.

Sigyn put on her serious face- "So whenever your hurt, I'll make sure to heal you up so your all better." she smiled.

Theoric reminded her of what she just said earlier- "But I can also heal myself."

Sigyn didn't take it to heart as she argued back- "Nope, I'm sure after a tough battle and you're out of energy, that's when you count on me." she said patting her c.h.e.s.t.

Theoric grinned as brushed a hair out of her face- "Okay dear, I can count on you when I'm in trouble now."

Sigyn nodded- "Yes." happy to gain his recognition and to be of use now.

Theoric seeing it was growing darker,- "We should head back to the village and find an inn before figuring out how to go about building our house out here."

Sigyn concerned about the man inside asked- "Are you sure he doesn't need to eat or something? What if he dies."

Theoric- "He deserves to suffer for a few days, it'll take more than that to kill us Asgardian's."

Sigyn- "So who is he exactly?"

Theoric- "Don't worry about it."

Sigyn- "But isn't he the reason we had to leave?"

Theoric- "Not exactly, he was the reason we left quickly, but I was going to leave regardless, I have many future plans on this planet."

Sigyn- "Plans?"

Theoric- "Yes, plans."

Seeing he wasn't going to say much more they walked the rest of the way in silence.

Theoric opened the door to find Atticus standing there with reverence etched into his face.

Atticus asked in awe- "It was you wasn't it? You know a villager said he witnessed a giant, what he called the hand of God, slam down and smite the evil lord and his men."

Theoric inwardly cringed as he thought- 'What hand of god? how does a simple flat square platform look anything like a hand?'

Theoric- "Is that so? I'll be more careful in the future, wouldn't want crazy religious nuts bothering me... if that's all." he said closing the door.

Atticus loudly exclaimed- "Wait! Please, I don't know if your a god or not, or if your a chosen, but I truly want to thank you for what you did for our town, I think you would like to know that the victims that you saved are being taken care of and that I have taken leadership as you have asked of me if there is anything else that you need please let me know, I will do everything in my power to help you."

Theoric- "Well, now that I think about it, we choose a nice spot not too far away, but still some distance to get too, it would be nice if we could get help building a home there."

Atticus widely grinned at finding a way to repay him,- "Yes sir, that will be no problem, I'll make sure to get every able body man to help out, it's the least we could do."

They exchanged more pleasantries before bidding good night to one another with plans to meet up tomorrow.

They took off the next day after Atticus explained how Theoric had a hand in the events of the evil lord's disappearance without giving away that he was directly responsible for the magical event. Ensuring Theoric kept his peace for a little bit longer, but also that they would enthusiastically help in building his home.

The victims also didn't go around telling everyone about him because he made sure to stay away from them so they had no idea who or where he was, not that any of them were ready yet to go around, mostly staying indoors recovering slowly with kind volunteers.

With the house built, Theoric took the time to build a secret bas.e.m.e.nt which he warded with energy barriers. He discovered that he could increase the density to effectively cut off the inside from everything from the outside, including magic, this had the added benefit of keeping Heimdall's eyes from being able to peer into his house as he lined it on the inside with his power to make sure he and Sigyn could never be viewed during their private time.

Theoric remembered once asking Heimdall if he ever peeps on people getting it on, that was the first and only time he saw the man flinch, but you had to look real close or you would have missed it. Maybe Theoric was the only one who has ever asked him that, he could be quite unnerving just standing there.

Theoric always thought before then that Heimdall was impotent, always standing there guarding without rest, when did he have the time to enjoy himself. Even before he knew Heimdall he wondered if he was just an unfeeling creature Odin created to stand there and do his bidding.

It was only after taking the time to get to the know the man out of sheer curiosity that he discovered who he really was through many intrusive inquiries.

Theoric and Sigyn spent the following days just enjoying themselves in their new home, though Sigyn soon became highly uncomfortable knowing there was a prisoner in the bas.e.m.e.nt so Theoric found a separate location to keep him while thinking about Vott and the men, wondering when they would arrive or if they would arrive. They didn't exactly say one way or the other before they parted.

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