Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 69 - Terrifying Disaster

Theoric and Sigyn were taking a stroll through the village since she wanted to visit the people and get to know them more now that she was going to be living close by.

The people were all very friendly saying hi and thanks for what help they believed Theoric did.

Many commented on Sigyn's beauty but there seemed to be no more blunt idiots left that would disturb her more than that.

Sigyn grew close to the lady who sold flowers from home while her husband was away hunting. She started to grow interested in plants, which disturbed Theoric. The last thing he wanted was for the blessing she received to turn her into someone completely different than the woman he fell in love with.

With the gloomy atmosphere of the past gone, the children were out and about. When they spotted Sigyn they ran over unafraid of disturbing them as they circled around playing happily asking all sorts of questions.

"Wow, your so pretty big sister, where do you come from?"

"She must be a famous lady from the bigger villages."

"No no no no, it's not bigger villages it's big cities, that's what my da and ma told me."

"No, it's not either of those, its the capital, the biggest most importantest of them all, right, am I right?" the last little girl asked looking at Sigyn with expecting eyes, she who always wanted to be the smartest in the group.

Titus happened to be in the group and spoke up without thinking- "No you're all wrong, she's not a famous lady, she's a goddess." But soon after his eyes went wide realizing he spilled the beans of the secret he was supposed to keep and quickly closed his mouth with both hands.

The little girl quickly reprimanded him for his intelligence,- "Titus your so stupid, the gods live up on Mount Olympus, everyone knows that."

Titus didn't like being talked down to as he retorted,- "I'm not stupid."

The little girl pointed at him with the rest soon joining in,- "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

Sigyn enjoying the show laughed as well,- "Theo they are absolutely adorable, when will we have one?"

Theoric started sweating as his wife's eyes started to bore holes into him.

Having none of that, he tried to change the conversation- "How about we have the villagers make us a bigger bath so we can have more fun... (He first said so she wouldn't realize he was changing the conversation as it was along the same lines.)... Oh, and I also heard the villagers talking about magical creatures showing up more often, which according to them is rare. They say that magical things usually only happen the closer you get to the god's temples or places they visit, so I was thinking of investigating it."

Sigyn= "Gods? I think you mentioned them before but who are they?"

Theoric sighed in relief at dodging a bullet as he explained- "The Olympians, they are a people with extraordinary powers, much like Odin and his family, but much more potent because of having a direct line to Gaea herself. It was due to this that they were allowed to claim earth leaving Odin with little choice but to give it up or risk starting a war he wasn't prepared for, realizing that many of Gaea's lineage called Midgard home."

Sigyn- "Sounds amazing, will we ever meet them?"

Theoric- "Maybe, we have a lot of time to kill, at some point we could go looking for them, although now that I think about it, I don't have much knowledge about them other then what I've already learned, I'll have to ask around and try and discover more, I wonder what happened to them in the future." he mumbled the last part to himself to where others couldn't hear.

Sigyn- "Sorry what was that last part?"

Theoric not wanting to explain all his future knowledge and plans started talking about other things,- "Nothing important, come let's go see about building a big bath, hopefully, they know how to make one around here."

Sigyn then grew happy- "Oh yes the bath, and babies, right, now I remember, Theo when are we going to have a baby."

Realizing he just shot himself in the foot after just getting her mind off of it, he cursed his slip up.

Theoric bluntly said- "We can talk about babies later, for now, I intend to enjoy myself, I suggest you do the same."

Sigyn frowned while arguing- "But babies are enjoyable."

Theoric trying to find a way out of it managed to pick up the sweet cry's of a baby and decided this was a perfect chance to show Sigyn what it entailed.

Theoric- "Follow me, I'll show you what it means to have a baby." he said grabbing her hand and leading her towards the crying.

When they arrived Theoric could only thank his lucky stars as it was too perfect. Pointing out the baby, they watched as an exhausted young woman tried to calm her baby.

"Why won't you stop crying, why." she cried as she tried bouncing him up and down.

The poor lady soon had the baby spit up on her, then the baby giggled at seeing her horrified look.

Which made Sigyn smile making Theoric frown, but was thankful again as the baby once again started crying.

The young woman then held the baby arm's length away as she smelled the dirty deed. She then began to clean the nasty surprise as the baby continued to cry and at some point, she broke out into tears as well.

Theoric seeing Sigyn truly horrified by what she witnessed felt it was mission accomplished as he rushed her away before it turns into a giggling happy baby again.

Theoric- "Do you really want to deal with all that?"

Sigyn was quiet while she thought about it.

Sigyn muttered- "But the kids were so adorable."

Theoric managing to pick it up what she said and wasn't about to be outdone as he strained his ears for a kid's tantrum that he knew was likely with so many around.

Sigyn was soon witness to another horrible moment as a kid argued, yelled, and cried against their parent's wishes.

Seeing his diabolical plan work they left the village.

Sigyn now looking pale from the experience had a concerned Theoric reach out his hand and ask,- "Sigyn?"

She quickly recoiled away from his touch,- "No, I'm sorry Theo, but no more s.e.x, no way am I going to risk having a kid."

Theoric froze dumbstruck,- "What!!!!!"

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