Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 70 - Visit

The rest of the day was spent with Theoric convincing Sigyn that he had complete control of when they wanted kids which she finally believed much to his relief.

The following day Theoric was out back practicing his power control as he made a cube out of his energy float nearby and then tried to change it into various shapes while simultaneously practicing his sword swings.

It was tough at first with just one, but once he got into the flow of things he was able to increase the difficulties by another in a short amount of time making sure each was changing differently to prove he could keep his concentration while controlling.

Moving on to three proved too difficult to accomplish in a short amount of time though as he stopped to take a break when he heard a familiar voice.

"You seem to be getting the hang of things, I'm glad to see my blessing isn't going to waste." Gaea appeared while Theoric was practicing.

Theoric turned to see Gaea who now had the form of the new Sigyn,- "Gaea."

Gaea took a look at her new form and joked Gaea joked- "I see my looks changed again to match Sigyn despite the change, she's a lucky girl."

Theoric glancing at the duplicate Sigyn talking and was starting to feel differently about Gaea taking it the second time around.- "Yes, she's the love of my life,"

Gaea noting some features that were still a bit more pronounced joked- "Though I still see some parts are not exactly the same, so your girl still seems off the mark."

Theoric may have believed her in the past but seeing her looks changed to match Sigyn again despite Sigyn's new appearance, he knew what was going on.

Theoric- "Are you sure it isn't yourself trying to be more perfect?"

Gaea was taken aback, she never considered herself unconsciously trying to be perfect.

"Maybe you should think about coming up with an original look that's yours alone, and don't worry about how perfect it may or may not be, because nothing ever is," he advised.

Gaea was stumped, it was the first time ever in all her many long years of life that someone complained about her looks. She never once thought about making her own before, the idea intrigued her.

Seeing her lost in thought he decided to end the silence,- "Gaea, why are you here?"

Gaea pursed her lips,- "Are you not happy to see me?"

Theoric looked her in the eyes for a while before turning to look at the horizon,- "The last time we spoke, I assumed you wouldn't be stopping by that often."

Gaea laughed- "Oh, did that hurt your feelings?"

Seeing Theoric not amused, Gaea got back to what she originally came here for,- "You've given me a lot to think about, but I didn't come here for that, I just thought I would let you know about Sigyn, in case you were worried."

Theoric gave her his full attention.

Gaea grinned at his seriousness- "Oh my, how you make me envy her, anyway I'm here as a messenger of sorts for Yggdrasill, it wanted to let you know that it upgraded Sigyn's blessing because she left Asgard and that the changes are not harmful in any way, she will still be the same Sigyn."

Theoric was happy to hear that even though he wasn't overly concerned, it was still good to hear,- "That's good, thanks for telling me, so I guess the healing she got was from the upgrade?"

Gaea- "Yes, and that's not all, she will also be more intuned with plants, and if she practices should be able to influence them and even control them in the future."

Theoric glancing at the house where Sigyn was,- "That should be good, anything that can help protect her when I'm not around will be most welcomed, I'll be sure to let her know."

Turning back to Gaea,- "So last time you also said that I was brought up to 80% body potential with room for growth, how come I don't feel like it's getting better anymore?"

Gaea walked closer and placed her hand on Theoric to better examine him.- "Yes, I see... Yes that's right, you are at about 80% and still have room for your body to adapt and grow stronger, but your at what one would call a bottleneck I guess?"

She examined a bit more while thinking about it before releasing him,- "So yeah, you need something external to help you progress further."

Theoric frowned not liking the sound of that,- "What do you mean? Can't you just help me?"

Gaea grinned- "My dear Theoric, haven't we established already that I will no longer help you, how will you grow if you constantly have me holding your hand?"

Theoric snorted,- "Sorry, but you'll find me different from the usual honor crazed, hard-working, heroes of Asgard, I don't care about how I get where I want, I just want to get there."

Gaea lost her grin,- "Is that so?"

Theoric didn't care that he said something unappealing to her, what would she know of being weak, she has always been strong.

Theoric moving on asked- "So what exactly should I be looking for to help? What kind of external source?"

Gaea wasn't done with what he said earlier though,- "You should be careful with your l.u.s.t for power, I've seen many go down, forever unable to get back up, I believe there is a human expression, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Theoric laughed- "You give humans too much credit, what would they know, what it should actually say is that power reveals, and absolute power is absolutely revealing."

Gaea thought about it and had to agree that was a better analogy,- "Okay, I'll give you that, but I still won't help you, which mortal throughout time hasn't gone through hardsh.i.p.s before becoming an amazing hero."

Theoric squinted his eyes at her,- "Are you saying there are no heroic gods?"

Gaea coughed,- "Forget it, I hope next time I see you, your strength will have improved." she said before fading away.

Theoric chided her,- "Tch, look at you running away."

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