Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 71 - Small Jump

Weeks passed after that meeting and little happened, Theoric and Sigyn settled down into a slow pace with the nearby village for company.

During this time Theoric didn't slack on increasing his control while Sigyn learned more about her plant powers.

Sometimes the villagers would get into trouble and Atticus would come to beg for Sigyn to come heal. Theoric would turn him away on multiple occasions, he didn't wish to set a precedence of people flocking over for every scr.a.p.e and bruise.

Sigyn found out though and wasn't pleased by his cold attitude towards the villagers, needles to say she stepped in and helped.

Despite Theoric's warnings, she didn't do a good job hiding it from the rest of the villagers. The last thing he wanted, was for people to come looking for his wife on a regular basis.

Atticus was soon sweating in front of an angry Theoric for failing to keep their secret, but he couldn't just leave those who were at risk alone. He soon regretted this as Theoric gave a show of power and threat to anyone who spread news beyond the village. Proving that he was the one who smashed the lord's house with his power.

The village at first was scared, but over time came to accept they were in no real danger as long as they didn't cross the powerful man.

The superstitious in the village even revered his wife as a Saintess and him as her divine guardian, much to his disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. They just glossed over the fact that he was married to her, something about trying to keep her image pure and holy in their new religious movement.

Theoric made sure to keep a close eye on everything in case something crazy started, he would then swoop in and stamp it out before things got out of hand.

It was sometime before the village finally calmed down and everything stabilized. Sigyn finally getting peace with a reasonable system put in place before they would be allowed to seek her out.

Sigyn was also greatly relieved after causing Theoric so much grief, not that he minded though, but she still couldn't help but feel terrible.

Her new outgoing personality took a hit as she withdrew back to the house, avoiding the village altogether. Even Theoric's attempts to comfort her and tell her everything is fine, that he wasn't mad, did little to change her mind.

She always put his needs first in the past, taking great joy in doing so, and then suddenly due to all the new things happening, she lost herself and started to forget what mattered most to her, the whole experience just overwhelmed her.

Theoric seeing her happily back home taking care of him could only sigh and promise himself again that he would take good care of her.

He was worried about the knowledge of their existence leaking to the Olympians though, which was why he took such steps to try and ensure the loyalty of the village. They were closer then he would like and there's no telling what they would do. He had no clue how strong they were, but it was a safe bet to assume they were at least a bunch of Thor's running around, while the strongest of them could rival Odin.

When problems of wild animals or bandits attacks got to close to the village, he would use the chance to again instill in the minds of the villager's that he was someone powerful that they shouldn't cross as well as show them that he was a valuable asset for their safety, inspiring loyalty and respect with a hint of fear, went a long way.

He was elevated through his efforts in the eyes of the people, becoming the village guardian, not just the Saintess guardian anymore.

Years passed by with little else happening when the magical beasts rumors returned, the first time being a hoax with him exploring around finding nothing.

Theoric was sitting in the bath with Sigyn, enjoying a soak while trying to keep his hands off her, always having the urge to do naughty things was becoming irritating, the downside of abundant life force.

While he did enjoy doing it over and over again, there was more to life and he didn't want to only do that, the hard life of a guy with too much going for him, woe is the man who has too much.

Theoric gently c.a.r.e.s.sed her in his l.a.p, knowing he would soon succ.u.mb to his urge,- "Sigyn, the rumors of magical beasts have returned, I'll go out and look around again."

Sigyn who was enjoying his company, his touch, could only nod to whatever he said,- "Mmm."

Theoric seeing she didn't hear as her head leaned back with her eyes closed as he played with her body, pinched on her eliciting a surprised m.o.a.n,- "Ah."

"Sigyn did you hear what I said?" he asked stopping.

Sigyn opening her eyes complained- "Theo, I was almost there why did you stop."

Theoric grinned- "Well if you tell me what I said earlier, I'll let you take command for the night."

Sigyn quickly popped up her head at turning around to straddle him so they were face to face,- "Do you mean it?" she excitedly asked.

He rarely let her take command in the bedroom, always preferring to set his own pace, knowing she would more than enjoy anything he did so there was no point and while that was certainly true, giving her command on rare occasions seemed to please her even if the few times it happened she would most of the time let him take back control.

Theoric seeing how excited she was this time felt fishy though as he had to ask,- "Someone seems excited, I know you enjoy the few times I give it to you, but why are you so overly excited this time?"

Sigyn gave a sly smile,- "Secret!"

Theoric grinned- "Alright then, keep your secret, but in order for you to get the command you have to tell me what I said earlier."

Sigyn lost her smile as she started to think real hard, eventually spiraling into head rubbing in frustration, before letting out a groan of defeat, looking back at Theoric.

"Can you please give me a hint," she asked with puppy dog eyes that he couldn't say no to.

Laughing he agreed,- "Alright, it's about rumors that have shown up again, the first one being a hoax."

Sigyn who didn't hear anything the first time wasn't about to remember their conversation from years ago.

Sigyn pouted,- "Can I get another hint." she asked

Theoric snickering at how adorable she was agreed, "Sure." Looking down at her ample c.h.e.s.t, he supported her with his left arm as he used his right hand to rub and squeeze her left b.r.e.a.s.t, just enough for milk to pour out.

Sigyn still seeking her prize wasn't about to lose focus as she reprimanded him- "Hey, don't forget to tell me the hint."

Theoric grinned- "The hint is, they are known to eat people." he said leaning down to suck out his favorite treat.

Sigyn let out a small m.o.a.n as she tried to think about the answer,- "Ah, your, ah, cheating ah... Wait I think I kn..." but she failed to get the words out as Theoric decided to switch sides using his right hand to keep the other one busy, slightly pinching one while softly nibbling on the other to interrupt Sigyn's epiphany.

She suddenly shouted out as she came to completion,- "Magical Monsters!"

Theoric hearing the answer paused his actions as he happily watched Sigyn catch her breath from the physical and mental o.r.g.a.s.m she just had.

Sigyn slightly exasperated from the experience, still found it quite fun, commenting- "That was new, we never did something like this before, it was very interesting, I liked it, we'll have to do something like that again, question and answers while playing naughty."

"So was I right." she looked at Theoric in expectation.

Theoric smiling nodded his head which got a cheer from Sigyn, "Yahoo!, yes, I did it." she said splashing the water in victory.

Theoric interested in what she had planned asked- "So what's the secret?"

Sigyn grinning- "You'll find out tonight."

Theoric decided to get back at her in his own way- "Look at you being cheeky, guess I'll just have to take what I want now then." he said grabbing her a.s.s, lifting her onto his erect p.e.n.i.s.

Sigyn- "Ah, Theo, you, ah, bad, ah." she managed to say in between his thrusts.

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