Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 72 - First Magical Creature

After Sigyn's secret fun time, Theoric woke up the next day refreshed and ready to head out, giving one last goodbye kiss to his wife with a bit of fondling before he left. No longer fearing for her safety as she made vast improvements in her plant-based powers thanks to the new garden she tends to.

He knew she had nothing to fear from mortals, but if something magical shows up, it was good to know she could defend herself now.

The village was located far north of most major places, so Theoric headed out south. When he was far enough away from the village he decided to give flying a shot after getting the hang of it in training.

Enveloping himself in energy he willed himself up, it was awkward at first because it was like moving your body with your hand, but he soon got the hang of it as he flew just above the treetops so as not to easily be spotted by anyone. (Think Green lantern.)

He looked for anything out of place as he flew around.

To many people, flying would be a joy, but for him, it was just a means to an end. Maybe he would feel differently if it wasn't such a weird feeling of holding himself. He was still hopeful that in the future he would get to really fly since the Acanti could.

It wasn't until the following day while walking through the woods after growing tired of willing himself around that he heard a great commotion.

The birds around the area took off to escape and random wildlife such as deer and rabbits made a run for it.

The booming noises grew closer as he headed over to check it out, soon hearing a deep loud voice filled with hate and loathing.

"Get back here vile olympian spawn, I'll make sure to wipe out your entire race!"

He then heard the desperate screams of a woman- "Faster Anna, Faster! We can't let him catch us!"

Theoric just about in view had to quickly duck as a tree came flying over, breaking into another with a loud crash.

He covered himself in a protective layer so the shards wouldn't bother him as he crept back up to take a peek. Spotting two young women running for there lives from a giant cyclops who kept roaring and hollering obscenities at them every chance he got.

"You vile evil bitch spawns, I'll be sure to tear you limb from limb and feast on your bones!"

The cyclops bent down to pick up a small boulder, hurling it over with all its might. One of the women who noticed yelled, "Duck!" pulling her companion down as it soared over taking out many trees just ahead of them.

Seeing his prey stopped, the cyclops charged over, each step shaking the ground as his feet dug into the earth. The woman paled at the sight as they scrambled to their feet and jumped to the side. The cyclops hands stretching out to catch them as it passed, only managing to clip one as she sailed away from the force into a nearby tree hard, passing out.

"Anna!" screamed the other one as she rushed to over to check her.

Theoric having seen enough didn't waste time as he ran over to give aide. It was his first time seeing a cyclops and he wasn't sure of what to make of it, but he didn't want to watch two young women get killed.

The cyclops managed to stop his momentum as he turned back to glare at his prey readying to charge again until an orange barrier appeared in front of him. Confused it tapped it first in hesitation before sending a fist to smash it.

"Petty tricks won't work on me, I'll be sure to kill you painfully slow!" it bellowed as it stalked over to its incapacitated prey.

Theoric held up his hand yelling- "Hold on friend! Can we talk about this?" he asked not wanting to fight.

It was his first time seeing a cyclops and he wasn't sure if they were even alive in the future which saddened him. Theoric was a big believer in keeping every species alive no matter how vile, nothing should ever be completely wiped out. He didn't want to imagine a place that had no unique things left alive.

The cyclops paused hearing a new voice appear, looking around he spotted Theoric and showed him a menacing frown.

"Human? No, Olympian? No that's not right, you have a strange smell, I'll be sure to try you later, but first comes the evil spawn." The cyclops said before ignoring the newcomer and continuing on towards the women. Not viewing Theoric as a threat despite the unfamiliar smell, at the very least it knew he wasn't an Olympian, the only humanoid that it believed could harm him.

Theoric sighed as he prepared for battle, The woman curiously watching the newcomer off to the side as she tended to the collapsed one.

The cyclops bared its fangs as it walked towards the women- "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to exact some revenge against those backstabbing bastards."

Theoric who came up behind the cyclops decided to knock it out instead of killing it, not wishing to wipe out any single race if he could help it. He wasn't sure how many were still alive and just assumed it was few considering how he never heard of them.

Creating a giant energy club he boosted himself up with a platform so he could easily reach the cyclops head as he swung down relatively hard, hoping for the best as he didn't know if it would be too weak or strong, not aware of what a cyclops could take.

The cyclops getting surprised attack from behind crumbled to the ground with a loud 'Thump' out cold.

Theoric letting the club evaporate went up to the head to check if he was still breathing before turning his attention to the women.

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