Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 73 - Io and Annabeth

The woman held her companion closer as she cautiously watched Theoric approach,- "Stop right there, that's close enough, I don't know what you want but we can handle ourselves."

Theoric stopped, raising an eyebrow as he looked from the woman back to the cyclops and then broke into a grin chuckling,- "I can see that," he mocked, "What on earth was I thinking, how about I go wake our big friend up and I'll be on my way."

The woman frowned but choose to remain mute as she cautiously kept her eyes on the unknown man. Having bad experiences in the past made her very wary of any man that came towards her. She especially didn't wish for anything to happen to her young friend who was passed out and defenseless at the moment.

Theoric not receiving a response sighed as he turned around and started heading back to the cyclops.

The woman not realizing he was joking earlier widened her eyes at his movement, panicking she yelled- "Stop, don't tell me you really plan on waking it up, why on earth didn't you kill that horrible thing?"

Theoric turned around scratching his face,- "Well I'm not exactly sure how many of them there are left, I would hate to kill the last one, tell me something, why does it hate you guys so much? Something about Olympian spawn, don't tell me your children of the gods?" he asked recalling what the cyclops said.

The woman seeing the secret was out used it to her advantage,- "Yes, so be careful not to harm us or you'll receive their wrath, speaking of, I noticed you had some power yourself, are you not also a demigod?"

Theoric shook his head,- "No, as the cyclops said, I'm no Olympian, but why are you guys down here getting chased around, where are your parents?"

The woman clenched her teeth thinking of the gods,- "The gods don't interact with their children, Zeus has ordered that no god shall interfere, raise, or otherwise interact with any earth spawn."

Theoric curiously asked,- "Why?"

"Because of the military potential that could come from them, each demigod has a chance of gaining great power and being used as weapons against the other gods, so this was a way for him to eliminate the threat, after all, if they never meet, there is no connection to employ for yourself."

Theoric- "Sounds a bit strange, but whatever... As much as I would love to chat here, I think you need to make a decision before this guy wakes up, do you want me to help you or should I just leave?"

The woman bit her bottom lip, struggling to decide.

"Alright, please help us, but watch yourself," she warned

Theoric helped lift the unconscious woman as the other one walk closely by keeping an eye on everything he did.

He could tell the young woman was just passed out so he didn't feel the need to heal her. He felt it would be easier to deal with one at a time, especially considering how pointy the one awake was.

Theoric- "I'm Theoric by the way, just tell me which way to go."

The woman still on edge didn't lower her guard for a second as she casually responded,- "I'm Io and that's Annabeth and, we're headed to Athens to try and gain an audience with her mother Athena."

Theoric amused asked- "Didn't you just say they were not allowed to interact with their children? How do you know her mother is Athena?"

Io- "Her special gift is wisdom, same as her mother, it wasn't hard for her to figure it out, and I did tell her she wouldn't answer her, but she's stubborn and wants to try anyway, couldn't blame her."

Theoric- "Did you figure out which god is your parent?"

Io scowled- "I'm not a demigod, only she is."

Io wanted to ask more about him and his power but choose to remain mute given the circ.u.mstances.

Theoric seeing it was a sore subject didn't insist as they walked in silence. When they were a good distance from the cyclops he set Annabeth down and prepared camp.

Io tended to her friend making sure everything was fine before taking a seat next to the fire Theoric just set up.

Theoric getting a better look at her now that they were sitting across from one another, admired her beauty.

Her friend Annabeth was beautiful as well, but she had a god gene so it was pretty much expected.

Io was a pretty young looking woman as well, with a full c.h.e.s.t no one would complain about. Height of 5 feet 7 inches with dark brown hair and eyes and noticeable freckles on her face that made her look accessible to the regular man.

Both were wearing simple brown traveling clothes to blend in, too bad the cyclops could sniff them out.

Io feeling his stare started to grow uncomfortable- "Please stop staring, I appreciate your help, but once my friend wakes up, I think it's best we went our separate ways."

Theoric grinned- "If that's what you wish, I live north of here with my wife, who I'm sure would love to meet you guys if you're ever in the neighborhood." he said to try and ease tensions.

Io hearing he had a wife visibly relaxed some, but not completely due to not knowing the truth of his words, it wouldn't be the first time a man lied to get what he wanted.

Theoric seeing her still on guard could only sigh as he looked up at the stars that came out as night fell.- "I'm going to bed now since I assume you'll probably stay up as long as I'm here," he said looking back down to her to confirm.

Io didn't say anything and just quietly stared at him over the flickering flame as if it was obvious.

Theoric believed for her to be this on guard, something horrible must of happened to her, it was a tragedy that such things took place. This brought up unpleasant memories as he thought of the revenge he has yet to exact, but he already formulated a grand scheme that would crush his foe's will when the time came.

He bid her goodnight and soon fell asleep, not forgetting to put up a skin shield layer around himself in case she decided to slit his throat while he slept, believing it to be a real possibility given her cold attitude despite him saving their lives.

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