Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 87 - Thena

The lady was completely covered in a grand white robe with a golden mask. She directly went to sit on the throne as she looked down at her guests, her eyes directly falling on to Anna after giving the rest a once over.

Anna unable to hold in anymore asked- "Are you, my mother?"

"I'm truly sorry, but no, I am not your mother, I am Thena, named after your mother chose me to be her representative."

Seeing the downcast face of Anna who was being comforted by the other two ladies she began to speak again to try and lift the mood.

"I may not be your mother, but as I said, I am her representative and do occasionally talk to her, she just recently spoke with me about you arriving at her city and wishes me to express her apologizes for not being able to meet with you, but that she does love you."

"But she will not tell me herself will she?" she sadly said.

Thena- "No dear, I am sorry... I have however been tasked by her to help you out in any way you need and to answer any questions you may have."

Anna looking back up thinking a while before asking- "So you speak to my mother, can you tell me about her, what is she like?"

Thena not expecting this felt a little weird, she didn't think it would be good to truthfully answer at this point.- "Your mother is a powerful Goddess, well respected, wise and fierce... (pausing here she thought of one thing good she could say that she believed)... And she does her best with what she can."

Anna however felt like she didn't learn anything- "Is there nothing more that you can tell me?"

Thena gave a sad shake of her head- "I'm sorry my dear, but we don't interact on a personal level."

Theoric meanwhile was growing bored as he yawned looking around the room once again, he began to question why he was here and if it was all worth it before his eyes settled on Sigyn. He smiled seeing her next to her two new friends and thought it is as long as she's happy.

After Anna finished what few questions she had all of them decided it was enough for now.

Thena- "I'll have a Priestess show you out, remember you are always welcomed here, I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you."

Anna sighed- "It's fine, Io warned me, but I just had to try... (she then looked up speaking aloud)... Mother if your listening, I will do my best to make you proud."

With that, they took their leave, back to the villa to rest and recuperate from the day's events. No one noticed the eyes of Athena's statue that flashed with light as they left. 'You already have my daughter.'


The fat guy who saw them in the temple was having a meeting with an important rich person in hopes of selling the information and making a bit of money. He made sure it was a public restaurant in case he was double-crossed as he wouldn't put it past the man., but knowing he cared for his reputation more than anything, the chances of him taking such actions in public were almost nonexistent.

A finely dressed gentleman with finely combed brown hair walked in surrounded by his 6 bodyguards.

The fat man quickly got up to greet him- "Hello Lord Flavius, please come in, I hope you'll do me the honor of letting me entertain you this evening." he humbly expressed.

Flavius frowned, he never liked this greasy fat man, his very presence disgusted him- "Enough theatrics Tullus, tell me why you wish to meet here." he said while using his finger to test the table's cleanliness.

Tullus nodded his head rapidly, the fat on his face bouncing with each head nod,- "Of course, of course, my apologizes." he said knowing not to antagonize the man. He knew how Flavius was a power-hungry fellow who didn't want to mince words.

"I was just at the temple earlier today when I saw a group of interesting individuals that I've never seen before, being escorted by the Head Priestess to Thena's private area."

Flavius perked up when he heard this- "Go on." he said taking a seat, showing his interest.

Tullus tried to slow things down- "Well now, this is where we talk compensation, how much do you think this information is worth?"

Flavius lost his intrigued face as he scowled- "Name your price."

Tullus seeing he had him hooked couldn't help but lick his lips as he spat out a crazy number- "100 gold coins."

Flavius slammed the table in anger as soon as he heard it- "Are you mad! What makes you think it's worth that much, do you have anything better to add?" Surprisingly none of the other customers reacted to his outburst which was a bit strange even if you take into account that they may not have wanted to piss off a guy like Flavius.

Tullus not noticing this flinched at the aggressiveness but he was prepared for it as he knew he got a little carried away. He awkwardly laughed but didn't back down, thinking this is how you negotiate with big shots- "Haha, Don't be so hasty, I'm sure I can find other Lords who would be interested if you don't think it's worth it."

The scowl did not leave Flavius's face as he considered his options- "I will give you 50 gold."

Tullus gave another hearty laugh- "Haha, come on Flavius, don't be so stingy, how about 75 gold and we both go our separate ways, I've been looking to set up a deal with the nearby islands and with this gold, I'll be able to start it and can count you as a small partner if you wish."

Flavius who would at any other time consider it with anyone else was not budging- "50 gold and I won't look for future trouble with you."

Tullus now sweating a little out of fear took the deal- "Alright deal." he said putting his hand out to shake only to be denied as it hung out there awkwardly.

There was no way Flavius was going to touch the fat slob- "Speak!" he ordered.

Tullus pulling his hand back cleared his throat and explained how he saw a mighty looking warrior of unknown origins following the Head Priestess with his 3 beautiful women by his side to supposedly meet Thena, a person of extreme importance to the people of Athens, some even considering her to be Athena herself, who rarely if ever met with people.

Flavius's thoughts instantly traveled to the images of Theoric and the girls staying at his villa. He then stood up looking at the fat man before giving a nod to his guards.

Tullus looked excitedly towards the guards expecting to get his pay before the guards pulled out their daggers.

Paled with fright Tulus shouted- "You can't do this, we're in a public area, I know you care about your image."

Flavius sneered- "Your right I do care about my image but you were a fool to think you could get so much gold out of me after what you did at the docks, the deal you were setting up at the islands, the man you screwed over, was my man." he then snapped his fingers were all the people stopped what they were doing and stood up before he snapped his fingers again, whereby they all up and left leaving them alone.

Tullus went ashen, screaming out for help as the guards descended upon him.

Once outside Flavius knew he had to meet with Theoric again and try and discover what was going on, he just became a dangerous piece in a game he had no business being in. First thing first though, he also had someone he had to report to, those strange people he made a deal with, perhaps he could get them to deal with it for him while he continued to work on his own plans.

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