Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 88 - Bianca

Back at the temple, Thena muttered to herself- "That mother seemed to have overheard everything and is going after them, I should probably send someone to stop her." she thought out loud.

She received a small fright though when Athena answered through the statue behind her- "That's not necessary, maybe my daughter can help that poor woman."

Thena collecting herself answered in her usual monotone voice- "As you will." Staying quiet for some time afterward until she was sure Athena was gone.


After Theoric and the girls reached the villa they were staying at he stopped just past the gate entrance into the courtyard.- "You girls go on ahead."

Anna- "What is it?" she asked being the only one curious enough.

Theoric- "It's no big deal, just someone from the temple that's been following us, I'll take care of it."

Anna- "If it's from the temple then I should stay and see what's going on, this most likely concerns me."

Theoric shrugged- "Suit yourself."

The suspect stopped just outside the gate not expecting them to just stand inside waiting.

Theoric called out- "Is there something we can do for you?" he asked not wishing to cause unnecessary trouble against the temple and possibly Athena.

She looked like she hasn't been taking care of herself for a while now, but somehow still managed to maintain a shapely body under all that filth.

She angrily pointed at Anna, asking- "Are you the daughter of Athena? Don't try and deny it, I overheard everything when you spoke to that mouthpiece at the temple."

Io stepped in front of Anna to help protect her from the verbal assault, and if she decided to attack, knowing Anna would likely not fight back against such a sad-looking woman.

Anna surprised by the outburst could only honestly answer- "Yes, I am the daughter of Athena."

Suddenly the woman after hearing this collapsed on her knees with tears- "Please, I beg you to save my daughter, I will do anything for you, Please."

They were stunned by the 180 in attitude, Sigyn the softest of them all couldn't take it anymore as she walked past Theoric, bending down next to the woman, giving her a hug while soothing the woman with healing aura as she rubbed her back.- "There, there, everything is okay."

Feeling the soothing aura exuding from Sigyn calmed the woman, allowing Sigyn help her up when she was ready.

"Um, could we start over, I'm Theoric, that's Sigyn, Io, and you know Annabeth, how about we go inside and you can tell us your story."

The woman slowly nodded as she followed them inside with Sigyn helping her to walk.

"I'm Bianca and I am a mother, she was the most wonderful little girl, I loved watching her grow up, but she soon developed a fascination with the gods and joined the temple of Athens as a priestess to better serve and maybe one day meet her idol Athena who she idolized most of all."

She then clenched the cup tightly as she recalled the next part.- "She grew up to be beautiful, even more so than me back in my prime, but this led to being noticed by the wrong sort, during private prayers in the public temple, Poseidon took notice and emerged from his statue and took her by force despite her protests."

Tears now streaming down the mother's face she continued- "And then her idol, her goddess Athena! (She spat on the name glaring at Anna, unable to hide her hatred any longer despite wishing for her help.) Your evil bitch mother punished her with a curse, can you believe that my baby girl was punished for being assaulted!" she practically screamed the last part, before breaking down crying.

Anna paled hearing the story- "It can't be." she said barely audible.

Anna then stood up and yelled right back- "Lies, you're a liar, my mother would never do that!" then stormed off with Io right behind to make sure she was okay.

Sigyn was torn whether to stay and help the poor woman or go to Anna who was her new sister.

"Sigyn, go and see if Anna is okay, I will stay here and take care of our guest," said Theoric seeing her struggle.

Bianca didn't say anything, she's heard it all before, she haunted the temple day in and day out trying to get people to listen to her story. Telling them how her daughter was cursed by Athena and cast out for being attacked by Poseidon the evil bastard of the seas.

To her surprise though, instead of being kicked out, she was indoctrinated by Thena who promised to help her talk to Athena, and that she just needed to stay at the temple and help out and provide enough merit first.

Theoric could only sigh, another terrible tragedy caused by those in charge- "Come on, I'll show you to a room where you can get cleaned up."

Bianca coming off her angry rant, now calmly thought about what she just said and did.

"Do you think she will help me after that? Did I just screw everything up? I need her to help my daughter, I have no one else I can turn to." she asked looking worried.

Theoric- "Just let everything settle for now, you can worry about that tomorrow, let's get you a room, and then you can talk again in the morning when everyone's calmed down.

Bianca's mind was racing of ways she could get Annabeth to help her, she wasn't about to rest knowing there was a sliver hope nearby that could help save her daughter.

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