Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 92 - Procuring a Ride

After having his morning fun, everyone met up in the dining room with Sigyn expressing her apologies for not fixing food in time.

Io- "You have nothing to apologize for, we can make our own food just as well, we've been doing that for years now."

Anna- "Yeah Sigyn, you don't have to worry about us."

Bianca chimed in- "If it's anyone's fault it would be Theo's." which got mixed reactions.

Theoric- "So you all talked and made good yes?"

Anna- "Yes, I don't know why my mother did what she did, but I have to believe it was for a reason, I will take on this quest to save her daughter in order to find out what that reason was."

Bianca feeling touched gave a small bow while sniffling a little- "Thank you."

Everyone packed up intending to leave immediately seeing no other reason to stay.

Once outside they find out Bianca isn't going with them.

Theoric- "So you're not going?"

Bianca shakes her head- "I can't go, besides the fact I'm just not cut out for it, I have to believe this is Athena giving me the reward I was promised all those years ago, I can't just leave the temple and risk it, I have to go back and make sure I'm doing everything right, I don't want to risk anything."

Anna seconds her thought- "Maybe your right, don't worry I'll bring back your daughter as soon as I can."

Bianca gives her thanks once again before heading back to the temple.

Theoric and the gang never noticed how many eyes were now watching their every move, thanks to the city activity hiding their presence. They were making certain people nervous during these trying times, many wanted to know who these people were and what they were about,

The drone high in the sky spotted all this, but even it missed a certain group.

Within the shadows of an alleyway were a few red-eye men were watching their every move.

"Damn do you see the life force coming off of them, what I would give to get a taste of those fine women." one of the red-eye men said.

"Eh, I would sooner go for the male." said another drawing shivers from his compatriots.

Seeing their reaction he tried to correct himself- "I mean for food dammit, he has the strongest life force out of all of them."

"Don't even, the women are close to if not equal, especially that blonde." They retorted.

Then a feminine voice came from behind them- "The blonde certainly is close to the Male in terms of life force, but it's not as refined as his."

"Who?..." was all they got out before the unknown female's hands ripped out the hearts of the two closest members leaving one left.

The last one looked around nervously unable to find the assailant, just when he was about to scream for her to show herself, she slams him against the wall by the neck.

"Now this is where I would ask you questions, but why ask when I can take," she said with glowing red eyes.

The man grew fearful as he realized who this black-haired, glowing red eye woman was, but it was all for naught as her hand glowed with a red-pink power on top of his head stripping him of his memories.

"So you are here, being as ambitious as always, I'll stick around for a while and see if I can't find you," she said ripping out the heart of the last guy before disappearing into the shadows.

Theoric and the others unaware of what took place, wasted no time in heading south to the outskirts of the city towards the nearest stable, looking to procure a ride to the docks.

Anna having another idea began to convince them to head elsewhere- "You know with military presence increasing, it'll likely be that much harder to charter a boat, why don't we head west and look for Drusus, he still owes us, his father Decimus I heard is the Lord Protector of the west, so he's directly responsible for most wartime preparations against Sparta."

Theoric- "Yeah but the west seems more concerned about the land than sea, does he also control docks to the south?"

Anna- "I'm sure he has some pull if nothing else, I don't know exactly how much control Lord Deciums has but it won't hurt to try."

Io agreed- "Yes, let the fat lord do us a favor, you know he's dying to anyways, might as well take advantage of it."

Theoric seeing no problem with what they said turn west to seek out their old traveling companion.

They managed to find the nicest 3 story dwelling which was home to Drusus, who merely greeted and invited them in to catch up. He told them about his and his father's trouble's due to the endless raids. How war was just around the corner now and there was nothing that could stop it, even with the most of the generals agreeing it wasn't likely Sparta's doing. The pushback from the people will likely see the voting in favor of war.

After much talking, mostly on Drusus's part, Theoric managed to get him to make preparations for them. The fat man tried to stress how much this was going to cost him and that he was really sticking his neck out for them.

Anna could barely hold herself back at his pathetic display, luckily Io was prepared for this and made sure to soothe her rising anger lest they lose their boating opportunity.


Back in the underwater hidden base, Zakka went to report the latest observations to General Kro.

General Kro- "Report."

Zakka- "The possible Eternal you had me monitor is in route to the docks, likely to sea, to where I know not."

Kro took his time thinking- "Call Taras to join us."

A short time later Taras appeared- "General." he bowed.

Kro- "How are things going on your end?" he asked looking for more information before deciding on what to do next.

Taras- "My experiments are coming along smoothly, but what I lack now is hard data, I need to know how they'll perform in the field before I can make further adjustments."

Kro- "I figured as much, Zakka has just told me of the group heading to the docks, why don't you send that Gorgilla to test them and it out, then we'll have more useful data for future use."

Taras bowed again- "Excellent choice sir." he said with a stoic face, containing his enthusiasm. Always maintaining that elegant demeanor as best he can.

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