Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 93 - Gorgilla

Gorgilla was Taras's first experiment, a blend of ape and man. As a giant man-ape, Gorgilla possesses superhuman strength, durability, and agility. He's 6', covered in brown hair with 3 fingers and a disposable thumb, three toes and a tail.

Gorgilla was already near Athens on standby, waiting for a chance to be tested, and now that chance has come.

Taras sent the orders that it had no choice but to follow, intercept the group traveling to the docks and eliminate all of them.


Theoric and the group were traveling in a carriage in the center of armed men they were being escorted by.

The dirt road they were traveling on was busy with soldiers and regular people trying to make a living from fishing.

Coming up to a point where there were more trees, the road became scarce of people. The soldiers they were traveling with immediately went on guard knowing there should still be a stream of people.

Theoric frowned when he first caught the whiff of blood in the air- "Sigyn, Anna, Io, prepare yourselves."

The shade of the trees hid much, but they soon discovered the blood on the road before Sigyn gasped, hiding her head into Theoric after she saw the hanging bodies still dripping blood.

Anna and Io drew their weapons with a frown as they kept their eyes peeled.

The soldiers were on edge as they brought everyone to a complete stop, hopping off their horses to circle the carriage, swords drawn. They couldn't allow the honored guests of Drusus to come to harm.

Theoric was the first to hear the blood-curdling screams of approaching men who were likely sent to see what was happening.

It wasn't long after they could see the silhouette of a man fleeing for his life towards them, screaming- "Monster! Monster!"

When he made it into shooting distance something flashed by quicker than a regular person could see as it ripped his head off, the headless body falling to the ground spurting blood.

Io asked- "Did you see it?"

Anna- "I just missed it."

Theoric- "It kind of looked like a big monkey."

"Captain, what do we do? What do we do?" one man asked who was starting to lose it.

"Calm down soldier, you were trained better than that, we'll wait here, for now, don't let your guard down, it won't be able to take us by surprise and we'll be able to deal with it."

"I don't know Captain, this seems like something above our pay grade, did you see how that mans head just disappeared."

"What are you getting at soldier?"

"What if it's one of Ares monsters, it was only a matter of time before the gods got involved, this could be the start of the war."

"If it is Ares, I'm sure Athena will protect us, don't lose your nerve men, this is only a test sent by the gods." said the captain feeding off of their beliefs.

Then an object came flying over bashing into the head of a soldier, dropping him dead.

"Oh My God, They killed Timmy."

"Those Bastards!"

Io unhappily looked to Theoric wondering why he wasn't protecting them as he did her- "Why did you let that man die?"

"Honestly? I don't care about them, I don't know them, they aren't important to me in any way and their lives mean nothing to me." Theoric coldly said.

Io scowled- "How can you say that."

Seeing Anna also frown at him, Theoric sighed- "People die all the time, life goes on, why should I worry about every single one?"

Io pushed harder- "Anna, you see this, this is his true colors, he only saved us to bed us."

Theoric couldn't help but grin- "I won't deny that."

This received a gasp from Anna and another scowl from Io.

Surprisingly it was Sigyn who spoke next with the voice of reason.- "What's so shocking about that, didn't he just say he would save those who mean something to him."

She would usually be on Io's side when it came to helping people, but being an Asgardian she was well aware of what it meant when it was time for war, you don't worry about the few, you worry about the many.

In the end, Sigyn would always be on Theoric's side even if she didn't like it.

Anna remained mute as she mulled it all over, Io, on the other hand, felt this was wrong somehow, though she just couldn't put it into words that sound convincing.

Before anyone could discuss things further the monster attacked.

First came a boulder that mowed down half a dozen men, then came screams as the creature swung around the trees picking up men and dropping them, sometimes in pieces.

Anna and Io wanted to make a move to help but the creature was moving too quickly around the trees, swinging in and out, slaughtering the men.

Io glared at Theoric who sighed- "If you wish me to help people, all you do is have to ask."

Io gritted her teeth- "Please help them." just when she was starting to like him more, he does something like this. She who acted like a mother for Anna didn't want to see her corrupted by him or by her birth mother for that matter.

Theoric grinned- "So you ask, so shall it be." he said playfully.

Just as the creature turned its sights on them, it lunged over straight into a barrier, smacking into it hard, before sliding off of it in pain.

"Sigyn, trap it," said Theoric, wishing for her to get better.

The soldiers retreated from the area with more than half the men dead, the only thing on their mind now was, escape and survive.

Io pulled an arrow back ready to end it- "You can let the barrier down now, I'll finish this."

Theoric however ignored her- "Sigyn, make sure you trap it real good, don't let it escape."

"Mn," she said while willing more plants to twist around and contain it.

Io growing irritated asked- "What are you doing?"

Theoric- "I've never seen a creature like this before, I won't kill something that could be almost extinct, I've told you this before."

Io growled- "But you were willing to let those men die!"

Theoric- "You seem to not understand or are you just ignoring everything but what you want to hear? This creature could be almost extinct, but humans, there are millions of them, soon to be billions, their lives are not as important."

Io spat- "What gives you the right to decide that?"

Theoric- "Simple economics, supply and demand, something humans came up with I believe, if you can't follow your own systems, then what good are you? The less there is of something the more important it is."

Io argued- "Every human life matters, each individual is wholly unique and important."

Theoric- "And these creatures aren't? your argument is mute, plus I'm well aware of how you humans act, you only care for yourselves and nothing else."

Io- "You're the one who doesn't know what he's talking about, how dare you!"

Anna who stayed silent this entire time listening to everyone and thinking about it put her hand on Io- "Io, he's not wrong."

Io eye's widened- "Anna, no you can't believe what he's saying, please Anna, don't fall for his crap."

Anna shook her head- "You're both right in your own way, but what he says has more merit, I'm sorry Io... but I do still believe we should be good people who help those in need, So I am also not happy with Theoric just sitting back and doing nothing when he could have helped them."

Io went silent, a bit conflicted about what Anna said, but happy with the way she ended it.

Theoric seeing his wrongs, lowered his head and apologized- "Alright, I'm sorry I didn't help out when I could have, maybe I did get a bit full of myself and didn't consider their lives as I should have, I am truly sorry about that, I won't let it happen again, but that's why I need you ladies, you can stay by my side and correct me when I'm wrong, I know I won't always be right."

Io snorted but she was also happy to hear that and how sincere he was being- "I forgive you for now, but if you let it happen again..." she just left it hanging.

Sigyn grinned seeing everyone making up- "I'm glad everything is fine again, please let's not fight so much in the future."

Theoric over everything turned his attention back to the creature- "Alright, let's check out this creature." only to look over and see the creature buried underneath a massive amount of plant life.

Sigyn- "Whoops, I was a bit distracted with the fight you guys were having, I may have forgotten to stop."

Theoric- "Remove it so we can check it out, but don't let it go."

Sigyn- "Mn, just a sec.," she said raising her hands to slowly remove the outer layers.

When enough was finally removed they saw a dead monkey man who was strangled to death and pierced by many plant roots.


Io suddenly broke out into a fit of uncontainable laughter- "I'm, haha, sorry, haha, I, haha, I can't, haha."

Theoric- "..."

The other two girls started laughing as well, feeding off of Io's laughter.

Theoric feeling betrayed- "Sigyn!"

Sigyn giggling- "I'm sorry Theoric, I know it's not funny, but it kinda is." she said, softly laughing while feeling guilty at the same time.

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