It is estimated that even if Kaguya Otsutsuki's body is smashed to dust, she can recover, which is even more powerful than rebirth from a drop of blood.

  "Night Kai!"

  "Eighty Gods Air Strike!"

  Liu Feng used Yekai, a huge dragon-shaped creature with the power to destroy everything, and went straight to Kaguya Otsutsuki, this blow distorted the space.

  However, Kaguya Otsutsuki was not completely unable to move. She used her ultimate physiognomy technique to compete with Ye Kai, who was kicked out by Liu Feng.

  boom! ! !

  As soon as they collided, they were deadlocked. The countless vacuum fists that Eighty Shenkong struck, which could both attack and defend, blocked Liu Feng's Ye Kai for a few seconds.

  However, it was finally broken by Liu Feng.

  Kaguya Otsutsuki's heart was pierced by Liu Feng's blow, and his body almost broke in two. In fact, this was partially offset by the air strike of the Eighty Gods, otherwise Kaguya Otsutsuki would be even more miserable.


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Chapter 155

  Liu Feng, who opened the eight doors, brutally beat Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  "I can't stand it anymore, it's too much, I don't know Lianxiangxiyu at all."

  Xiaomeng, the spectator, complained in the distance.

  "We can solve people tomorrow, but we have to beat them."

  Liu Feng had already had the opportunity to use Liudao Earth Blast Star, but he didn't use it, he was probably hilarious.

  "It ran away."

  At this time, Liu Feng stopped, and at the same time, he was in the state of Bamen Dunjia, and the feeling of evaporating blood all the time was not good, although it could be recovered instantly.

  "Do you think that you can escape my pursuit by running into the space of the imperial palace of the sky? Naive."

  Liu Feng sneered, using Shenwei to communicate with different spaces, it is not Shenwei space, but the space of the imperial palace of the sky.

  Consuming a lot of chakra, you can rely on Shenwei to enter the space of the imperial palace of the sky, but using Shenwei will definitely not be as good as using Huangquan than Liangsaka.

  I hope that Huangquan Hirazaka can be exploded on Kaguya Otsutsuki, this is also the technique that Liu Feng wants to obtain.

  Kaguya Otsutsuki has too many good things on his body. Totally killing ashes, Jiugou Jade Reincarnation Eye, Heaven's Royal Highness, and Eighty Gods Air Strike, all these Liu Feng want.

  Through the open space channel, Liu Feng chased Kaguya Otsutsuki into the space of the imperial palace of the sky. This is the gravity space. When Liu Feng came here, he felt the pull of gravity.

  "Shen Luo Tianzheng."

  Using repulsion to counteract the pull of gravity, Liu Feng floated in the air, looking for the trail of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  "Isn't it in this gravity space?"

  There are a total of six spaces in the Heaven's Royal Palace, and they are the most important starting ball spaces. This space is connected to the other five spaces.

  The others are hypergravity space, lava space, desert space, ice space and acid sea space.

  "Since it's not here, then..."

  When Liu Feng was about to act, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis behind him, and immediately used divine power to blur, and then Kaguya's white hair could be seen passing through.

  This is one of Kaguya's techniques, the rabbit hair needle, which uses the same hair as Jiraiya's technique.

  "You actually want to attack me, it seems that you are very dishonest."

  Liu Feng turned his head and stared at Kaguya Otsutsuki with a cold face.

  "To kill the ashes."

  Kaguya Otsutsuki did not give up the attack, threw a piece of gray bone at Liu Feng, and then used Huangquan Hirazaka to open a dark space passage.

  The gray bones disappeared into the space channel, and Liu Feng's face changed, and he instantly understood what Kaguya Otsutsuki planned.

  But it was too late, the ashes of the total killing had already pierced Liu Feng's abdomen.

  In the state of Shenwei blur, he was still hit. In fact, Shenwei blur is not invincible. Just now Liu Feng's body should be out of the different space.

  However, Hirazaka, the yellow spring used by Kaguya Otsutsuki, happened to lead to the magical space where Ryu Kaede's body was, and was hit.

  "Back in time."

  Liu Feng, who was about to die, used time backtracking to save his life.

  "This kind of loss, I will only eat it once."

  Liu Feng's expression was not very good-looking, and he was actually shriveled when he used the divine power to blur.

  I can't always think that Kaguya Otsutsuki, a woman with little fighting experience, treats her as an idiot. If she can find the flaws in the blurring of divine power, she is not an idiot no matter how you look at her.

  If Liu Feng didn't have time to look back at this sky-defying pupil technique, he could say goodbye now.

  Seeing that Liu Feng was not dead, Kaguya Otsutsuki used Huangquan Hirazaka to leave, and Liu Feng immediately chased after seeing this.

  "No, I can't run with Kaguya Otsutsuki all the time. The chakra consumed by Kaguya Otsutsuki using Shenwei is greater than the chakra consumed by Kaguya Otsutsuki using Huangquan and Liangsaka."

  Liu Feng secretly said that after catching Kaguya Otsutsuki, she must be dealt with, and she can't play with Kaguya Otsutsuki anymore.

  In the beginning ball space, Kaguya Otsutsuki came to the beginning ball space, but she was caught up by Liu Feng as soon as she arrived here.

  "Super Vientiane Tianyin."

  Using the Vientiane Tianyin with all his strength, Liu Feng wanted to capture Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  At this time, Liu Feng's pupil power, coupled with the combined power of Samsara Eye and Tenseigan, could pull even the moon.

  Such a terrifying gravitational force, even Kaguya Otsutsuki couldn't resist, and was sucked directly by Liu Feng.

  "It's right now, Six Paths Earth Blast Star."

  Liu Feng has the sun sign in one hand, which is the power of the six paths of yang, and the moon sign in the other hand, which is the power of the six paths of yin.

  Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha worked together to use the Six Paths Earth Blast Star, but Liu Feng himself could use the Six Path Earth Blast Star.

  When Liu Feng's hands fell on Kaguya Otsutsuki, everything was over, and the terrifying power on Kaguya Otsutsuki was deprived of the seal.

  Then Kaguya Otsutsuki's body turned into a gravitational source, the starting ball space began to vibrate, the mountain range flew into the sky on the gravitational pull line, the earth also shattered, and then countless fragments were pulled up.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Soon a small planet appeared in the space of the starting ball, and then the small planet continued to rise, and continued to attract objects, becoming larger and larger.

  [Ding, you defeat the projection of Kaguya Otsutsuki and get: 50 points, blood following the net, Jiugou jade reincarnation writing wheel eye! 】

  "Haha, finally defeated." There was a smile on Liu Feng's face.

  Then Liu Feng felt two forces merged into his body. The first was Jiugou Jade's Samsara Writing Wheel Eye. After the fusion, Liu Feng's eyes changed again.

  Well, it's the transformation of the eyes, and it's a good thing that Liu Feng didn't open his eyes.

  Liu Feng didn't want to become Erlang God, and opened his eyes on his forehead, it was too ugly, Liu Feng couldn't accept it anyway.

... 0

  After the transformation, Liu Feng's pupil power increased sharply again, evolving from the Six Gou Jade Reincarnation Eye to the Nine Gou Jade Reincarnation Eye.

  If nothing else, this should be the limit.

  In addition, there is Xueji Snare. The so-called Xueji Snare is the fusion of seven chakra properties. The seven properties of fire, wind, earth, water, thunder, yin, and yang are combined. It is the highest level of all ninjutsu. exist.

  In the past, Liu Feng could rub the Tao jade by hand, and it was also made by the fusion of seven chakra properties.

  It is only now that he has completely mastered the blood snares, mastered the blood snares, and any attack below the immortal technique has no effect on Liu Feng.

  At the same time, Liu Feng can also create his own blood snares ninjutsu, no, blood snares should not belong to ninjutsu, it should be called magic.

  "Although the two things I obtained are very good, the Jiugou Jade Samsara Shaker has evolved my eyes, but Kaguya Otsutsuki still has what I want."

  Liu Feng wanted a lot, such as killing the ashes, Huangquan Hirazaka, and the Yasujin air strike.

  There is also an immortal body. Now that Liu Feng has reached the sixth level, his resilience is very strong, but it is definitely not comparable to the immortal body of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  Infinite Yuedu and Tianzhiyuzhong don't need it. The Jiugou Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye that broke out already contains these two techniques, and Liu Feng has already obtained it.


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Chapter 156

  After defeating one Otsutsuki Kaguya projection, Liu Feng couldn't wait to challenge the second one. This time it was much faster than before, and it didn't take long to seal the Otsutsuki Kaguya projection.

  [Ding, you defeat the projection of Kaguya Otsutsuki and get: 50 points, immortal body, eighty gods air strike! 】

  [Ding, you defeated Kaguya Otsutsuki Projection and obtained: 50 points, Huangquan Hirazaka, Swelling Gudaoyu, Immortal Body (get card)! 】

  [Ding, you defeat Kaguya Otsutsuki and get: 50 points, kill ashes, immortal body (obtain card), eighty gods air strike (obtain card)! 】

  [Ding, you defeat Kaguya Otsutsuki and get: 50 points, immortal body (obtain card), Huangquan Hirazaka (obtain card)! 】

  After defeating Kaguya Otsutsuki four times in a row, the ability of Kaguya Otsutsuki has been drained by Liu Feng.

  [Immortal Body (Acquisition Card)]: After using it, you can get Kaguya Otsutsuki's undead body, which can be used by others.

  [Eighty Gods Air Strike (Get Card)]: After using it, you can learn the Eighty Gods Air Strike, which can be used by others.

  [Yiquan Hirazaka (obtain card)]: After using it, you can learn Huangquan Hirazaka, which can be used by others.

  "The acquisition cards of the three immortal bodies are just right for Mikoto, Kushina and Tsunade." Liu Feng put away the acquisition cards.

  At this time, Liu Feng discovered that as long as the ability that was released, Liu Feng had it, he would release the ability acquisition card, which could be used by others.

  This kind of ability acquisition card can also be exchanged, but the points required for exchange are slightly higher. After all, direct exchange can only be used by Liu Feng himself, and the exchange ability acquisition card can be used by others.

  Leaving the system space, Liu Feng called Mikoto, Tsunade and Kushina over.

  "What is this?" Kushina asked Liu Feng with the immortal body to obtain the card.

  "This is so familiar."

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