After seeing this thing, Mikoto felt very familiar, and then she thought of the advanced card that Liu Feng gave her at the beginning, which was similar to this thing.

  "The undead body ability acquisition card. After using it, you can get the undead body of Kaguya Otsutsuki. No matter what damage you take, it can be restored, and it has the ability of immortality."

  Liu Feng introduced Kushina and the others.

  "Really or not, who is Kaguya Otsutsuki? Why haven't I heard of it."

  Tsunade was a little skeptical, this thing can really gain immortality?

  "How to use it?" Kushina didn't have too much doubt, but asked Liu Feng to tell her how to use it.

  "I must help you use it." Liu Feng took the card and chose to use it for Kushina, and then used it for Mikoto and Tsunade.

  boom! ! !

  The chakras on Kushina, Mikoto, and Tsunade couldn't stop skyrocketing. This change surprised Liu Feng.

  "And the ability to increase chakra?"

  I really didn't know it before, but after thinking about it, Liu Feng can probably understand that the special physique of this undead body is similar to that of a perfect fairy body, but it should be more advanced.

  The strength of the three of them has improved a lot. If Kushina and Tsunade both belonged to the Super Shadow Rank with half a foot, they are now a proper Super Shadow Rank.

  "It has changed so much?"

  Kushina clenched her fists in disbelief, feeling that the cells in her whole body were full of endless vitality.

  "I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it." Tsunade was a little unconvinced before, but now she feels the change, and she believes it.

  "There are still two ability acquisition cards here. The three of you will draw lots to decide the ownership."

  Liu Feng took out the ability-acquisition cards of Yasujin Kongji and Huangquan Hirazaka, which is not good for anyone, so let's draw lots and decide the ownership by luck.

  Then, the result of the lottery was that Kushina won the Yasukami Air Strike, Mikoto won the Yellow Spring Hirazaka, and Tsunade squatted in the corner to shut herself up.

  "The drawing of lots should not be considered a gamble, right? It seems that you are really unlucky."

  Liu Feng looked at Tsunade, who looked autistic, with a strange expression.

  "Wait, Kushina, you're not going to experiment with the Eighty Gods Air Strike here."

  Suddenly feeling the chakra erupting from Kushina's body, Liu Feng immediately held down Kushina's shoulder.

  If you experiment here, I am afraid that the entire Uchiha family's clan land will be demolished by Kushina.

  Kushina's eighty god air strikes are definitely not as powerful as Kaguya Otsutsuki, but they will definitely be terrifying. After all, this is one of the strongest physiques in the Naruto world.

  If there is a real comparison, I am afraid that only the eighth gate of the eight-door Dunjia can be compared with the eighty-shen air strike.

  "I'll find a place to experiment."

  Kushina still couldn't hold back the idea of ​​using the Hachikami air strike that she had just obtained.

  "Then I'll take you to a place where no one is."

  Mikoto said to Kushina, and then Mikoto opened a dark space passage.

  Huangquan Hirazaka, the ultimate time-space ninjutsu, has no other shortcomings except for the consumption of chakra.  …

  Then Mikoto pulled Kushina into the space passage, leaving Liu Feng and Tsunade at home.

  Tsunade looked straight at Liu Feng at this time, his scalp tingling from Liu Feng's gaze, and he spread his hands helplessly towards Tsunade.

  "Tsunade, it's your luck."

  "I know, but I'm not reconciled." Tsunade said depressedly.

  "Forget it, for your poor sake, I'll mercifully get you one." Liu Feng finally reluctantly exchanged one.

  Mu Dunxue acquired the card from the limit and spent 20 points, which was not too expensive for Liu Feng, who was now rich in assets.

  "After using this, you can get the wooden escape."

  "What, get a wooden escape?"

  Hearing that he was able to obtain the wooden escape, Tsunade's expression was very excited, and he stared at Liu Feng with wide eyes.

  "Well, what you get is only the limit of the wood escape, but the related wood escape ninjutsu needs to be learned slowly by yourself."

  If it includes all kinds of wooden ninjutsu, the point cost will be more than 20 points.

  "It's simple, as long as you can get the Wood Dun Xueji limit, it's not easy to learn Wood Dun Ninjutsu." Tsunade didn't think this was a problem.

  Indeed, it is not difficult for Tsunade, because Tsunade possesses Mudun Ninjutsu, and he was unable to master the limit of Mudun Xueji before, so he couldn't learn it.

  "Thank you Liu Feng."

  "With our relationship, do you still need to say thank you to me? Tsunade, when did you see the outside world?" Liu Feng waved his hand and said.

  After all, in Liu Feng's impression, Tsunade is very thick-skinned. After all, he has often asked himself to borrow money before.

  Tsunade excitedly went to learn Mudun Ninjutsu, Liu Feng told Tsunade, if there was something he couldn't do, you could ask Liu Feng, after all Liu Feng had already learned Mudun Ninjutsu.

  Learned Liu Feng but seldom used it. Now there are not many people who know Liu Feng can use wood escape, mainly because Liu Feng rarely does it now.

  The battle is also in the system and the projection is fighting. No one else knows that Liu Feng will be able to escape. If the people of Konoha Village know that Liu Feng will be able to escape, they don't know how they will feel.

  Don't think about this anymore, seal the Kaguya Otsutsuki projection five times in a row, even if Liu Feng will regain his full strength after each challenge, there is still a sense of mental exhaustion, so Liu Feng needs to rest.


  PS: Ask for subscriptions, flowers, and evaluation tickets! .

Chapter 157

  In Mizukage's office, Terumi Mei frowned slightly as she looked at the information she had just obtained.

  "What is Luo Sha doing? Are you trying to trick your own people? Or is there a conspiracy, no, I have to tell Mistress Shuiying."

  Before Terumi Mei got a piece of information, the information passed by Luo Sha told Wu Nin Village Sand Ninja Ye Cang to come to the country of water to investigate the information and try to sneak into Wu Nin Village.

  "Hey, if you want to find Mistress Shuiying, you have to go to his house."

  Terumi Mei complained very much about this irresponsible Mizukage, and let her handle everything.

  In fact, Liu Feng is not without a sense of responsibility, but he is too lazy to deal with small matters. Liu Feng will definitely handle the major matters related to Wu Nin Village in person.

  After arriving at the residence of the Uchiha clan chief, Terumi Mei finally found Liu Feng and reported the news to him.

  "Luo Sha has no conspiracy. He wants to use our hands to get rid of Ye Cang."

  Liu Feng knew Luo Sha's purpose at a glance, and estimated that Ye Cang's existence threatened his status.

  It is said that in the original book, Ye Cang was also killed by Luo Sha, deceived to go to Wunin Village to perform a mission, and then was killed by a sneak attack by Wunin Village ninjas disguised as friendly troops, and became the victim of Sandin Village Fu 28. , A woman who died quite sadly.

  "Then what should we do?" Terumi Mei blinked and asked Liu Feng.

  "Of course we can't let Rosa succeed, I'm not in the habit of being used as a gunman."

  If Luo Sha gave him some benefits, Liu Feng would not mind helping him. That would be considered mutual cooperation. As a result, this guy wanted to use him as a spearman.

  "Put Ye Cang into the Mist Ninja Village first."

  Liu Feng thought about it, and it seemed that he could take the opportunity to subdue Ye Cang. This woman has a blood-based limit and burning escape, and her strength is quite strong, which is estimated to be second only to the shadow level.

  Moreover, she is not old, and there is still room for growth, and she will definitely become a movie-level in the future.

  Of course, Liu Feng would not mind if Wu Ninja Village had an extra shadow-level combat power. This was the benefit that Luo Sha brought to her door.

  "If you put it in Wu Ninth Village, won't you do something to her?"

  "Don't worry about it, I'll handle it myself."

  Liu Feng instructed Terumi Mei.

  After Terumi Mei left, she only needed to report the position of the woman Ye Cang to Liu Feng, and she didn't need to take action against her.

  Two days later, Ye Cang, who was dispatched to Wu Nin Village to perform a mission, finally sneaked into Wu Nin Village.

  Ye Cang, who sneaked into Mist Ninja Village alone, didn't know that Sand Ninja, who originally followed her on the mission, had abandoned her.

  Originally, Ye Cang had asked them to meet them outside, but she sneaked into the Mist Ninja Village to steal information to complete the mission, but the Sand Ninjas ran away without any intention of staying behind.

  "How can it be so smooth."

  Ye Cang felt that his actions were too smooth, or that Kirin Village's defenses were too lax.

  After entering the Mist Ninja Village, she had a bad feeling in her heart, feeling that something would happen at any time.

  "Hopefully my hunch was wrong."

  Ye Cang took advantage of the night to sneak slowly towards the Shuiying Building, and several ordinary ninjas encountered on the way could not find her.

  "You are so courageous when you go to other people's villages and still wear your own forehead guards."

  A dull voice sounded from behind Ye Cang, Ye Cang's original movements suddenly stopped, and then he turned back suddenly, Kunwu stabbed towards Liu Feng.

  Kunai passed through Liu Feng, and there was no feeling of hitting an object at all.

  "You are... Uchiha Liufeng."

  Ye Cang saw the appearance of the other party clearly with a glimpse of the moonlight, but after seeing the appearance of the other party, Ye Cang's heart trembled a little, it was actually Uchiha Liufeng.

  After being horrified, Ye Cang wanted to run away, but she found that her body couldn't move, and she couldn't even feel the chakra in her body.

  Immediately afterwards, she found her body tied to a cross like a sinner.


  Instantly realizing that he had been caught in an illusion, Ye Cang's face turned ruthless, he bit his tongue, and planned to use pain to escape from the illusion.

  "It's useless, even if you bite off your tongue, it's impossible to escape from the illusion space."

  Immediately afterwards, a flash of silver light flashed, and a sharp long knife slashed, directly slashing Ye Cang, who was tied to the cross.

  The breath of death enveloped Ye Cang, pain, numbness, and consciousness gradually dissipated.

  "Really unwilling."

  Feeling the coming of death, Ye Cang felt very unwilling, did he really want to die in this place?

  Just when Ye Cang was about to take his last breath and was unwilling to die, the pain suddenly moved away from her, and the originally disintegrated consciousness recovered again.

  In a blink of an eye, Ye Cang found that the wound that he had been cut in half had disappeared, as if everything before was an illusion, but the feeling of death made Ye Cang feel that he had really experienced a death.

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