"Is this time-space ninjutsu?" Xiao Nan asked curiously.

  "That's right, the ultimate time-space ninjutsu."

  "It's just the two of us, can we deal with Sanshoyu Hanzo?"

  Xiao Nan hesitated for a moment, and asked Liu Feng, this is inside Yuren Village, singled out a Ninja Village, even though it is Xiaonin Village, it can't be underestimated.

  What's more, Sanjiaoyu Hanzo is also known as a demigod in the ninja world. This title is quite intimidating. Some people who do it think that the strength of Sanjiaoyu Hanzo is stronger than the shadows of the major Shinobi villages.

  However, in reality, Hanzo of Sanjiao Yu is only the peak of the shadow level.

  If you remove the psychic beast and his poison, it's just a very ordinary shadow level, not very powerful.

  "You are underestimating my strength. The combined combat power of the entire ninja world is not my opponent."

  Liu Feng glanced at Xiao Nan, really didn't expect Xiao Nan to worry about this problem.

  "Next, it's time to give the Sanshoyu Hanzo a welcome gift."

  Liu Feng stretched out his hand, and the super large jade spiral pill quickly took shape, and then was thrown by Liu Feng, instantly hitting the tallest building in Yu Nin Village, which is also the office of Sanjiao Yu Hanzo.


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Chapter 166

  There was a roar from the entire Yuren Village, and the office of the head of Yuren Village, Sanjiaoyu Hanzo, exploded.

  The sudden attack shocked all Yu Ren, and the embarrassed Sanjiao Yu Hanzo walked out of the ruins.

  Sanjiaoyu Hanzo sensed the crisis just now, and left the office quickly, otherwise, Sanjiaoyu Hanzo would have died with Liu Feng's blow just now.

  The extremely gloomy Sanjiaoyu Hanzo looked towards the person who attacked Yuren Village. After seeing who it was, Sanjiaoyu Hanzo's expression changed immediately.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, why are you?"

  At this moment, Sanshoyu Hanzo was shocked, why is Uchiha Liufeng.

  Did he offend Uchiha Liufeng?It seems not, why Uchiha Liufeng will come to deal with him.

  "I'm here to kill you, are you going to take it easy or resist?"

  Liu Feng asked indifferently to Sanshoyu Hanzo.

  "I haven't offended you, let alone Wunin Village. Do you think I'm easy to bully?" Sanjiaoyu Hanzo also felt angry in his heart.

  No matter how strong Uchiha Liufeng is, he cannot bully him like this.

  "You didn't offend me, but you offended my God of Wealth." Liu Feng glanced at Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan was indeed Liu Feng's God of Wealth.

  At this moment, Xiaonan stared at Sanjiao Yu Hanzo with hatred, wishing to smash his bones and ashes.

  "Forget it, don't talk nonsense with you, there's no need to waste my time dealing with a trash fish."

  Liu Feng was not interested in chatting with Sanjiao Yu Hanzo, anyway, he was just a dying man.

  "A moment of youth!"

  In an instant, the Sanshoyu Hanzo turned into a dead bone and fell to the ground.

  Instant Fanghua is the reincarnation eye pupil technique that Liu Feng awakened after opening the reincarnation eye. It can control the acceleration of time. Just now, Sanjiao Yu Hanzo has spent a hundred years, and only bones are left.

  "He died?" Xiao Nan's eyes widened.

  At this time, she couldn't care about the hatred of Sanjiao Yu Hanzo in her heart. The death of Sanjiao Yu Hanzo was too outrageous.

  "Yes, dead."

  Liu Feng nodded, then glanced at Yu Ren around him, Sanjiao Yu Hanzo was dead, but no one dared to attack Liu Feng.

  They were a little frightened because it was so bizarre that the Sanshoyu Hanzo died.

  A good person becomes a skeleton in the blink of an eye, and the skeleton begins to weather.

  "Let's go."

  Use Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space channel, and take Xiaonan out of Yuren Village.

  In fact, this time Sanjiao Yu Hanzo died is not a loss, Liu Feng is the first time to use Shanna Fanghua on people, and Sanjiao Yu Hanzo is the first person to experience it.

  "Thank you."

  After returning to Wuren Village, Xiaonan looked at Liu Feng gratefully and thanked Liu Feng.

  "If you really thank me, help me make more money."

  Liu Feng waved his hand, and then asked Xiaonan to go to the Uchiha clan. He came to the Shuiying office, and he should also handle official business, so as not to be said to be irresponsible.

  Liu Feng killed Sanjiao Yu Hanzo with a single pupil technique, and the news spread quickly, and the dragons in Yuren Village were at a loss.

  In addition, Nagato, who got the news, looked a little blank.

  Originally wanted to create Penn's Six Paths, he went for revenge, but the goal of revenge was solved by Uchiha Liufeng.

  "Uchiha Liufeng?"

  Obito who was standing behind Nagato flashed a strange light. When Uchiha Madara died, he warned him several times not to provoke Uchiha Liufeng.

  Obito is still obedient, not to mention that he has no conflict with Uchiha Liufeng, and of course he will not provoke Uchiha Liufeng.

  "It's better if Hanzou Sanzo is dead, just to take Yuren Village for his own use."

  After looking at Nagato, Obito said in a deep voice.

  The Akatsuki organization will develop in the Land of Rain in the future. Obviously, Sanshoyu Hanzo will die no matter what, and it will be solved by Uchiha Liufeng, which is a good thing for them.

  "I'm going to attack Mist Ninja Village."

  Nagato held the armrest of the wheelchair tightly with both hands, and a cold glow appeared in the cold Samsara eyes.

  "What did you say?"

  Uchiha Obito was stunned by Nagato's words, Nagato and Kirin Village have a grudge?If so then trouble.

  "You are not Uchiha Liufeng's opponent now."

  Whatever the reason, Nagato had this idea, Obito had to get rid of Nagato.

  "I know, so I asked you to help me, aren't you Uchiha Madara, it's okay to deal with Uchiha Liufeng."

  The long door said expressionlessly.

  He is not a fool either. In fact, he has long suspected the identity of this Uchiha Madara. Nagato suspects that he is not Uchiha Madara at all.

  Everyone knows Madara Uchiha is dead, can he live that long even if he doesn't die?

  "It is of course easy to deal with Uchiha Liufeng, but my identity cannot be exposed."

  Obito is at a dead end. Even if he is brave, he has to keep it on. In fact, Obito is a little confident, and he feels that even if he faces Uchiha Liufeng, he will not suffer...  ...

  Maybe he can't beat him, but relying on his kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, he can also be invincible.

  "For our plan, we can't deal with Uchiha Liufeng yet."

  After Obito finished speaking, he immediately disappeared. Otherwise, he might have been exposed. Although he may be suspected now, at least he has not been exposed. That's good.

  After the masked man left, Nagato lowered his head and wondered what he was thinking.

  Yahiko is dead, but Xiao Nan must be rescued. He must not let her stay in Wu Nin Village. He doesn't know how Xiao Nan lived in Wu Nin Village. I hope she is alright.

  "Is that masked man Uchiha Madara?"

  A strong suspicion flashed in Nagato's eyes. He claimed to be Madara Uchiha, but Nagato had never seen his true face.

  There is a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, but the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye cannot prove that it is Uchiha Madara. After all, there are not a few people who are known to have a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

  This is not the original work. In the original work, Obito used a kaleidoscope to scare Nagato, but not now.

  "No matter who he is, as long as he is a helper, maybe he is using me, but I am also using him."

  Nagato simply ignored the true identity of the masked man. Now Nagato has only two thoughts. One is Yahiko's entrustment to bring peace to the world.

  The other is to rescue Xiao Nan from Wu Nin Village.

  However, Nagato's thinking has also changed. In the past, the purpose of Akatsuki's organization was not to use extreme force to achieve peace, but now Nagato is to use extreme force to ensure the arrival of peace.

  Agree with the idea of ​​"Uchiha Madara", collect the nine-tailed beasts to resurrect the ten-tailed, and rely on the power of the ten-tailed to deter the five great ninja villages.

  This is Nagato's idea after being fooled by the soil.

  The original Akatsuki organization can be considered disbanded. Those rabble who died, ran away, and now Nagato himself is left, oh, and there is a masked person who can't be trusted.

  Therefore, the Akatsuki organization needs to be rebuilt. Nagato alone cannot achieve the plan. It is necessary to find the right person to ensure that the tailed beast can be collected in the future.

  Now Obito is looking for the right person, and it is imperative to expand the Xiao organization.


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Chapter 167

  Akatsuki's organization is slowly developing, Nagato makes Penn Six Paths, and Obito is looking for a suitable rebel to join Akatsuki.

  At the same time, the war between Konoha Village and Iwa Ninja Village also came to an end, and Sarutobi Hiizan issued an armistice agreement to Ohnogi, and the two sides had already reached an armistice with each other.

  The war between Konoha and Iwa Shinobi was over, and the Third Ninja World War also came to an end.

  However, Yun Ren was still on the verge of making a move. He didn't know if there would be a war. At least on the surface, the war was over.

  "Lord Hokage, do you really want to step down as Hokage?"

  "Well, this time Konoha Village suffered heavy losses, and I'm no longer fit to continue to be Hokage." Hiruzen Sarutobi looked old.

  "So it is imperative to choose the fourth Hokage. Let the villagers of Konoha Village elect the appropriate Hokage."

  At the end of the war, Sarutobi Hiizan planned to abdicate and let the sages, and then Konoha Village began to vote.

  Among them, Danzo also wants to compete for the fourth Hokage, but not many people choose to vote for Danzo. They have always been hidden in dark corners. There are not many people who really know 28 Danzo.

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