And the most important thing is that Danzo has no credit.

  In addition, the strong competitors of Hokage are Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Namifeng Minato.

  Compared to Dashemaru and Jiraiya, as a junior, Namikaze Minato is very young, but there are more people who are willing to support Namikaze Minato.

  Not only is Namikaze Minato's record outstanding, but also Namikaze Minato is handsome.

  Jiraiya chose to abstain from voting, he did not want to be the fourth Hokage, and after Jiraiya abstained, those who were willing to support Jiraiya voted for Minato Namika.

  Namikaze Minato is a disciple of Jiraiya, and voting for Namikaze Minato is equivalent to supporting Jiraiya.

  Danzo wanted to support Orochimaru to become Hokage, and he had no hope, so he wanted to nominate one of his own in Hokage's position.

  Now the two of them have colluded and cooperated with each other to study the first-generation cells and Sharinyan, so Danzo and Orochimaru are barely their own.

  It is a pity that even with Danzo's support, Orochimaru still lost to Minato Namikaze, and Minato Namikaze won the majority of votes to be elected as the fourth Hokage.

  "Hahaha, Orochimaru, my disciple has beaten you." Jiraiya was also very happy that his disciple became Hokage.

  Namikaze Minato is the disciple that Jiraiya cares about the most, and he is also the most optimistic. Although Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan are also Jiraiya's disciples, it is clear that in his heart, the status is far from that of Namikaze Minato.

  Listening to Jiraiya's show, Orochimaru turned his head and left.

  "Isn't this stinky snake angry?"

  Seeing the back of Orochimaru leaving, Zilai couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

  In the past, Orochimaru didn't seem to care about Hokage's position. Could it be that he didn't care?

  In fact, the current Orochimaru doesn't really care about Hokage's position, but being compared by a junior, does it really mean that Orochimaru has no temper?

  At the same time, seeing Orochimaru leaving and Sarutobi Hiizan, Sarutobi Hiizan sighed.

  In fact, Namikaze Minato was able to become Hokage, and it was also due to the fact that Sarutobi Hizen helped him build momentum. As for the disciple of Orochimaru, Sarutobi Hizen suppressed it a bit.

  It's actually very simple to suppress Orochimaru, because Hiruzen Sarutobi already knows that Orochimaru and Danzo are mixed together, and Orochimaru's current character is not suitable for being a Hokage at all.

  "The succession ceremony of the fourth Hokage will be held seven days later, and the kages of other villages will be notified that they are welcome to come to the ceremony."

  Sarutobi Hizan announced something.

  "Old man, what do you mean, the four generations of Hokage's succession ceremony let people from other villages come to watch the ceremony?" Jiraiya also found Sarutobi Hizan, his brows furrowed.

  He didn't think it was a good thing, and even Zilai thought that there might be trouble.

  "Actually, I want to invite the shadows of the major Shinobi villages to discuss some things."

  Looking at Jiraiya who came to him to inquire, Sarutobi Hizan explained his reasons. The reason why he asked people from other villages to watch the ceremony was mainly because he wanted to invite shadows from other villages.

  Discuss about the Ninja World War. The Ninja World, which seems to be calm now, will actually break out at any time.

  And once the Ninja World War breaks out again, Konoha Village will be the first to bear the brunt. There is no way, who makes Konoha Village the best place, and the country of fire is also the country with the best economy.

  But it's hard to say now, because one-third of the country of fire belongs to the country of water, so the country of fire may not be able to compare with the country of water.

  Moreover, there is also a money-making machine called Xiaonan in Wunin Village.

  The topic is too far away, Sarutobi Hiizan's idea is to sign an agreement with the shadows of other villages, hoping to obtain temporary peace, and Konoha Village will have the opportunity to recuperate.

  Sarutobi Hizan's invitation was soon sent to the major villages.

  "The third Hokage has abdicated, and the fourth Hokage is actually Namikaze Minato." Terumi Mei was a little surprised at the news.

  Although Namikaze Minato is in the limelight, Terumi Mei thought that the fourth Hokage should be Orochimaru or Jiraiya.

  "Jilai also took the initiative to abstain. That cold-blooded guy from Orochimaru is not suitable at all. It's not surprising."

  It's not surprising that Liu Feng, Sarutobi Hiizan abdicated, and the only one who can take over is Minato Naikaze.

  Oh, if Hatake Sakumo is not dead, Hatake Sakumo is also qualified, and more qualified than Namikaze Minato, but unfortunately he died.

  "You actually invited us to watch the ceremony, do we want to give this face?"

  Terumi Mei looked at Liu Feng, if Liu Feng said to go, then definitely go.

  "Go and have a look, Sarutobi Hidden should have another purpose, and it is estimated that other shadows will also go."

  Liu Feng said with great interest that he was a little bored in Wu Nin Village, and went out to join in the fun.

  "Then can I go with you?" Terumi Mei's face showed anticipation.

  "No, if you leave, who will manage Wu Nin Village, so you can't go with me."

  Liu Feng rejected Terumi Mei on the spot. No matter how many reasons Terumi Mei gave, Liu Feng did not agree to let Terumi Mei go with her.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng returned home and talked to Mikoto, Kushina and the others, mainly asking if they were interested in going to Konoha Village.

  "I'm not going." Tsunade shook his head.

  She felt that it would be embarrassing to go to Konoha Village again, and Tsunade didn't want to go back.

  Tsunade refused, but Mikoto and Kushina were very interested, so this time Liu Feng planned to bring Mikoto and Kushina along with them.

  "Is it just the three of us to go? Not with some people?" Kushina asked Liu Feng.

  Kushina felt that she should pay attention to the pomp, and there were only three people, wouldn't they seem very weak, and they were weak in momentum.

  "Just the three of us go, the two of you belong to my guards."

  "Bah, who is your bodyguard, Mikoto, you listened to what he said, he actually said that we are the guards, hateful not hateful." Kushina pulled Mikoto angrily, and wanted to join Mikoto in crusade against Liu Feng.

  "It's not looking for trouble, it's pointless to bring so many people."

  Liu Feng doesn't pay attention to pomp and circumstance. Who would dare not give him face when he goes out?


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Chapter 168

  "Liufeng, when you arrive at Konoha Village, will those people grit their teeth with hatred?"

  On the way to Konoha Village, Kushina asked with a smile.

  When Liufeng destroyed Konoha Village once, there were not a few people killed or injured in Konoha Village. Even though more than ten years have passed, there are still many people who hate Liufeng.

  "What about hate?"

  Liu Feng is not afraid of their hatred, not to mention that after Liu Feng left, it is estimated that no one dares to show hatred towards him.

  "I don't know if the current Konoha Village is the same as the previous Konoha Village." Mikoto said involuntarily.

  "It's definitely different. After all, it has been rebuilt once."

  Afterwards, Liu Feng and the others speeded up, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at Konoha Village. When Liu Feng came to Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hizan had to meet him in person.

  Looking at Uchiha Liufeng, Sarutobi Hiizhan reluctantly showed a smile. To be honest, he didn't really want to invite Liufeng this time.

  Sarutobi Hizan originally only wanted to invite the shadows of the other three major Ninja villages to come over, but later he thought, if he did not invite Liu Feng, would he be misunderstood by Uchiha Liu Feng and ignored him.

  So he had to invite Liu Feng, but he really didn't want Liu Feng to come to Muye Village.

  It's good for other shadows to say that there will be no trouble in Konoha Village, but Uchiha Liufeng is really beyond his control.

  In addition to Sarutobi Hiizan, Naikaze Minato, who is about to take over as the fourth Hokage, also came along.

  "The three generations of Hokage really give me face."

  Liu Feng smiled and said to Sarutobi Hizan.

  "Master Shuiying can come, it is already a face for Konoha Village, of course I have to do the landlord's friendship."

  Now they seem to be quite harmonious, as for the thoughts in their hearts, who knows.

  If it is said that Sarutobi Hijen doesn't hate Liu Feng, it is impossible. The Sarutobi family died because of Liu Feng, and Liu Feng forced him to kill his own family with his own hands.

  The most important thing is that Uchiha Liufeng actually went back on his word and still destroyed Konoha Village.

  If it wasn't for the preparations made at the beginning, the worst would have been prepared, and I am afraid that Konoha Village would be history now.

  Liu Feng took Kushina and Mikoto into Konoha Village, and said to Sarutobi Hizan that he would stroll around Konoha Village so that he didn't have to follow him.

  "Let Minato follow you, after all, you are not familiar with Konoha Village..." Sarutobi Hizan said.

  Uchiha Liufeng is of course familiar with the previous Konoha Village, but Uchiha Liufeng may not be familiar with the Konoha Village that has undergone a reconstruction.

  But the most important thing is that Hiruzen Sarutobi was not worried about Uchiha Ryufeng, so he let Minato Naikaze follow him to prevent any mistakes.

  "I don't like being followed." Liu Feng said lightly, and the smile on his face disappeared.

  "If that's the case, then we won't bother."

  Sarutobi Hizan's footsteps stagnated, and he felt an invisible coercion shrouded in his heart, which made him a little frightened.

  The sixth-level and ordinary people are no longer the same life form. Even if the simple momentum, it can make Sarutobi Hiruzen break into a cold sweat, just like a rabbit facing a tiger.

  "Lord Hokage, do you really trust him?"

  After leaving, Namikaze Minato asked Sarutobi Hizan.

  "No way, but I have already warned that no one will deliberately provoke Uchiha Liufeng. As long as no one provokes him, he will not attack ordinary people."

  Sarutobi Hizan could only comfort Minato Namifeng like this, and then he went to receive the third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki, and got the news that Onoki was also here.

  Liu Feng took Kushina and Mikoto to stroll around Konoha Village for a while, but the hateful eyes did not see it, but the fearful eyes saw a lot.

  "I'm not a man-eating monster, why are they afraid of me?"

  Kushina was a little unhappy, probably because she was afraid of Liu Feng, so she looked at Kushina with fear.

  "It's boring, let's just go to the place arranged by Konoha Village to live."

  At this time, Mikoto also felt bored. Going shopping outside made those people feel as if they saw wicked people on patrol, affecting their mood.

  Liu Feng did not refuse Mikoto, and brought Mikoto and Kushina to the place arranged by Konoha Village, and then saw the third generation of Tukage Onoki and the fourth generation of Kazekage Luosha.

  Well, the fourth Raikage is also here, and the fourth Raikage is the first one to come.

  "Uchiha Liufeng is here too." Ohnogi murmured in his heart, but facing Uchiha Liufeng, he was not as scared as a mouse.

  "Shuiying is here too."

  "Yeah, after all, that's an invitation from the three generations of Hokage, I don't dare to lose face." Liu Feng nodded with a chuckle.

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