Sarutobi Hizan on the side heard Liu Feng's words, and the corner of his mouth twitched, don't you dare not give face?You don't give me face, how can I treat you?Actually, I wish you wouldn't give me face.

  "Three Hokage, you invited us here, not just to watch the ceremony, right?" Fourth Raikage asked Sarutobi Hizan in a deep voice.

  Here, the four generations of Raikage have the worst expressions. Looking at Sarutobi Hizan and Ohnogi clenching their fists, his father died because of Konoha and Iwa Shinobi.

  "It is true that there are important things to discuss."

  Three generations of Hokage nodded, and then brought Liu Feng and the others to the reception room.

  "It's a rare gathering of five shadows." Liu Feng said after sitting down.

  Indeed, it is not easy for the Five Shadows to sit together and talk. The last time the Five Shadows sat together was when Qianshou Hashirama was still alive. It was also the first Five Shadows meeting. The ownership of the tailed beast.

  "¨" Mizukage is right, a rare gathering of five shadows, so I want to discuss about this ninja war. " Sarutobi Hizan stood up.

  "This is the third ninja war. Now the war is over. I believe everyone knows the pain caused by the war. Our villages have suffered a lot of damage. How about signing a peace agreement?"

  After Sarutobi Hiizano finished speaking, Luo Sha, Ohnogi, and the fourth Raikage all glanced at Liu Feng.

  Every village has a lot of damage?

  Hehe, who doesn't know that the Mist Ninja Village didn't lose much at all, but instead gained the greatest benefit from this Ninja World War.

  Of course, if you understand it in your heart, don't say it.

  "Peace agreement, ridiculous."

  The fourth Raikage slapped the table directly, this so-called peace agreement was useless at all.

  The original Hokage also asked other villages to sign it (Zhao of you), it was the first peace agreement in the ninja world, and it really achieved a comprehensive peace.

  But in the end, not long after the death of the original Hokage, the first ninja war broke out, indicating that this peace agreement is completely shit.

  Moreover, the fourth generation of Raikage did not want the so-called peace. Yun Nin Village was originally combative and belonged to the martial arts force in the ninja world, not to mention that the father's revenge had to be avenged.

  Sarutobi Hiizhan's face sank slightly, but he didn't expect to be refuted just after he proposed it.

  "What do you think of Mizukage?" Sarutobi Hiizan looked at Liu Feng, and Liu Feng's opinion was very important at this time.

  Although Hiruzen Sarutobi was the one who brought it up, his right to speak is not very important. If he was the only one who mentioned it, no one here would ignore him.

  Onogi and the fourth Raikage don't need to be afraid of him, Luo Sha is not able to handle it at will, and Sarutobi Hiizhan can't suppress them, but if Uchiha Ryufeng speaks, then things will be simple.


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Chapter 169

  Sarutobi Hizan asked Liu Feng for his opinion, so that Onogi, the fourth Raikage and Luo Sha all focused on Liu Feng.

  "I don't think it's very good. Why don't you give me a fee, how can I protect you, and the peace agreement is not needed."

  Liu Feng said with a smile, and almost didn't directly say that I wanted to receive protection fees.

  These words made Ohnogi and Sarutobi Hiizan stop talking. They have already given too much to the village of Kirin, so let's play stupid now.

  "I don't think the so-called peace deal makes any sense, it's just a piece of scrap paper."

  Liu Feng's view is the same as that of the fourth Raikage. He thinks this peace agreement is ridiculous, and it can't restrain anyone at all.

  "However, I have always been a peace-loving person. Although I think this peace agreement is ridiculous, I don't mind signing it."

  Sarutobi Hizan, who was originally disappointed, felt that the twists and turns had turned in an instant, but it was enough to listen to the peace-loving Uchiha Rufeng said, but he couldn't really believe it.

  "Since Mizukage agrees, what about your opinion?" Hiruzen Sarutobi smiled.

  "Hmph, the third Hokage, I don't agree to the signing."

  The fourth generation of Raikage made a direct statement and did not give face to the third generation of Hokage at all. As for the water shadow Uchiha Liufeng, he did not think that Uchiha Liufeng would trouble him because of this trivial matter.

  And the fourth generation of Raikage also saw that although Uchiha Liufeng said he was willing to sign it, he didn't care about this peace agreement at all.

  "If you can persuade Raikage to agree to the third Hokage, then I will agree."

  Onogi's eyes looked at Sarutobi Hiizan and Shidai Raikage, and then said.

  "I have the same opinion as Sandai Tsuchikage, let's wait until Sandai Hokage convinces Raikage." Luo Sha also expressed the same position.

  The gathering of the Five Shadows this time is considered to be an unhappy break up. The four generations of Raikage, Oh Yemu, and Luo Sha have all left, but Liu Feng is staying here at the moment.

  "Sarutobi Hizen, [-] billion taels, I can help you make this happen."

  Liu Feng, who stayed at the end, said with a light smile to Sarutobi Hizan, watching Sarutobi Hizan also looked like he was taking advantage of him.

  Sarutobi Hiizhan's face darkened, ten billion taels, how could the current Konoha Village still take out ten billion taels.

  After Liu Feng left, Hizan Sarutobi was left to meditate here.

  It is not meaningless to sign this peace agreement. First of all, Sarutobi Hizan understands that Yun Ren is now ready to move, and there are signs of wanting to attack Konoha Village.

  "Forget it, go to Uchiha Liufeng for help."

  In the end, Hiruzen Sarutobi still wanted to ask Liu Feng for help. To be honest, it was very uncomfortable to ask this enemy for help.

  But now the only person who can facilitate this is Uchiha Liufeng, but [-] billion taels are indeed a lot more, and it is difficult for Konoha Village to come out.

  However, if you are looking for the big name of the country of fire, the tens of billions of taels should not be a problem, provided that the big name of the country of fire can be persuaded.

  Sarutobi Hizan agreed to Liu Feng's conditions, and then wrote a letter to persuade the daimyo of the land of fire.

  "I didn't expect that Sarutobi Hizen actually paid for it."

  Liu Feng was a little surprised after getting the [-] billion taels of Sarutobi Hijen, but he didn't expect to earn [-] billion taels this time.

  "Give me five billion taels." Jiuxinai's eyes turned into symbols of money, and she jumped on Liu Feng and acted like a spoiled child.

  "Kushina, you are not short of money, right?"

  Mikoto helped Liu Feng and pulled out Kushina who was lying on Liu Feng and acted like a spoiled child.

  Now Jiu Xinnai should not be short of money. Before, Jiu Xinnai sold the detonating charms made by Xiao Nan, but made a lot of money.

  "Well, although I'm not short of money, I want more money."

  "It's not impossible if you want me to give you money, but you have to do me a favor." Liu Feng had a Hexi smile on his face.

  "What are you busy with?"

  Jiuxinai looked at Liu Feng vigilantly. She knew Liu Feng and knew that every time Liu Feng showed such a smile, it would definitely be a trick.

  "Let the four generations of Raikage sign a peace agreement."

  Liu Feng plans to give this matter to Jiuxinai, and after the completion of the matter, give Jiuxinai 30 billion taels.

  After Liu Feng finished talking about what she needed to do, Jiuxinai agreed without thinking, and she settled for 30 billion taels.

  "Have you thought of a way to get the fourth Raikage to sign a peace agreement?" Mikoto asked Kushina.

  "Mikoto, this is too simple. I only need to catch the fourth Raikage and beat him. If he doesn't agree, I will continue to fight until he agrees to sign a peace agreement."

  Kushina is going to use her fist to convince the fourth Raikage.

  "What if the fourth Raikage died?" Mikoto asked involuntarily.

  "Then there's no other way, just kill him and let Yun Ren replace him with Raikage who agreed to sign the peace agreement."

  There was a murderous look on Kushina's face, and it seemed that the fourth generation of Rai Ying was ignorant of current affairs.

  Mikoto looked at Kushina speechlessly, feeling that Kushina's style of doing things was similar to that of Liu Feng.

  "Don't say it, I have to act quickly, this money is too good to make."

  Excited, Kushina pushed open the door to find the fourth Raikage, leaving only Liu Feng and Mikoto in the room.

  "Aren't we going to follow?" Mikoto looked at Liu Feng.

  "No, this kind of trivial matter can be handled by Kushina himself, and we don't need to go there."

  Liu Feng shook his head, showing no interest at all. He believed that Kushina could definitely handle it.

  Soon, there was a burst of noise outside, and after hearing the movement, Mikoto looked out the window and saw the fourth Raikage being blown away at a glance.

  "Fourth generation Raikage, don't be shameless, I will discuss with you calmly because I give you face, but you dare to refuse, this is not giving me face."

  Kushina's irritable fist hit the fourth Raikage again, and the fourth Raikage vomited blood, and it was unknown how many bones were broken.

  For a while, the eyes of the ninjas in Konoha Village, Oh Yegi and Luo Sha were all attracted.

  "It's Uzumaki Kushina, why did she take action against the fourth Raikage, is it the meaning of Uchiha Liufeng?" Ohnogi froze in his heart.

  The fourth Raikage was beaten, Onogi did not intervene, and Luo Sha would not intervene. They and the fourth Raikage were enemies, and it was impossible to help the fourth Raikage.

  As for Sarutobi Hiizan and Namikaze Minato, I had a headache after seeing this scene. The fourth Raikage was severely injured in Konoha Village. If he died in Konoha Village, it would be really big trouble.

  But do you want to stop Uzumaki Kushina?

  "Three generations of Hokage-sama, you can't watch the fourth generation of Raikage be beaten in our village." Namikaze Minato said to Sarutobi Hizan.

  "Let's wait and see what happens, and evacuate the Konoha villagers around." Sarutobi Hizan thought for a while, not wanting to intervene and help the fourth Raikage.

  Between offending the fourth-generation Raikage and offending Uchiha Ryufeng, of course, he chose to offend the fourth-generation Raikage, and Sarutobi Hiizan estimated that this incident should have been caused by the peace agreement.

  Namikaze Minato looked at it, but in the end he didn't make a move. He has not yet taken over as the fourth Hokage. At this time, of course, he has to obey the Sarutobi Hiuzhan. Even if he becomes the fourth Hokage, he must also obey the Sarutobi Hiizan's opinion.

  I hope that the fourth generation of Raikage will not be killed. If he died in Konoha Village, then Yunren Village will definitely not die with Konoha Village.


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Chapter 170

  Thirty minutes after Kushina started attacking the fourth Raikage, he was beaten violently, and the dying fourth Raikage finally agreed.

  "It's pretty resistant."

  After withdrawing his fist, Kushina was still a little unfulfilled.

  "Send him to the hospital." Kushina said to the Konoha Village ninja watching the battle, and then went back to find ~ Liu Feng.

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