After Kushina left, the others looked at each other in dismay. The Yun Ninja brought by the fourth Raikage had already been knocked unconscious, and finally Sarutobi Hizen sent someone to send the fourth Raikage, who was about to pass out, to the hospital-.

  "I have completed the task, hurry up and give me the money."

  After returning, Kushina asked Liu Feng for money.

  "I'll give it to you when I get back to Wunin Village." Liu Feng was quite satisfied with what Kushina did, but he didn't think it would be excessive.

  "Okay, you can wait until you return to Wu Ninth Village, but you can't default, otherwise I'll be angry."

  Kushina doesn't care about the time of the past few days, as long as Liu Feng doesn't break the bill.

  The next day, the succession ceremony of the Fourth Hokage began, and Liu Feng felt very bored just looking at it.

  "When I was Shuiying, it wasn't that troublesome." Liu Feng said with a yawn.

  "This sissy has actually become a Hokage, but I don't think he will be a Hokage for long." Kushina, who was sitting next to Liu Feng, said.

  "Kushina, if Konoha ninjas hear what you say, they will definitely be hostile to you." Mikoto reminded Kushina.

  "What Kushina said might really come true."

  Liu Feng had a mysterious look on his face. Although the plot of the original book has changed a lot, according to some information he got, the Nine-Tails Raid Village should still appear.

  Namikaze Minato will also become the shortest-lived Hokage.

  After the Hokage succession ceremony, the five shadows met again. At this time, the fourth generation of Raikage was still wrapped in bandages. When he saw Liu Feng, there was a flash of anger in his eyes.

  Although he was beaten by Uzumaki Kushina, there is definitely something about Uchiha Liufeng.

  "Is the fourth Raikage unconvinced?" Liu Feng asked lightly towards the fourth Raikage.

  The dull tone brings unspeakable pressure.

  "I dare not."

  Four generations of Raikage had resentment in his heart, how could he be convinced when he was severely injured, and now he came here by being supported by others.

  "Everyone, the fourth generation of Raikage has already agreed to sign a peace agreement. I wonder what you think?" Liu Feng asked Oh Yemu and Luo Sha.

  "Since the fourth Raikage agreed, I naturally have no objection."

  Just kidding, even if you really have an opinion at this time, you mustn't say it, otherwise you think you're not dying fast enough.

  "It's fine if you don't have an opinion. If you have an opinion, I can talk to you."

  Liu Feng glanced at Sarutobi Hizan, and Sarutobi Hizan took out a peace agreement and asked others to sign it.

  After this peace agreement was signed, Onogi and Luo Sha immediately left Konoha Village. They knew that Uchiha Ryukaze should have obtained the benefits of Hiruzen Sarutobi, otherwise they would never help Hiruzen Sarutobi.

  The fourth Raikage also left. He was carried away. He was seriously injured and could not hurry. He could only be carried away.

  "Let's go too."

  Liu Feng is no longer interested in staying in Konoha Village, but the harvest of this visit to Konoha Village is indeed not small.

  After Liu Feng left with Mikoto and Kushina, Sarutobi Hiizan breathed a sigh of relief. It was fine if the others didn't leave, but Uchiha Liu Feng had to leave quickly.

  He was in Konoha Village for one day, and Konoha Village was unsafe for one day.

  "Liu Feng, shall we return to Wu Nin Village now?" Kushina asked Liu Feng.

  "I want to return to Mist Ninja Village, what do you think?"

  "I want to take a turn in the ninja world, so does Mikoto." Kushina pulled Mikoto up too.

  Mikoto was a little helpless, she didn't have this idea, but Kushina pulled her, and Mikoto didn't refuse.

  "It's good to look around in the ninja world."

  Thinking that if he goes back now, there may be a lot of things for him to deal with, so he should stay outside for a while and not in a hurry to go back.

  Hearing Liu Feng's agreement, Kushina was a little happy. Although Wu Nin Village was rebuilt by Liu Feng, it is very good now, but after staying in Wu Nin Village for a long time, he also wanted to play in other places.

  After wandering outside for about half a month, Liu Feng brought Kushina and Mikoto back to Wu Nin Village.

  As soon as I came back, I saw Terumi Mei's resentful eyes.

  "My Master Shuiying, have you forgotten that you are still Shuiying?"

  "Terumi Mei, why don't I give you the position of the water shadow." Liu Feng suddenly had this idea in his heart.

  He doesn't care about power very much, and things in Kirinin Village are too lazy to manage now, so it's not bad to leave it to Terumi Mei.

  "I don't want to be Shuiying, I just want to be the little secretary of Master Shuiying."

  Terumi Mei shook her head, and at the same time, seeing that Liu Feng wanted to abdicate, Terumi Mei hurriedly persuaded Liu Feng, and finally managed to persuade Liu Feng.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????


  Liu Feng went home contentedly. In order to persuade him to continue to be Mizukage, Terumi Mei promised to help with Mizukage's affairs in the future, as long as it was not too important.

  After returning home and having dinner, Liu Feng came to the system space.

  "Conduct this month's character projection extraction."

  [Ding, you extracted six spot projections! 】

  "I didn't expect such good luck."

  I was lucky enough to get the projection of Liu Dao Ban, and the strength of Liu Dao Ban also stood at the top of the entire Naruto world.

  It is a pity that the projection of characters from other worlds cannot be drawn. In fact, Liu Feng now expects to draw projections of characters from other worlds. As for Naruto World, Liu Feng's strength has almost reached its peak.

...... 0


  If you get it, of course you have to challenge it. Madara Uchiha's reincarnation eye pupil technique Wheel Tomb · Border Prison is very good, Liu Feng wants to get it.

  When he came to the trial space, Liu Feng saw that he was floating in the air, holding six tin sticks in his hand, wearing a fairy robe, and the full-fledged Uchiha Madara, no, it should be called Liu Dao Madara.

  Floating ability is the basic ability of the Sixth Path level, and this Liu Feng can also.

  And relying on the repulsive force of the reincarnation eye, it can also fly in the air.

  "Have fun with you."

  A black sphere appeared in Liu Feng's hand, which was the Qiu Daoyu, which instantly turned into a long knife.

  The swordsmanship Liufeng has not practiced much, but with the insight of the upper-class Fengjiuyu reincarnation eye, he can use any weapon in battle with ease.

  Looking at Qiudaoyu flying towards him under Liu Daoban's control, Liu Feng directly slashed into two halves.

  Qiudao jade contains the power of all things, and people who do not have the power of the six paths will disappear into nothingness, and can easily destroy a forest and a mountain.

  However, in the face of the same knife formed by the Taoist jade, the Taoist jade will naturally not work, and it is normal to be split.

  Immediately entering the black space channel that appeared under his feet, Liu Feng used Huangquan Hirazaka to appear behind Liu Daozaka, and then slashed down again with one knife.


  Six tin sticks blocked Liu Feng's knife, and Liu Dao Ban's reaction speed was quite fast. If it was slower, Liu Dao Ban might have been split in half.


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Chapter 171

  Liu Feng and Liu Daoban turned into afterimages, their speed was hard to see with the naked eye, and every time they fought, they could make a thunderous roar.

  "Xianfa Spiral Shuriken!"

  Ordinary ninjutsu has no effect on Ju-Tails, but Immortal Jutsu works well on Ju-Tails.

  boom! ! !

  The spiral shuriken formed by the immortal chakra collided with the six tin sticks of Liudaoban, and then the figure of Liudaoban was thrown out.

  "Eighty Gods Air Strike!"

  Offensive and defensive integration, perfect physical skills, countless huge fists smashed towards the six spots, and the earth was razed to the ground.

  Every punch is a sure-fire blow. In the face of such an ultimate physique, Liu Dao Ban didn't even have the strength to fight back, as if he was facing Bamen Kai.

  The defense formed by Qiu Daoyu was torn apart in an instant, Liu Daoban's body comparable to steel was twisted by a huge fist, and his arm appeared to be broken.

   Eighty Gods Air Strike combined with Baiyan can play to the extreme. Although Liu Feng does not have Baiyan, he has the power of Tenseigan.

  The three hundred and sixty-degree vision without blind spots is also available in Tenseigan, so it can also maximize the Eighty Gods Air Strike.

  After being beaten, Liu Daoban was already dying.

  With such an injury, a person with a perfect immortal human body would definitely die, but Liudaoban is a ten-tailed person.

  There are ten tails to help him provide life energy, and he also has the resilience similar to the undead body. Of course, it is definitely not as terrifying as the undead body of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  The injury recovered at a very fast speed, and soon recovered completely, but the broken immortal robe on his body looked very embarrassed.

  "Heavenly Shocks the Stars!"

  After Liu Daoban recovered, the huge meteorite summoned fell towards Liu Feng.

  "Such an attack, just to deal with ordinary people, has no effect on me."

  Liu Feng raised his head and glanced at the meteorite that fell from the sky. The huge meteorite may be very shocking in the eyes of others, but there is no threat to Liu Feng.

  "Super Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

  Facing the meteorites summoned by Tianji Zhenxing, Liu Feng used the most violent means, and the terrifying repulsion shattered all the falling meteorites.

  At the same time, the six spots were also blasted away by the repulsive force that spread over hundreds of kilometers.

  "The golden wheel is reborn!"

  The golden lightsaber slashed towards the blasted Liu Dao Spot, which was an attack that could easily cut through the moon. Although Liu Dao Spot evaded in time, a small half of his body was also cut off.

  "Not dead yet?"

  Liu Feng originally thought that one blow could kill Liu Daoban, but he was still alive, mainly because he didn't hit Liu Daoban's head.

  If a blow hits Liu Dao Ban's head, it can definitely kill Liu Dao Ban in one blow.

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