"Xianfa Lan Dunguang Fang!"

  This move also belongs to the Six Paths Immortal Technique, released by Liu Feng, thanks to Uchiha Madara, the Immortal Technique obtained from Uchiha Madara before.

  The power of Lan Dunguangfang is not weak, and it has the power to cut everything, even the Taoist jade can break it.

  The target Liu Feng attacked was Liu Daoban's head, because even if he pierced through his heart, it would be difficult to kill him, and the life force of Ju-Tails Zhuli was so tenacious.

  If you want to kill him, you can only attack the weakness of the head.

  "Well, blocked?"

  In Liu Feng's eyes, a completely different figure can be seen, and he can recognize it. This is the shadow split from the tomb of the wheel.

  Wheel Tomb·Border Prison, Uchiha Madara's unique pupil technique, can split four wheel tomb shadows, and ordinary people cannot see or perceive these shadows.

  Only the eyes of reincarnation can see, and those who have learned the Six Paths Immortal Art, although they cannot see, can perceive the existence of shadows.

  If there is no reincarnation eye and no Six Paths Immortal Art, then this move can be called no solution.

  The shadow of the tomb of the wheel can help the body to resist attacks, it can also help itself to fight, and it can use all the capabilities of the body.

  This is also the pupil technique that Liu Feng wants to burst out, because this trick is really incomprehensible to people who are not at the sixth level.

  And even in the face of the sixth level, it can play a great role.

  The shadow of the tomb of the wheel may not be as powerful as the main body, but it can still inherit about 70%. If you fight the enemy with the shadow of the tomb of the wheel, you can win even if you are stronger than yourself.

  Looking at the shadows surrounding him, Liu Feng kicked one, and his physical skills also reached the pinnacle of Hokage.

  The Six Paths Immortal Technique Chakra, one blow kills a wheel tomb shadow in seconds, and the shadow solved by Liu Feng is not really dead, but returns to Liu Daoban's body.

  However, there is no way for Liu Daoban to use the Wheel Tomb and Border Prison for the time being.

  "Super Vientiane Tianyin."

  The gravitational force that seemed to be a black hole erupted from Liu Feng's hand. Even Kaguya Otsutsuki couldn't resist this gravitational force, and of course Liu Daozan couldn't resist it either.

  "This battle, let's end it, kill the ashes together..."

  A piece of gray-white bone hit Liu Daoban's head, and then Liu Daoban's body began to collapse, starting from the head and spreading to the whole body.

  [Ding, you kill the projection of six spots and get: 50 points, ten-tailed chakra, tomb of the wheel, border prison! 】

  "I'm lucky, I got what I wanted."

  Liu Feng smiled after seeing the Tomb of Wheels and Boundary Prison, because the Six Dao Madara Society had too many abilities, and no one knew what would come out.

  Tomb of Wheels and Boundary Prison is Liu Feng's most desired pupil technique. Ten-tailed chakra is also very useful to Liufeng. Liu Feng can fuse Ten-tailed chakra into his body. It is not the first time that he has obtained ten-tailed chakra. .

  Now Liu Feng feels that his chakra has surpassed the ten tails.

  Leaving the trial space, Liu Feng entered the training space and tested the power of the Tomb of Wheels and the Boundary. The shadow of the Tomb of Wheels can indeed use most of Liu Feng's abilities.

  However, Liu Feng found that some of the shadow's abilities could not be used.

  For example, in the Royal Palace of Heaven, the Eighty Gods Air Strike, um, although the Eighty Gods Air Strike is a physical technique, it belongs to the blood snares, and it is the same as the total killing of ashes.

  Although Xueji Net Luo cannot be used, it is enough to be able to use most of Liu Feng's abilities.

  "Liu Feng, I'm so bored, can you not leave the system space first and chat with me?" Xiaomeng shouted to Liu Feng who was about to leave.

  "Haha, isn't it bad to chat with Mikoto and the others? Why do you want to chat with your cat?"

  "Then I'll become a goddess beast." Xiaomeng changed from Dilu beast state to a goddess beast, and posed a charming gesture towards Liu Feng.

  "In this case, let me chat with you reluctantly. Let's talk about it first. I only chat with you because you are pitiful. It has nothing to do with whether you become a goddess beast."

  Liu Feng felt that he also needed to maintain his image, but what Liu Feng didn't know was that in Xiaomeng's heart, he was already the image of LSP.

  "Hey, it would be great if I could leave the system space too, it's boring to be alone in the system space." Xiaomeng's tone was a little depressing.

  "I will come to accompany you more in the future."

  Liu Feng touched Xiaomeng's head. Xiaomeng, a system elf, is like family to him. It seems that he needs to take care of Xiaomeng's emotions in the future.


  PS: Ask for subscriptions, flowers, and evaluation tickets! .

Chapter 172

  Time always flies by inadvertently, and more than a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

  The Third Ninja World War ended. Because of the peace agreement, there is no more war now, and the Ninja World has finally returned to peace.

  However, this calm is only the calm on the surface. Secretly, the Xiao organization is developing, and it is constantly looking for rebels to join the Xiao organization.

  At the same time, Obito also shot at Yannin Village once. The original Nakanohara Rin died because of Kirin, and then Obito took revenge on Kirin. The reason why the age of blood fog appeared was because of Obito's control of Yakura. .

  But now the plot is different. Rin Nohara died because of Iwa Shinobu. Of course, the main reason for this was the old Yin ratio of Madara Uchiha, but Obito didn't know it.

  Uchiha Obito took revenge on Yannin, but Yannin was not easy to provoke. Onogi was not controlled by Obito, but forced Obito to retreat.

  In fact, the current Uchiha Obito is really not very strong.

  He is not really old. He is only about thirteen years old now, and he is not open, so how strong can he be.

  The reason why Obito can fly like a wave today is because the pupil technique of 28 is Shenwei is indeed a bit incomprehensible. Even Madara Uchiha needs to snatch Kakashi's writing wheel to deal with it if he wants to deal with Obito.

  Obito, who suffered a loss, gave up and continued to deal with Iwanin, and concentrated on finding a suitable rebel, and now he has recruited the ultimate wage earner, Kakuto.

  The recruitment was recruited by Nagato's control of Penn Liudao, and Obito didn't dare to show up easily.

  In addition, a major event happened in the ninja world. Orochimaru defected and was found to be doing forbidden human experiments, so he could only choose to defect.

  Zilai also left the village and said that he would bring Orochimaru back.

  Originally experienced the third Ninja World War, the very weak Konoha Village, with the defection of Orochimaru, Jiraiya's Li Village, became even weaker.

  "You ran in front of me, didn't you want to pretend to be Madara Uchiha to fool me?"

  Liu Feng looked at Obito lightly.

  For some unknown reason, Obitu went to Wunin Village to find him.

  In the face of Liu Feng, Obito certainly won't fool around, it's okay to fool others, but Uchiha Liu Feng, who has met Uchiha Madara, must not be fooled.

  However, Obito doesn't think Uchiha Liufeng will know his true identity. Uchiha Madara should not tell Uchiha Liufeng his true identity.

  "I'm here to ask Shuiying for a favor?"

  "Help you deal with your teacher?" Liu Feng had a playful smile on his face. Since Obito came to the door, Liu Feng didn't mind teasing him.

  Obito's fist, which was originally calm, couldn't help clenching, and Uchiha Liufeng knew his purpose.

  Also, since he knows who his teacher is, his identity is not a secret in front of the other party.

  "You know my identity, Madara Uchiha told you?"

  Obito is in a very uneasy mood, and now he doesn't want his true identity to be known to many people.

  Bai Jue and Hei Jue are okay, they will never reveal their identities, but Uchiha Liufeng is different. In an instant, killing intent appeared in his heart.

  "Put away your weak killing intent, Madara Uchiha should have told you not to provoke me, but you are quite courageous."

  Liufeng looked at Obito indifferently, and for a moment, an endless chill rose in Obito's heart. In Uchiha Liufeng's eyes, he seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

  When it comes to killing intent, those who kill with soil are not even worthy of shoes compared to Liu Feng.

  "You dare to appear in front of me because of your divine might, but your reliance is worthless in front of me."

  Liu Feng threw a kunai out, and seeing the kunai flying towards him, Obito subconsciously used divine power to blur.

  But Kunai instantly disappeared through the black space channel, and the next moment Kunai was already inserted into Obito's arm.

  "Don't think your divine power is invincible, it's too easy for me to crack it."

  This time, Liu Feng wanted to teach Obito a lesson, so that he would not feel that he could act arbitrarily if he had the space-like pupil technique.

  I went to Wunin Village to find him. To be honest, Obito didn't take him seriously.

  Liu Feng's kunai really made Obito sober, and Obito is really swollen now.

  Relying on the avatar of divine power, Obito felt that even if he couldn't beat him, he would definitely not die, while Liu Feng told him a bloody fact, that your avatar of divine might was not invincible.

  He took a deep look at Liu Feng, and then Obito used Shenwei to run away.

  "Oh, it's just a little bit of courage to run away."

  Liu Feng shook his head slightly, and it seemed that he was still looking at Obito.

  I used to think that possessing divine power was invincible, so I dared to run in front of Liu Feng. Now that I know that Liu Feng can easily break the blur of divine power, Obito was afraid.

  In fact, Obito is not afraid of death, but his dream has not been completed, Obito wants to create a world where Lin exists.

  "Looking at the next wave of Minato, the good days are coming to an end."

  Liu Feng had no intention of watching the play, and the release of Nine Tails was just a small scene.

  "Who is that guy?"

  Kushina came to Liu Feng at this time. When Kushina came over just now, he happened to see Obito who was running, so he was very curious.

  "The chess piece chosen by Madara Uchiha, probably ran in front of me trying to pretend."

  Liu Feng felt that it was fake for Obito to ask him for help in dealing with Konoha Village, and it was true that he ran in front of him and pretended to be forceful, but unfortunately he didn't pretend.

  "Then you actually let him go?"

  "He's still useful, so I won't kill him."

  Liu Feng is also counting on Obito to complete the plan. If Obito dies, who else will go to the Moon Eye Project?

  "What's the use, can you tell me about it, it feels like you're calculating something." Kushina's eyes were filled with endless curiosity.

  "Why do you care so much about curiosity? Try to improve your strength when you have time. The gap between your strength is getting bigger and bigger than that of Mikoto and Tsunade."

  After flicking Kushina's forehead, Liu Feng said.

  Now that Tsunade has mastered Mu Dun, he can even use the Immortal Mu Dun, and his strength is about to surpass Kushina.

  And Mikoto now has a tendency to evolve into Samsara Eye after getting Kaguya Otsutsuki's immortality, so her strength will definitely surpass Kushina.

  Of course, Kushina was originally not stronger than Mikoto.

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