After speaking, Sarutobi Hiizan sent Hyuga Hizu back for the time being.

  Sarutobi Hizan said so, and he could only believe that once Sarutobi Hizan returned to the Hyuga clan, and after returning, Hyuga Hipsa rushed over.

  "How about big brother, did Hinata bring it back?"

  "No, Yun Ren refused to admit that he took Hina Tian, ​​and the Yun Ren who was killed by us, they want our Hyuga clan to give them an explanation."

  Hyuga Hizu's fists were squeezing, and he had never been so angry before. When his daughter was taken away, the other party still asked them to tell them, and even threatened them.

  And Hyuga Sunzu also felt it, the three generations of Hokage had the mind to calm down this matter, and now it is more towards Yun Ren.

  In fact, if it wasn't for the three generations of Hokage to stop him, Hyuga Hizu would have long since brought his clan to arrest Yun Ren who was still in Konoha Village and tortured him to extort a confession.

  "Then what to do, Hinata doesn't know what to do now."

  Hyuga Risari is about to panic. Although he is very resentful to the Zong family, he still likes Hinata's niece.

  Maybe Hinata's character is not likable to Hinata, but everyone else loves Hinata.

  Hinata was taken away. In fact, they had already guessed the fate. It is very likely that they have already been killed.

  Obviously, according to Hinata's guess, Hinata must have been killed.

  In fact, Hyuga Sunzu's guess is similar. It has been almost two days since they were arrested. They have been fighting with Yun Ren for two days, and there is little chance that Hinata is still alive.

  "¨"You go back first. "

  Hyuga Hizu said in a cold voice to Hyuga Nisari.

  It's not for Hyuga's daily difference. He is in a bad mood now. Although he doesn't like Hinata's character very much, he thinks that she can't bear the responsibility of Hyuga's family in the future, but that is also his daughter.

  Hyuga Ripa did not continue to disturb Hyuga Hizu, but he felt that he needed to find those Yun Ren, maybe Hinata hasn't had an accident yet.

  Hyuga Hizu didn't know Rizai's actions, but this time, the Hyuga family was messed up.

  Hinata is the clan, but the clan does not have a caged bird incantation. Wouldn't the white eyes leak out, and some of the Hyuga clansmen are not calm.

  And Sarutobi Hizan is also very worried, the damn Yun Ren actually gave him such a problem, what should I do now?Do you want to settle accounts with Yun Ren?

  But Yun Ren refused to admit it, and even asked Konoha Village to give them a statement about Yun Ren, asking them to hand over the murderer who killed their Yun Ren.

  Unless it is to turn against Yun Ren Village, otherwise, there is no other way, but now Sarutobi Hijen doesn't want to turn against Yun Ren Village. If he turns his face, the battle will continue.

  Konoha Village was a little troubled, so Sarutobi Hiizhan didn't want to use a tough attitude to turn against Yun Ren Village, but the emotions of the Hyuga clan also needed to be taken care of.

  Hinata Hinata is the eldest young lady of the Hyuga clan. The person who will inherit the entire Hyuga clan in the future is captured by Yun Ren, and the Hyuga clan will definitely not let it go easily.

  It was a dilemma for Sarutobi Hizan, but he didn't have a third option yet.


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Chapter 179

  When Sarutobi Hizan was worrying about how to solve the problem, he suddenly received another bad news, and Yun Shinobi in Konoha Village was arrested.

  The rest of Yun Ren came directly to the door and asked Sarutobi Hizan to give them an explanation, otherwise they would threaten Sarutobi Hizan to go to war with Konoha Village.

  "When was it taken away?" Sarutobi Hizan saw those Yun Ren, and asked them while holding back his anger.

  "Not long ago, I hope Hokage can give us an explanation, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

  The tone of several Yun Ren was very cold, and they directly threatened Sarutobi Hizan.

  "I will investigate this matter."

  A cold light flashed in Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes, but he held back for the time being. The reason why Yun Ren was arrogant was because they had nothing to fear.

  "We suspect that it was done by the Hyuga clan, and we hope that the three generations of Hokage will let us go to the Hyuga clan to check."

  The leader of them, Yun Ren said.

  Sarutobi Hiizhan frowned when he heard the words, and asked them to go to the Hinata clan to check. I don't know if this matter was related to the Hinata clan, but even if it was really related, Sarutobi Hiizhan didn't want Yun Ren to get involved.

  "Does Hokage disagree? It seems that it has something to do with the Hyuga clan." The head of Yun Ren sneered.

  "The Hinata clan killed our Yunnin Village ninjas before, and now they are arresting the ninjas of our Yunnin messenger group. It seems that your Konoha Village does not want to sign a peace agreement with Yunnin Village."

  These words changed Sarutobi Hizan's face.

  "Okay, I can take you there. I believe it was definitely not done by the Hinata clan." Sarutobi Hizan said with a blank expression.

  In fact, at this time, Sarutobi Hizan also suspected that it had something to do with the Hinata clan, and hoped that the Hinata clan would not be taken away. If they were taken away, it would be difficult.

  After that, Sarutobi Hizan brought the Yunnin messenger group to the Hyuga Clan, but after entering the Hyuga Clan, Sarutobi Hiizhan's face changed.

  Here, the corpse of the Yunnin who was missing from the Yunnin messenger group was found. He was already dead.

  And Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Ripa are also here, and their expressions are also ugly. They were trying to dispose of this Yun Ninja's body, but they were caught before they had time.

  "Hizu, what the hell is going on?" Sarutobi Hiizan asked angrily to Hinata Hizu.

  "Hokage, this matter will never be let go, we Yun Ren need an explanation."

  The leader of Yun Ren is very angry, and the other Yun Ren are similar.

  Hyuga Hizu didn't know how to explain it. The reason why this Yun Ren appeared in the Hyuga clan was indeed related to them, but people did not kill him, but committed suicide.

  The day before, Hyuga took a risk and caught a Yun Ren, trying to force the whereabouts of Hinata Hinata, but the other party took poison and committed suicide.

  People died in the Hyuga clan. If they were dealt with before they were discovered, it might be fine, but the key was to be caught.

  "Everyone, I can give you an explanation on this matter, can you leave here first?" Sarutobi Hizan looked at Yun Ren and said.

  Originally, these Yun Ren did not want to save face for Sarutobi Hiru, but they chose to leave when they saw Anbu who was about to move around.

  "Hopefully, Hokage will give us an explanation as promised now."

  Yun Ren left first, but Sarutobi Hizen who stayed behind was very troubled.

  "Let's talk about it first, what's going on?" Sarutobi Hiizhan asked Hyuga Hizu with an ugly face.

  "I caught the man. I wanted to ask the whereabouts of the little girl, but he took the poison and committed suicide." Hyuga Hizu said to Sarutobi Hizan.

  "Brother, what are you talking about?"

  The complexion of Hyuga Risari changed. He clearly caught the man. Now, does the eldest brother want to help him bear the blame?

  "Lord Hokage, this Yun Ren was caught by me." Hyuga Risashi immediately stood up and said to Sarutobi Hizan.

  In the past, Ripa Hyuga actually held some resentment towards this big brother, but now the resentment in Ripa Hyuga has disappeared.

  At this time, he also saw his elder brother's feelings for him.

  "No matter who did it, there must be an explanation for this matter. You, the Hyuga clan, can handle it."

  Sarutobi Hiizhan left feeling exhausted, and this matter had to be dealt with, but in Sarutobi Hiizan's heart, he still hoped that Hiyaka Rizai would be able to resist all the guilt.

  Regardless of whether it was done by Hyuga Hizu or by Hyuga Hiza, it is better to sacrifice Hinata Hiza than to sacrifice Hinata Hizu, because Hyuga Hizu is the patriarch of the Hinata clan.

  Afterwards, after discussions within the Hyuga clan, in the end, neither the elders of the Hyuga clan nor the Hyuga Ripas agreed that Hyuga Hizu should bear the responsibility for this crime.

  What's more, it was originally done by Hyuga Risari. He didn't complain, but he couldn't force Hina Tian's whereabouts.

  Hyuga Nippon died, but this time, Hyuga Nippon's death was different, at least it didn't cause his son Hyuga Niji to hate the clan.

  Yun Ren actually wanted to hold back, but the Fourth Raikage ordered them to go back.

  Because it is impossible for Yunren Village and Konoha Village to continue to develop, the wars in three years have already overwhelmed Yunren Village.

  Although it is possible to drag down Konoha Village if it continues to drag on, Yunren Village also needs to guard against other villages.

  This incident came to an end, and Hyuga Hizu did not ask Yun Ren to return to Hinata Hinata, and he did not know that Hinata Hinata was sent to Wuren Village by Yun Ren.

  "Is this the inertia of the plot?"

  Liu Feng couldn't help but ponder after learning about the information and learning that Hi Xiang Richa was dead.

  To be honest, the changes he brought are not small. Hyuga Nisaka still can't escape death, but Hinata Hinata was caught by Yun Ren to Wuren Village, which also made Liu Feng understand that the inertia of the plot is not so great.

  "Uchiha Fuyake, it's not very good in Konoha Village."

  Liu Feng looked at another piece of information, about the branch of Konoha Village's Uchiha family.

  They had a very poor life. It is estimated that the final end will definitely not escape the destruction in the original book, because the filial son Uchiha Itachi was still born.

  Since there are filial sons, the probability of the Uchiha branch of Konoha Village and the family extermination is more than 90%.

  "But it has nothing to do with me. Even if they die, it has nothing to do with me."

  Although Liu Feng is the patriarch of the Uchiha family, from the beginning of the separation, the clan is the clan, and the clan is the clan.

  "Hyuga Hizu didn't know that Hinata was in Wujin Village, and it seems that she won't come to take Hinada." Terumi Mei looked happy.

  "Not necessarily, maybe one day I know, there is no airtight wall in the world."

  Liu Feng glanced at Terumi Mei and said.

  "I won't let others know, and Mizukage-sama, Mikoto also likes Hinata very much, so Mikoto shouldn't want Hinata to be taken away."

  Terumi Mei stood behind Liu Feng, pinched her shoulders and said.

  Terumi Mei and Liu Feng said this mainly because they wanted Liu Feng to change his mind. Even if Hinata knew about it in the future, he would leave Hinata in the village of Kirin.

  "I understand what you think, but if you really like Hinata, then pay attention to what she thinks, maybe she wants to go back."

  After listening to Liu Feng's words, Terumi Mei was confused, but she still decided to be selfish and blocked the news first.


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Chapter 180

  On the moonlit night, Liu Feng stood in the courtyard, staring at the full moon in the sky.

  "What are you pretending to be deep here?"

  Kushina suddenly jumped out from behind Liu Feng and threw himself directly on Liu Feng's body.

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