"When did I pretend to be deep, isn't it okay to admire the moon?" Liu Feng angrily pulled Kushina from her body~.

  "Wuwu, Liu Feng, you disliked me."

  Kushina wiped away tears that didn't exist at all, but her voice was quite aggrieved.

  "You're not qualified to pretend to cry, at least you have to prepare some eye drops, and drop two tears to be qualified." Liu Feng said with disgust.

  "Hmph, Mikoto has already prepared a late-night snack. If you don't eat it, you won't have your share. I won't leave it for you."

  Kushina snorted softly, stomped her feet, and then walked towards the house.

  "Eat, of course."

  Liu Feng followed Kushina and walked in. At this time, Mikoto and Tsunade had already sat down. In addition to them, there were Xiao Nan and the timid Hinata.

  Hinata has been staying in Wu Nin Village for a long time, but when facing Liu Feng, she is always a little scared.

  "I didn't bully you girl, right, why are you afraid of me?" Liu Feng put her hand on Hinata's head and asked Hinata.

  This really confuses Liu Feng.

  "She's just afraid of life, she's too introverted and bad, Hinata."

  Kushina took a piece of fish and put it in Hinata's bowl.

  "Thank you...Thank you." Hinata thanked timidly.

  "Didn't you return to Xiao Organization before, why didn't you stay in Xiao Organization?" Liu Feng looked at Xiao Nan and asked Xiao Nan.

  A few days ago, Xiao Nan knew some information about Xiao Organization, so he told Liu Feng that he wanted to leave Wu Nin Village for a few days and go to Xiao Organization.

  Liu Feng agreed directly to this, but he didn't expect Xiao Nan to come back today, he thought that Xiao Nan would not come back.

  "Even if you don't come back directly, I won't trouble you. After all, I've made so much money for me, and I'm still very tolerant."

  "I have already decided that I will stay in Wu Nin Village for the rest of my life."

  Xiao Nan shook his head lightly and said, looking at Liu Feng with some gratitude. In fact, Liu Feng had promised to let her go to Xiao Organization, which made her very grateful.

  Moreover, she had a good life in Wu Ninth Village, Liu Feng never bullied her, and even taught her ninjutsu when she was free.

  She went to Akatsuki organization again, just to understand the current situation of Akatsuki organization, knowing that Nagato is still alive is enough.

  However, Xiao Nan found that Nagato has changed, and it is not the same as the Nagato she once knew.

  Nagato also wanted her to stay in the Xiao organization, but Xiao Nan refused. Liu Feng trusted her and let her go back to the Xiao organization to see by herself. She couldn't live up to this trust.

  "Liu Feng, you don't want to chase Xiao Nan away." Jiuxinai directly took Xiao Nan's hand.

  She was also thinking about doing the detonating talisman business with Xiao Nan. Although the detonating talisman business is not as good as it was when the Ninja World War broke out, it's not bad.

  After all, detonating charms are consumables, and there will always be people who need them.

  "Of course not." Liu Feng glanced at Xiao Nan who was a little nervous: "Actually, I've known each other for a long time, and I'm not a ruthless person. I have already regarded you as a person from Wu Nin Village."

  Xiao Nan's eyes brightened slightly after hearing this.

  "Liu Feng, someone has sneaked into Mistin Village." Tsunade put down the teacup in his hand and said to Liu Feng.

  There was a dim light in Liu Feng's eyes, and the imposing manner of the person who came was not weak, and Liu Feng could feel it.

  "Would you like me to solve it?" The tenderness on Mikoto's face disappeared, revealing a sharp look.

  Not only did he sneak into the Kirin Village, but the other party also sneaked into the Uchiha clan and came here, most likely to Liu Feng.

  "No, Mikoto, sit down and eat, I'll meet you out."

  Liu Feng smiled, then stood up and walked out.

  "Aren't we going to help?" Xiao Nan asked in confusion.

  "What help, does Liu Feng still need our help? Don't you know how strong he is?" Jiuxinai comforted Xiao Nan and said.

  However, Xiaonan really doesn't know Liu Feng very well. She rarely sees Liu Feng's shot. Before, she saw Liu Feng's shot when Liu Feng shot against Yahiko and Nagato.

  Seeing that Kushina, Mikoto, and Tsunade were not worried, Konan also felt relieved.

  Outside, Liu Feng put a hand on the shoulder of a man in a white robe.

  "Wearing a white robe at night, are you going to pretend to be a ghost?" Liu Feng asked lightly.

  Liu Feng suddenly appeared behind him and put his hand on his shoulder, startling him, and immediately turned around and punched Liu Feng.


  The fist that came over was pinched by Liu Feng, and then he broke it with force, and his wrist was directly folded.

  "I dare to do it, but I'm not small." Liu Feng looked at the other party calmly, but after seeing the other party's empty eye sockets, there was a trace of waves in his eyes.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  This guy lost his eyes, and he was able to sneak into Konoha Village without his eyes. This ability is quite strong.

  "Tell me about your identity." In order to avoid the opponent's resistance, Liu Feng pinned him to the ground with several black sticks in his hand.

  This is a black rod formed by yin and yang. The person who is hit will be disturbed by chakra, and inserted into the opponent's body can block the opponent's acupuncture point for practicing chakra.

  The conditions of use are to master the Yin-Yang escape or have the eye of reincarnation.

  Liu Feng asked, but couldn't get an answer, because the other party's mouth was very strict, and he didn't say anything when he asked.

  "Forget it, use another method."

  Liu Feng held the opponent's head and directly used the power of Samsara Eye to read the opponent's memory.


  "From the moon, someone from the Otsutsugi clan?" Liu Feng was slightly surprised when he knew the identity of the other party.

  The Otsutsugi clan lives on the moon. They are all descendants of Otsutsugi Yu Village, which is the younger brother of the Six Path Immortal Otsutsugi Yui.

  The Otsutsugi clan on the moon and the Hinata clan of Konoha Village are all descendants of Otsutsuki Yu Village.

  The Otsutsugi clan living on the moon, their duty for generations is to guard the outsider golem, which is the body of the ten tails.

  But after Uchiha Madara opened the Samsara Eye, he channeled the outsider golem, and the constant wars in the ninja world also caused civil strife within the Otsutsugi clan.

  The Otsutsugi branch clan dug out his own eyes, fused with countless white eyes to create a giant Tenseigan, defeated the Zong family, and destroyed the Zong family.

  This person is the patriarch of the Otsutsuki branch family, and the only human being alive on the moon. The other person is his son, the Otsutsuki Sheren.

  "It seems that the purpose of your coming to Kirin Village is not for me, but for Hinata Hinata."

  Without having to check his other memories, Liu Feng knew that his target must be Hinata Hinata. Although Hinata Hinata was very weak, she was called the White-Eyed Princess.

  With pure white eyes, Otsutsuki Sheren also wanted to marry Hinata as his wife.

  And more than that, if you capture Hinata's white eyes, I am afraid that Otsutsuki Toren will be able to open Tensei Eyes immediately. This is not weaker than Samsara Eye's pupil technique, all kinds of super destructive big moves, which are more powerful than those shown. The reincarnation eye is still strong.


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Chapter 181

  "Your appearance reminded me that there is a huge Tenseigan on the moon."

  Liu Feng decisively killed the patriarch of the Otsutsugi clan. His memory Liu Feng was only checked, and the other memory Liu Feng was not interested.

  However, Liu Feng was still very interested in the giant Tenseisen.

  "This guy's corpse can also be studied. After all, there is the blood of the Otsutsugi clan." Liu Feng looked at the other's corpse.

  The Uchiha family can be said to be the differentiation of the Otsutsuki bloodline, but now the Otsutsuki bloodline of the Uchiha family is definitely not pure.

  On the moon, the Otsutsugi clan is different. Their marriage and inheritance are all intermarriage within the clan, so the bloodline is very pure.

  It is because of the pure blood that Toru Otsutsuki can open Tenseigan.

  Called a few Anbu ninjas to clean up the corpse in front of him, and then Liu Feng went back.

  "It's solved, who is that little hairy thief without long eyes?" Jiuxinai asked Liu Feng curiously.

  "Since you are so curious now, why didn't you just come out and take a look?"

  Liu Feng looked at the already eaten supper and rolled his eyes, needless to say, most of it must have entered Kushina's stomach.

  "Didn't you tell us to stay in the room, I'm obedient." Kushina looked at Liu Feng with an aggrieved expression.

  "Hehe, I think you're not willing to come out for supper." Liu Feng put his hand on Kushina's head and rubbed it vigorously.

  Kushina opened Liu Feng's hand and made a face at Liu Feng.

  "It feels like Kushina, you are like a little child." Tsunade glanced at Kushina and said.

  "Mikoto, do you feel the same way?" Tsunade also asked Mikoto.

  "Well, I feel that way." Mikoto smiled and nodded.

  "Tsunate, are you mocking me? I'm going to duel with you."

  "Okay, I'd rather have a duel with you."

  Tsunade's eyes lit up slightly, she didn't think Kushina could beat her, now that Tsunade has mastered the wooden escape, and can also play the immortal mode.

  Immortal mode plus Mu Dun, using the wooden Dun immortal method of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, how many people can beat her, even Mikoto with the eternal kaleidoscope is not an opponent.

  Kushina also knew about Tsunade's situation, but that didn't mean that Kushina would be afraid. After all, Kushina also had a killer move, the Eighty Gods Air Strike, which Liu Feng gave her to obtain the ability card.

  "I'm afraid you two won't be able to fight even if you want to." Mikoto glanced at Liu Feng, then said to Tsunade and Kushina.

  Indeed, Liu Feng certainly couldn't let them fight. They must fight in the water country, but the terrifying destructive power, I don't know how many things will be destroyed.

  "If you two don't want to be cleaned up by me, you'd better be honest." Liu Feng reminded them.

  "Where do you want to take care of me, Liu Feng?" Tsunade blinked at Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng was stunned for a moment, but Tsunade was still driving, and then said meaningfully: "I can take care of you anywhere."

  Tsunade's face turned rosy for a moment, but it disappeared immediately, posing as if he was not afraid of you, I have to say that Tsunade is super brave.

  Since Tsunade was so brave, how could Liu Feng fail her, and Tsunade was soon taken away by Liu Feng.

  The next day, the energetic Liu Feng came out of the room, leaving Tsunade who was sleeping soundly behind.

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