"Time to go to the moon."

  Liu Feng intends to go to the moon, targeting the giant Tensei on the moon.

  The Ninja world has a passage to the moon, but Liu Feng doesn't need it at all. Using Huangquan Hirazaka, he directly steps into the dark space passage.

  When Liu Feng came out, he appeared in the interior of the moon. I am afraid that people in the ninja world would never imagine that the interior of the moon is empty, with floating islands one by one.

  "It seems that the battle between the split family and the Zong family was very brutal."

  Liu Feng looked at the dilapidated interior of the moon, and the remnants of the war can still be seen now.

  Most people can't find the location of the giant Tenseigan, but Liu Feng has read the memory of the head of the Otsutsuki branch family, and of course he knows where it is.

  I have to say that the Otsutsuki branch family is really crazy. In order to eliminate the Zong family, he actually dug out his own eyes and created a huge Tenseisen.

  Of course, the giant Tenseigan is not simply to destroy the clan, but also to destroy the entire ninja world.

  Appearing on a small island in outer space, there is a huge Tenseigan of the Otsutsuki family, and the only survivor of the Otsutsuki family, Toto Otsutsuki is also here.

  "When the Otsutsugi branch won the clan, why did everyone die?" Liu Feng suddenly thought of this question.

  I haven't checked the memory of the head of the Otsutsuki branch before, but it's not important to Liu Feng, Liu Feng just thought about it on a whim...  

  "Father? No, you are not my father."

  Otsutsuki Sheren in the temple faced Liu Feng with a vigilant look on his face.

  Today's Otsutsuki Totoro is young, about the same age as Hinata, but his character is more mature.

  "Your father is dead. It's quite pitiful to see you alone. I'll send you to find your father."

  Liu Feng looked at Totoro Otsutsuki calmly and said.

  It is the so-called cutting grass and rooting, so as to avoid Otsutsuki Sheren looking for him for revenge in the future, so let's get rid of Otsutsuki Sheren.

  As long as this guy gets a pair of pure Hyuga clan's white eyes, he can evolve into a Tenseisen. Although he is far from being an opponent of Liu Feng, he still poses a great threat to the rest of the village.

  So this threat, just wipe it out now.

  A gray-white bone hit Otsutsuki Sheren, and then Otsutsuki Sheren rotted along with the bone and turned into fly ash.

  "His body should have been left."

  After Otsutsuki Sheren was completely turned into fly ash, Liu Feng regretted it a little, and the corpse was not useless. Speaking of which, Otsutsuki Sheren's corpse was more valuable than his father's.

  Looking at the giant Tenseigan, the color of the giant Tenseisen at this time is yellow, as dazzling as a sun.

  The giant Tenseigan will absorb chakra after being touched by someone who is not of Hanamura blood.

  However, this Liu Feng is not worried. To absorb chakra, it must be on the same level as Liu Feng, or even higher than Liu Feng.

   Obviously, the huge Tenseisen created by the Otsutsuki branch has far less power than Liu Feng, not to mention Liu Feng also has a Tenseisen.

  "The power contained in this giant Tenseigan is so strong. Could it be that those people from the Otsutsugi branch gave everything to the giant Tenseisen before they died?"

  This is possible, although the Giant Tenseisen does not absorb the chakra of the Hamura bloodline, but if the chakra is offered actively, the Giant Tenseisen will definitely absorb it.

  I remember that the giant Tenseigan that was originally created was actually purple, and now it has turned yellow, and it will definitely not change color for no reason.

  Of course, these are just random speculations by Liu Feng, and there is no basis in fact, but there is no need for Liu Feng to know the truth.


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Chapter 182

  Looking at the giant Tenseigan, Liu Feng began to think about how to deal with this thing, it is definitely impossible to stay here.

  This is a good thing. Wouldn't it be a waste to stay here. The huge Tenseigan is formed by the fusion of countless white eyes. It doesn't seem to be particularly authentic, but its power is quite powerful.

  "I can absorb the pupil power of the giant Tenseikan, but even if I absorb the pupil power, it is of no use to me."

  Liu Feng can absorb the pupil power of this huge Tenseigan, but Liu Feng's eyes have evolved to the peak, and even if it can really evolve, it is not something that a huge Tenseisen's pupil power can do.

  "The Royal Palace of Heaven."

  Using the Heaven's Royal Palace, Liu Feng was thrown into the starting ball space, and temporarily placed in the starting ball space of the Heaven's Royal Palace, it should be safe inside.

  Well, it's worth mentioning that Liu Feng's Sky Royal Space is actually not the same as Otsutsuki Kaguya's Sky Royal Space, and they have nothing to do with each other.

  The same is true for the different space of Shenwei. The different space that Liu Feng entered using Shenwei is not the same as the one that Obito used Shenwei to enter.

  At that time, Liu Feng used Huangquan Hirazaka to leave the moon 28.

  "Where have you been?"

  Just after returning, Liu Feng was questioned by Kushina.

  "I went to the moon, what's the matter?" Liu Feng didn't hide the question after hearing Kushina's question, and told Kushina directly.

  "What, went to the moon?" Kushina looked at Liu Feng with a strange expression, and then raised her head to look at the moon, which was impossible to see during the day.

  "Do you think I'm kidding you?"

  "I don't think you're just playing me, and you're still playing me as a fool, do you really think I'm a fool?" Jiuxinai stared at Liu Feng angrily.

  "I didn't lie to you, I did go to the moon. Do you remember the little thief who was going to sneak in yesterday?"

  "Remember, does it have something to do with him?"

  "Well, that guy is from the moon, a member of the Otsutsugi clan, so of course I will also go to the moon." Liu Feng nodded and said to Kushina.

  "Then how did you go to the moon, can you tell me about it?" Jiuxinai asked Liu Feng curiously looking forward to it.

  "Time and space ninjutsu, Huang Quan Hirazaka, just open the space channel and reach the moon, isn't it very simple."

  Liu Feng spread out his hands and said, while the corners of Jiuxinai's mouth twitched, this is called simple, you can call it simple.

  Sorry, I don't understand what real simplicity is.

  "I want to go to the moon too, can I?"

  Kushina didn't care that Liu Feng was pretending to be in front of her, but she was really curious about the scenery on the moon and wanted to go to the moon to see it.

  "What to do on the moon, there is nothing to see there, it's all rundown."

  If it was before the Otsutsugi clan had been exterminated, it would have been beautiful, but the Otsutsugi clan had been exterminated, and the interior was also destroyed, so what could it look like.

  "Hmph, I knew you didn't want to take me there. It doesn't matter, I'll find Mikoto."

  Kushina remembered that Mikoto can now also use the time and space ninjutsu of Huangquan Hirazaka. Since Liu Feng didn't take her there, let Mikoto take her there.

  "Although Mikoto knows Huangquan Hirazaka, for her, opening a space channel to the moon will consume too much chakra."

  Liu Feng stretched out his hand to hold Kushina, and Huang Quan's chakra consumption was much higher than that of Liangzaka.

  Especially at such a long distance, the consumption of chakra will also increase. Although Mikoto is already at the peak of the super shadow level, she is even about to step into the sixth level.

  But Mikoto's Chakra was still very reluctant.

  "Forget it, I'll take you there. You go to Mikoto and the others and ask them to see if they are interested. If they are interested, take them with you."

  Liu Feng knew that if Kushina's curiosity was not satisfied, Kushina would definitely not give up, so she took a trip to the moon to make Kushina give up.

  "Okay, I'll go ask Mikoto now."

  Kushina immediately ran into the room, pulled Mikoto and the others out, but Tsunade was not here, because Tsunade was too tired yesterday, so she was still resting.

  As for why he is tired, this person who understands understands.

  "I heard Kushina say that you are going on a trip to the moon, is it true?" Mikoto asked Liu Feng after she came over.

  Among them, Xiaonan and Hinata also followed, and they were also pulled together by Kushina.

  "Yes, it's mainly to satisfy Kushina's curiosity, otherwise, I don't want to go to that place again."

  Liu Feng has roughly glanced at everything inside the moon. To be honest, there is nothing worth seeing, not even a tourist place.

  "Let's go."

  Liu Feng directly used Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space channel, and then walked in first, followed by Mikoto and the others.

  Among them, Hinata followed Mikoto, holding Mikoto's hand tightly. She was very afraid of this dark space passage.

  "You said this place is the inside of the moon?" Kushina looked at everything around him curiously, and there was a small sun in the sky.

  However, the sun is only responsible for lighting and does not emit heat. It can be regarded as a large light bulb.

  Then there are the floating islands, all of which are dilapidated buildings.

  Originally, these buildings may have been very good, but unfortunately, the war between the Otsutsuki branch and the Otsutsuki sect led to the destruction of these buildings.

  After the victory of the Otsutsugi branch, they did not repair these buildings, but simply cleaned up the corpses after the war, not even the blood.

  "What are you looking for?" Mikoto asked suspiciously as Kushina was rummaging around.

  "I'm looking for good things left over, such as the more powerful ninjutsu left over, so I can learn it."

  Kushina stated her purpose.

  The Otsutsugi clan living on the moon must be very powerful, so they must have mastered the powerful ninjutsu.

  However, Kushina thought too much. In fact, the Otsutsugi clan did not know how to ninjutsu at all. What they had been practicing was only taijutsu, just like the soft boxing method handed down by the Hyuga clan.

  Others only rely on Chakra attacks and have no understanding of ninjutsu at all.

  Ninjutsu was developed later. When the Otsutsugi clan moved to the moon, there was no ninjutsu in the ninja world. What they mastered should be called jutsu alone.

  "Don't be the same as looking through the garbage. It's a bit embarrassing. I guess it's useless if you find it, and you can't learn because you don't have a blank eye."

  Liu Feng estimates that the techniques of the Otsutsuki family also need to be used with Baiyan. With Baiyan, it is impossible for them to create techniques without considering Baiyan's advantages.

  "Why do you rely on Baiyan? Could it be that the Otsutsugi clan is still related to the Hinata clan?" Kushina put down the search, and was very curious.

  "It's related. The Hinata clan and the Otsutsugi clan on the moon are an ancestor. They are all descendants of the Six Path Immortal's younger brother, Otsutsuki Yucun."

  Kushina and Mikoto were really surprised. The news shocked them, and they glanced at Hinata. The Otsutsugi family here is also distant relatives to Hinata.


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