Chapter 183

  "Liu Feng, did that person come for Hinata yesterday?"

  Mikoto was very smart, and she thought for a moment that the patriarch of the Otsutsugi branch yesterday was probably because Hinata had sneaked into the Kirin Village.

  "It should be true. Although I checked his memory, I didn't check all of his memories, so I can't be completely sure, but nine times out of ten, it should be for Hinata."

  At this time, Liu Feng regretted not checking all the memories of the head of the Otsutsugi branch, but at that time Liu Feng just didn't want to see so much messy information.

  After all, a person's memory is too huge. It takes a lot of time for Liu Feng to read all of them. He can only filter some of the things he wants to know.

  "Liu Feng, I've decided." Jiuxinai suddenly ran to Liu Feng excitedly.

  "What did you decide?"

  Liu Feng looked at Jiuxinai with a bewildered expression, not knowing why Jiuxinai was so excited.

  "I've decided that I'm going to repair the interior of the moon and use it as our base in the future. What do you think?" Kushina expressed her thoughts.

  "How much does it cost?" Mikoto knew it would cost a lot of money when she saw it.

  "I can make a detonating charm and let Kushina sell it to make money."

  At this time, Xiao Nan said, this is the only thing she can help.

  "This is actually not so troublesome. After using the Shen Luo Tianzheng to level it, it is good to build it with a wooden scorpion. It doesn't need to spend money at all." Liu Feng said to them.

  But after speaking, Liu Feng immediately regretted it, because now Liu Feng has been targeted by Jiu Xinnai, and at this time Jiu Xinnai stared straight at Liu Feng, obviously wanting Liu Feng to help.

  "Since you, Liu Feng, have already made a plan for how to deal with it, how about handing over this arduous task to you?" Jiuxinai looked at Liu Feng expectantly.

  "It's not very good, I'm not interested here, and it's very troublesome for you to come here. Could it be that the tolerance world can't tolerate you and makes you want to come to the moon."

  Liu Feng rolled his eyes. Liu Feng really didn't have much interest in the interior of the moon, the territory of the Otsutsuki family.

  "Isn't it bad here?" Kushina asked Liu Feng.

  "I don't see what's good here. Do you want to stay here in the future, not in the ninja world?"

  "Of course not, I must stay in the ninja world, there is no one here, how can I stay here all the time." Kushina immediately shook his head.

  "That's not it, since you won't be here, why waste your time here?"

  Liu Feng took them away from the interior of the moon and appeared on the surface of the moon.

  Perhaps this moon in Naruto World is special because there is actually oxygen here. Of course, even if there is no oxygen, Liu Feng will definitely be able to survive without being affected.

  From here, the feeling of being able to see the earth is really amazing for Kushina and the others.

  On the moon, perhaps at the beginning, Kushina's interest was relatively strong, but after a long time, he gradually lost interest.

  "Let's go, let's go back, I don't think it's that interesting here."

  "Hehe, Kushina, you are really fickle."

  Mikoto couldn't help but covered her mouth and smiled. She wanted to build the interior of the moon before, and it seemed that she wanted to live here for a while, but after a few hours, she lost interest.

  "Mikoto, I think you're laughing at me." Kushina gave Mikoto a vicious look.

  "Okay, I'll take you back, I'll talk to you first, and don't pull me here again." Liu Feng reminded Jiuxinai.

  Next time Kushina wants to come to the moon, let her rely on her own ability, but for Kushina, I am afraid it will be difficult.

  There are two ways to come to the moon, one is to rely on your own means, and the other is to find the channel between the moon and the ninja world.

  That's right, the moon and the ninja world have space passages. In the original theatrical version, Naruto Uzumaki is the moon that came to rely on the space passage.

  As for where it is hidden, I really don't know. It is estimated that it is hidden very deep and difficult to find.

  Of course, if Liu Feng is looking for it, he will definitely be able to find it, but Liu Feng is not interested, he can come by himself, so why bother looking for that space channel.

  Using Huangquan Hirazaka, I took them back home.

  "Where have you been before?"

  Tsunade had woken up at this time, but when she woke up, she found that there was no one at home, and she was very depressed, especially since she hadn't eaten yet and was still hungry.

  Mikoto was the only one who could cook at home. Well, there was also an extra helper, Xiao Nan. The others were all people who could only wait to eat.

  Tsunade and Kushina, they can only cook dark dishes.

  "We went to the moon, but unfortunately you were still sleeping and couldn't go with us." Kushina excitedly explained the wonders of the moon's interior to Tsunade.

  Indeed, the construction of the interior of the moon is quite shocking to those who first saw it.

  "Really or not, you're not lying to me, are you?" Tsunade didn't quite believe what Kushina said.

  "'s true." Hinata said at this time.

  "Since what Hinata said is true, it seems that it should be true." Tsunade saw that Hinata had spoken, and immediately believed it.

  "¨"Why do you believe in Hinata but not me? "Kushina asked Tsunade very dissatisfied.

  "It's very simple, Hinata will definitely not tell lies, but you are not necessarily."

  "Have I lied to you?"

  Kushina thought about it carefully, she had never lied to Tsunade, and she still didn't trust herself.

  "Mikoto, come with me." Liu Feng took Mikoto's hand and used Huangquan Hirazaka to disappear.

  "Hey, where are you going?"

  Tsunade saw that Liu Feng suddenly took Mikoto's hand and used Huangquan Hirazaka to walk away. He couldn't help but slapped the table and ran away, especially Liu Feng took Mikoto away.

  She is about to starve to death now, who will cook when Mikoto is gone.

  "It looks like I'm going to starve to death, do I have to cook by myself?" Tsunade looked at the kitchen with a look of embarrassment on his face.

  My family knows the situation of my family, and my cooking skills can be said to be disastrous. The food that I make may not be eaten in the hospital so boasting (Wang's) Zhang, but it is sure that as long as everyone is unwilling to eat it.

  "If you don't mind, Sister Tsunade, I can cook for you." Xiao Nan said to Tsunade with a soft smile on his face.

  "I don't mind, of course I don't mind, please, Xiao Nan." Tsunade smiled. Although Xiao Nan's cooking skills were not as good as Mikoto's, she was definitely much better than herself.

  "I'm going to help too. Speaking of which, I haven't cooked for you yet." Kushina walked towards the kitchen, but was immediately pulled by Tsunade.

  Tsunade stared at Kushina fiercely, and gritted his teeth and said, "Kushina, I don't have such a big hatred with you, right? Are you trying to kill me?"

  Because Kushina went to the kitchen beyond her own strength, Tsunade knew that Kushina's level was on the same level as her, not even comparable to her.

  What Kushina made, Tsunade didn't dare to eat anyway.


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Chapter 184

  "Liu Feng, where is this?"

  Mikoto followed Liu Feng to the starting ball space, and looked around with doubts in her eyes.

  "This is the starting ball space, just treat it as a space under my control."

  Holding Mikoto's hand, Liu Feng brought Mikoto to the giant Tenseisen.

  "Is this a giant eye?"

  Mikoto looked at the huge gigantic Tenseigan with a dull expression. What creature would have such big eyes, and Mikoto felt that these eyes were dangerous.

  "This is a giant Tenseisen. My previous goal of going to the moon was for this thing." Liu Feng said to Mikoto.

  "This is a person from the Otsutsuki branch. He was fused with the eyes of the entire family. He has the power to destroy the world and is no weaker than the eye of reincarnation."

  "so smart."

  Although Mikoto doesn't have a reincarnation eye, she has an Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye. Even the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye is so powerful. What about the Reincarnation Eye that is stronger than the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye?

  And the huge Tenseigan in front of him was not weaker than the Samsara Eye, and Mikoto took it seriously in an instant.

  "I brought you here because I want to use the pupil power of this huge Tenseigan to help you open the Samsara Eye."

  That's right, Liu Feng brought Mikoto into the starting ball space to help Mikoto open the reincarnation eye.

  This giant Tenseigan was useless against Liu Feng, and if it could help Mikoto open the Samsara Eye, it would be considered valuable.

  Mikoto blinked her eyes and asked Liu Feng, "How to use it?"

  Mikoto knew that since Liu Feng brought her here, there must be a way, but she just didn't know what to do.

  "Let you absorb the pure pupil power of the huge Tenseigan, and then open the Samsara Eye."

  Liu Feng felt that this method was very feasible, not to mention that Liu Feng would also help Mikoto, so there would be absolutely no mistakes.

  Then Liu Feng placed his hand on the giant Tenseigan, and then placed the other hand on Mikoto's forehead, and a pure pupil force entered Mikoto's eyes.

  Feeling this powerful pupil power, Mikoto couldn't help but close her eyes, feeling a little sore in her eyes.

  At the same time, the sixth-level chakra belonging to Liu Feng also entered Mikoto's body, and under Liu Feng's control, it merged with Mikoto's own chakra.

  "Mikoto, if you feel uncomfortable, tell me quickly." Liu Feng said to Mikoto.

  "Well, I know." Mikoto nodded.

  Although the eyes are a little sore, it is not particularly uncomfortable. This should be a reaction caused by the rapid growth of pupil power.

  One minute, two minutes... Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye, Mikoto opened her eyes, and her terrifying pupil power exploded. If someone else stood beside Mikoto, they would probably be blown away by this power.

  "It seems to be a real success."

  Liu Feng looked at Mikoto's Samsara eyes. Before, Liu Feng only guessed that it would work, but now he can be sure that it is really feasible.

  However, Liu Feng can also ensure absolute safety in the process, and even if there is an error, Mikoto will not be in trouble.

  Just now, Liu Feng not only sent the pure pupil power transformed from the giant Tenseigan to Mikoto, but also sent his own six-path chakra into Mikoto's inner body, ensuring that there is absolutely no danger.

  Looking at the giant Tenseigan, the power contained in the giant Tenseisen is actually very strong, but it is not pure enough, but Liu Feng had just transformed into pure pupil power, which led to helping Mikoto open the Samsara Eye this time, and the consumption was more than expected.

  Although it consumes more than expected, the pupil power contained in the giant Tenseigan has not been completely consumed, and there is still a small half of pupil power stored in it.

  The light emanating from the giant Tenseisen was a little dim, but Liu Feng ignored it. Anyway, after helping Mikoto open the Eye of Samsara, the mission of this giant Tenseisen was completed.

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